Thursday, August 22, 2019
Computers are not confined to being used for entertainment but its role in education is also vast Essay Example for Free
Computers are not confined to being used for entertainment but its role in education is also vast Essay A. Introduction A library is a place in which literary and artistic materials such as books, periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets, prints, records, and tapes, are kept for reading, reference or lending. A collection of such materials, especially when systematically arranged; a room of private home for such collection. At first glance, your library is a bunch of books with a librarian to check them out to you, and back in when you return them. Your librarian insures (of tries to, as money permits) your library is well stocked with current titles. The librarian also has to keep the building neat and in good repair and also these things only shows a few of the things which make up your library. Now a day, in a highly technological society, human productivity is made more efficient through the development of electronic gadgets. Now, with the advent of such modernization in education, one way to globalize the process of research is to realize that technology is advancing at an incredibly fast pace. In School, reading materials are stored in libraries. Library is a place in which books and related materials are kept for use but not for sale. It is also organized for use and maintained by a public body, an institution or a private individual. In addition, it is a place in which we get information in any format and from many sources. The librarian has to keep the room neat so that it is conducive for learning. The librarian is also the person who is liable for monitoring all the books that are borrowed and returned by the borrowers. B. Background of the Study The proponents will propose the Library Books Borrowing and Returning System for General Miguel Malvar Elementary School located at Mangga Ave, Sta Mesa, Manila. . The Head Librarian, Mrs. Tina Guerrero stated that they are currently using the Dewey Decimal Library System. They are still utilizing a manual system. The library users and the librarian still use card catalogues in searching for reading materials and use index card for the records of borrowed and returned books. The proponent’s study was what is which encounter to the Library by the user, Librarian and how the Owner or the Administrator of the said school will provide a good service to their clients to have a good feedback. The study will focus on transaction which done inside the Library like borrowing, returning of books by students, faculties and staffs. C. Statement of the Problem General Problem: * How to computerized Library System of Gen. Miguel Malvar Elementary School? Specific Problem: * How to maintain library records? * How to provide back-up copy? * How to maintain data integrity? * How to make user friendly screen? * How to secure database files? D. Objective of the Study General Objective: * To develop a computerized library system for Gen. Miguel Malvar Elementary School using Visual Basic. Specific Objective: * To maintain library record by providing add, edit and delete module to our system. * To create utility module to back up database files. * To maintain data integrity by creating a relational database files. * To make a user friendly screen by designing a simple screen that can be easily understand. * To secure database file by creating a user log-in for security purposes. E. Scope and Limitations The library system can only monitor the borrowed and returned books. It computes the penalty for due date. The system does not include the inventory of the books. F. Significance of the Study As the researchers identify their objectives, they were able to discuss the significance of their topic to certain factors which they are closely related: Librarian / Custodian * The Librarian / Custodian will benefit from this project because it will help him/her monitor the books borrowed and returned. School * The school will benefit from this project because they help provide books to student of that school. Student * The student will benefit from this project because can help the student to easily know if the books he /she need is available or not in the library. Chapter II A. Feasibility Study 1. Operational Feasibility The system is operationally feasible because their library staff is computer literate and is trained to use computer applications plus, they know the basic things they used to do on the manual library system, thereby maintaining the concepts of the originallibrary logic. We can also say that it is operationally feasible because their facility has computers without taking much space and the main office actually holds the database since they originally have a main storage of information for the billing of their student. 2. Technical Feasibility The proposed system is technicallyfeasible because the Software and Hardware are available. The Software to be use is Visual Basic. Net and the database is MS Access. 3. Economical Feasibility The system is economically feasible. The maintenance of computer hardware and software is updated. a. Initial Investment Computer set with printer P15, 000. Computer programmer P40, 000 Total initial Investment P55, 00 b. Existing Operational Cost Salary of 3 employees P30, 000 Logbook papers P1, 500 Ball pensP150 Electricity P 1, 200 Total operational cost P32,850 c. Proposed System Operational Cost Salary of 2 employees P25, 000 Internet connectionP1, 200 Electricity P1, 500 PapersP 900 Total operational cost P28,600 d. Savings Monthly Operational Cost| Existing| Supplies| P1,650| Maintenance| P1,200| Labor| P30,000| Total| P32,850| Yearly Operational Cost| Existing| 1st| P394,200| 2nd| P421,794| 3rd| P449,388| 4th| P476,982| 5th| P504,576| Monthly Operational Cost| Proposed|. Supplies| P900| Maintenance| P2,700| Labor| P25,000| Total| P28,600| Yearly Operational Cost| Proposed| 1st| P343,200| 2nd| P367,224| 3rd| P391,284| 4th| P415,272| 5th| P439,296| SAVINGS/PAY | Existing System| Proposed System| Savings| 1st Year| 394,200| 343,200| 51,000| 2nd Year| 788,400| 686,400| 102,000| 3rd Year| 1,182,600| 1,029,600| 153,00| 4th Year| 1,576,800| 1,372,800| 204,000| 5th Year| 1,971,000| 1,716,000| 255,00| BACK PERIOD Chapter III ID ID A. Data Flow Diagram 1. DFD of Existing System BORROWED BOOK BORROWED BOOK NO PENALTY NO PENALTY ACCCEPTED BORROWED BOOK ACCCEPTED BORROWED BOOK 5 CHECK PENALTY 5 CHECK. PENALTY 4 ACCEPT BORROWED BOOK 4 ACCEPT BORROWED BOOK 6 RETURN ID 6 RETURN ID Student Student ID, BOOK ID, BOOK 1 RECEIVED ID BOOK 1 RECEIVED ID BOOK M2 BOOK CARD M2 BOOK CARD M1 LOGBOOK M1 LOGBOOK W/ PENALTY W/ PENALTY RECEIPT RECEIPT RECEIVED ID BOOK RECEIVED ID BOOK DISPATCHED BOOK DISPATCHED BOOK 2 UPDATE CARD BOOK 2 UPDATE CARD BOOK 7 ACCEPT PAYMENT 7 ACCEPT PAYMENT M2 BOOK CARD M2 BOOK CARD PAYMENT PAYMENT Student Student. 3 DISPATCH BOOK 3 DISPATCH BOOK M3 PENALTY M3 PENALTY 2. DFD of Proposed System ID ID 5 RECORD RETURN TRANSACTION 5 RECORD RETURN TRANSACTION NO PAYMENT NO PAYMENT RETURNED BOOK RETURNED BOOK. 4 CHECK PENALTY 4 CHECK PENALTY Student Student BORROWED BOOK BORROWED BOOK Recorded Return Transaction Recorded Return Transaction 1 RECORD BOOK CARD 1 RECORD BOOK CARD C1 TRANSACTION INFO C1 TRANSACTION INFO C1 TRANSACTION INFO C1 TRANSACTION INFO DISPATCHED BOOK DISPATCHED BOOK Recorded Transaction Recorded Transaction 6 COMPUTE PENALTY 6 COMPUTE PENALTY C1 TRANSACTION INFO C1 TRANSACTION INFO 7 ACCEPT PENALTY 7 ACCEPT PENALTY COMPUTED PENALTY COMPUTED PENALTY 2 UPDATE CARD BOOK 2 UPDATE CARD BOOK C2 Book Card C2 Book Card PAYMENT PAYMENT CHANGE CHANGE Student Student 3 DISPATCH BOOK 3 DISPATCH BOOK B. Prototyping 1. Program Listing Screen Title: Log-in Form Description: This is the log-in form. First the user will input the username and the password then click the log-in button. If the user inputted the correct username and password it will show the transactions form. Screen Title: ERROR Button Description: This form will show if the user inputted the wrong username and password. To go back to the log-in form click the OK button. Administrator Screen Title: Administrator Description: This is where you can view the student account and admin account. If you click the button menu you can see the information of the student and the administration. Admin Account Screen Title: Admin Account Description: This is where the user can view their account and information. Student Account Screen Title: Student Account Description: This is where the user can view their account and information. Select Information Screen Title: Select Information Description: This is the Select Information Form. If the user wants to view the Student Information he/she will click the Student Information Button. If the user wants to view the Book Information he/she will click the Book Information Button. If the user wants to view or make Transaction he/she will click the Transaction Information Button. If the user wants to view the reports he/she will click the Report Button. If the user wants to view or make another user he/she will click the Administration Button. Student Information Screen Title: Student Information Description: This form is the Student Information form. It contains the Student No., Name, Grade and Section, Address, and Contact number. In this form the user can add, edit and delete Student information. Book Information Screen Title: Book Information Description: This form is the Book Information form. It contains the Book No. , Book Title, Book ISD, Book Author, Subject, Location and Status. In this form the user can add, edit and delete Book Information. Transaction Information of Borrowed Book Screen Title: Transaction Information of Borrowed Book Description: This form is the Transaction Information of Borrowed Book form. The user can input the Book No. , Due Date and penalty of the Borrowed Book. Transaction Information of Returned book Screen Title: Transaction Information of Returned Book Description: This form is the Transaction Information of Returned Book form. This form will compute the Penalty based on the due date or how long it was before the book is returned. Database File Structures. | Student Information| | Field Name| Type| Width| Student No| Number| 15| Name| Text| 50| Grade Section| Text| 50| Address| Text| 150| Contact No| Number| 15| | Book Information| | Field Name| Type| Width| Book No| Number| 10| Book Title| Text| 150| Book Author| Text| 150| Subject| Text| 100| Location| Text| 150| Status| Text| 150| | TRANSACTION INFO| | Field Name| Type| Width| Transaction No| Number| 15| Student No| Number| 15| Name| Text| 150| Book No| Number| 10| Book Author| Text| 150| Date Borrow| Date| N/A| Date Return| Date| N/A| Due Date| Date| N/A| Penalty| Currency| 10| | Book Card| |. Field Name| Type| Width| Name| Text| 150| Title of the book| Text| 15| Book number| Text| 10| Date Borrow| Date | N/A| Date return| Date| N/A| Date Due| Date| N/A| General Miguel Malvar Elementary School Mangga Ave, Sta Mesa, Manila Report of Transaction Transaction No| Student No| Book No| Book Title| Date Borrow| Due Date| Date Returned| Penalty| 1| 1000013| 400| Skills in Reading| 10/2/2012| 10/5/2012| 10/8/2012| Php30. 00| 2| 1000014| 401| Modern in Action| 10/3/2012| 10/5/2012| 10/8/2012| Php20. 00| 3| 1000015| 402| English V| 10/1/2012| 10/9/2012| 10/9/2012| Php50. 00| | Total: ____P100. 00____ Total: ____P100. 00____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ General Miguel Malvar Elementary School Mangga Ave, Sta Mesa, Manila Report of Borrowed Books Transaction No| Student No| Book No| Book Title| Date Borrow| Due Date| 1| 1000013| 400| Skills in Reading| 10/2/2012| 10/5/2012| 2| 1000014| 401| Modern in Action| 10/3/2012| 10/5/2012| 3| 1000015| 402| English V| 10/1/2012| 10/9/2012| Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ General Miguel Malvar Elementary School Mangga Ave, Sta Mesa, Manila Report of Retuned Books Transaction No| Student No| Book No| Book Title| Date Borrow| Due Date| Date Returned| 1| 1000013| 400| Skills in Reading| 10/2/2012| 10/5/2012| 10/8/2012| 2| 1000014| 401| Modern in Action| 10/3/2012| 10/5/2012| 10/8/2012| 3| 1000015| 402| English V| 10/1/2012| 10/9/2012| 10/9/2012| Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ User Manual I. System Requirements CPU| Pentium 4, Athlon XP, Semprov| | Clock Speed| 2. 0GHz or higher| | System Memory(RAM)| 1G| | Operating System| Windows XP\Vista| |. HDD free space| 2. 0GB| | DirectX| 9. 0 or higher| | Internet Connection| 1Gbps| | Video Card| GeForce FX6600 or Radeon 9800 series| | Video Memory| 512MB| | II. Installation 1. Run the installation setup, MMESLYS-Setup. exe. Afterwards, users are to be prompted to this screen. Click Next to continue. Welcome to Miguel Malvar Elem School Library System Installation Setup Wizard Welcome to Miguel Malvar Elem School Library System Installation Setup Wizard This will install Miguel Malvar Elem School Library System 1. 0 on your Computer This will install Miguel Malvar Elem School Library System 1. 0 on your Computer 2. They will be asked to confirm if you agree on the End-User license agreement for them to be able to proceed with the installation. Choose â€Å"I agree†then Next button would be enabled. Click Next. 3. After signing off the EULA, they would now be brought to the page wherein they would choose where to put the folder for the application. Choose where to put the files and click Next. 4. The wizard will now start installing the system. Just wait for the progress to reach completion and then click Next. The installation has been successfully completed by that and the user just needs to click Close to exit the installation wizard. III. System Navigation 1. This is the log-in form will be welcome to the log in interface. They just need to use the log in IDs provided by the Administrator and then click the Log in button. 2. This is the invalid username password if your username you input is not correct, just click the ok button. 3. This is where you can view the student account and admin account. If you click the button menu you can see the information of the student and the administration. 4. This admin account will show the information of admin and their account 5. This student account will show the information of the student. 6. This is the Select Information Form. If the user wants to view the Student Information he/she will click the Student Information Button. If the user wants to view the Book Information he/she will click the Book Information Button. If the user wants to view or make Transaction he/she will click the Transaction Information Button. If the user wants to view the reports he/she will click the Report Button. If the user wants to view or make another user he/she will click the Administration Button. 7. This form is the Student Information form. It contains the Student No. , Name, Grade and Section, Address, and Contact number. In this form the user can add, edit and delete Student information. 8. This form is the Book Information form. It contains the Book No. , Book Title, Book ISD, Book Author, Subject, Location and Status. In this form the user can add, edit and delete Book Information. 9. This form is the Transaction Information of Borrowed Book form. The user can input the Book No. , Due Date and penalty of the Borrowed Book. 10. This form is the Transaction Information of Returned Book form. This form will compute the Penalty based on the due date or how long it was before the book is returned.
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