
Friday, August 23, 2019

Causes and effect of opiate drug use among teenagers between the age Research Paper

Causes and effect of opiate drug use among teenagers between the age of thirteen and seventeen in our communities - Research Paper Example hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxycodone, oxymorphone, and levorphanol. Artificial or synthetic opioids are also available and include fentanyl, meperidine, methadone, propoxyphene, and tramadol. While the former have chemical structures similar to natural opiates that of synthetic opiates is distinct. Irrespective of nature of origin, opiates have acute as well as chronic psychological effects and are known to be addictive (Kim-Katz & Anderson, 2011). Drug abuse is one of the major issues dealt by governments worldwide with approximately 185 million people being directly involved during the period spanning 1998-2002 according to UNODC estimates. Of this 0.4% of the population in the diverse age group of 15 to 64 years was found to be addicted to opioids with half using illicit opioids such as heroin and the remaining addicted to prescription opiates. In U.S., specific patterns are observed in nature of drug use. While illicit drug use is more prevalent among the black adolescents; prescription drug is used more frequently by whites (Schroeder & Ford, 2012). Global burden of illicit opioid use is indicated by the fact that it was reported to be responsible for 0.7% of global disability adjusted life years (DALYs) in the year 2000 (Hall et al., 2006). Teenagers in the age group of 13 to 17 years form a highly vulnerable set of population with respect to drug abuse. National Drug Intelligence Center data indicates that in the year 2 003 alone approximately 7.5 million individuals of this age group had fallen prey to illicit drug use at least once, of these 3.3% were reported to have used heroin (NDIC, 2004). A comparison of the data for the years 2008 and 2009 indicates a statistically significant rise in illicit drug use incidences in this age group (SAMHSA, 2009). Evidence based researches investigating the etiologic factors of opioid use are few. Personal factors that have been reported to be responsible for opiate use among teenagers can be listed in to three

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