Saturday, August 31, 2019
Explain why some creationists do not believe in the big bang theory Essay
Creationism is commonly recognised as a religion that does not regard the big bang theory or evolution to be true. Creationists are a group of, often evangelical Christians, who have a literal belief in the creation stories of the bible; it teaches that everything in the universes ultimate cause is God. Although it is important to note that there is not just one type of creationist and not just one single belief that is creationism. There are many varieties including progressive creationists, who make a link with bible accounts and the big bang theory, and day age creationists who believe in the Genesis account of creation however state that each of the 6 days of creation in the bible was actually a period of millions of years. Although progressive creationists make a link between the big band and god, most creationists would reject this view. Dr Russel Humphreys, a young earth creationist, believes â€Å"the order is all wrong as well as the timescales.†When it comes to matc hing bible creation accounts with the big bang. For example, Genesis chapter 1 states that the universe starts with darkness however the big bang theory explains the universe starts with light. Creationists also find a problem with the big bang theory because it states that the whole universe began with a singularity, and creationists claim that scientists can’t determine where this came from, therefore proving a major flaw in the theory. Another growing belief of creationists is that the universe is only between 6000-10000 years old, and was created by God. On the ground of this belief the big bang theory is not a logical possibility. This particular theory was devised by Philip Gosse and is known as the Omplalos argument. Gosse used the Julian calendar to work backwards, and this lead him to conclude that the universe began on October 23rf 4004BC, and was created by God in 6 days. He stated that although there is evidence such as fossils to suggest that the world is older, these and other things were just made by God, and the universe was created with an apparent history that isn’t actually true. Consequently any discoveries that scientists make that go beyo nd the date of 4004BC are wrong and can’t be used as evidence for the creation of the universe. Aside from theories that provide a new explanation of how the universe began, some creationists simply believe that the big bang theory cannot be correct as it goes against their views of a benevolent, omnipotent God. They believe that the big bang theory does not reflect a God that is powerful enough to create the universe itself because the scientific view does not accept a view that God could have created the Big Bang. It’s also argued that the big bang could not have created such a perfect world and the universes design must be down to an intelligent designer that is God. Dr Robert Matthews, a researcher at the institute for creation research, says â€Å"why for instance is our universe and its laws just right for the existence of life? Some argue that it’s because it was specially made for us by a benevolent creator.†This belief is one that belong to the denomination of creationism called Neo-creationism. The majority of creationists do not believe in the big bang theory, as the Holy Scriptures are believed to be the word of God, and are interpreted literally. The fact that creationists interpret the creation stories literally means that the book of Genesis provides the only explanation of the creation of the universe that could be true. As a result of this belief, creationists attempt to prove this b focusing research into finding scientific proof for the stories of Genesis, such as finding evidence for Noah’s flood.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Cargill vs. Intra Strata Assurance Corporation
1. Whether petitioner is doing or transacting business in the Philippines in contemplation of the law and established jurisprudence; 2. Whether respondent is estopped from invoking the defense that petitioner has no legal capacity to sue in the Philippines; Facts: Petitioner Cargill, Inc. (petitioner) is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, United States of America.Petitioner and Northern Mindanao Corporation (NMC) executed a contract dated 16 August 1989 whereby NMC agreed to sell to petitioner 20,000 to 24,000 metric tons of molasses, to be delivered from 1 January to 30 June 1990at the price of $44 per metric ton. In compliance with the terms of the third amendment of the contract, respondent Intra Strata Assurance Corporation (respondent) issued on 10 October 1990 a performance bond in the sum of P11,287,500 to guarantee NMC’s delivery of the 10,500 tons of molasses, and a surety bond in the sum of P9,978,125 to guarantee the repaym ent of down payment as provided in the contract.NMC was only able to deliver 219. 551 metric tons of molasses out of the agreed 10,500 metric tons. Thus, petitioner sent demand letters to respondent claiming payment under the performance and surety bonds. When respondent refused to pay, petitioner filed on 12 April 1991 a complaint for sum of money against NMC and respondent. Petitioner, NMC, and respondent entered into a compromise agreement, which the trial court approved in its Decision dated 13 December 1991. However, NMC still failed to comply with its obligation under the compromise agreement.Hence, trial proceeded and judgment was rendered in favour of plaintiff ordering defendant INTRA STRATA ASSURANCE CORPORATION to solidarily pay plaintiff the total amount of SIXTEEN MILLION NINE HUNDRED NINETY-THREE THOUSAND AND TWO HUNDRED PESOS (P16,993,200. 00), Philippine Currency, with interest at the legal rate from October 10, 1990 until fully paid, plus attorney’s fees and the costs of the suit. On appeal,the Court of Appeals held that petitioner does not have the capacity to file this suit since it is a foreign corporation doing business in the Philippines without the requisite license.The Court of Appeals held that petitioners purchases of molasses were in pursuance of its basic business and not just mere isolated and incidental transactions. Ruling: To be doing or transacting business in the Philippines for purposes of Section 133 of the Corporation Code, the foreign corporation must actually transact business in the Philippines, that is, perform specific business transactions within the Philippine territory on a continuing basis in its own name and for its own account.Actual transaction of business within the Philippine territory is an essential requisite for the Philippines to acquire jurisdiction over a foreign corporation and thus require the foreign corporation to secure a Philippine business license. If a foreign corporation does not transact such kind of business in the Philippines, even if it exports its products to the Philippines, the Philippines has no jurisdiction to require such foreign corporation to secure a Philippine business license.Santiago Cua, Jr. , et al. vs. Miguel Ocampo Tan, et al. /Santiago Cua, Sr. , et al. vs. Court of Appeals, et al, G. R. No. 181455-56/G. R. No. 182008, December 4, 2009. Issue: Whether derivative suit is proper? Facts: Complainants, PRCI stockholders, have opposed the issuance and approval of the questioned resolutions during the board stockholders’ (sic) meetings, and prior resort to intra-corporate remedies were futile.Complainants asked for copies of the pertinent documents pertaining to the questioned transactions which the board has declined to furnish, thus they instituted the derivative suit in the name of the corporation. They are questioning the acts of the majority of the board of directors believing that the herein petitioners have committed a wrong against the corporation and seeking a nullification of the questioned board resolutions on the ground of wastage of the corporate assets.Ruling: It is well settled in this jurisdiction that where corporate directors are guilty of a breach of trust  not of mere error of judgment or abuse of discretion  and intracorporate remedy is futile or useless, a stockholder may institute a suit in behalf of himself and other stockholders and for the benefit of the corporation, to bring about a redress of the wrong inflicted directly upon the corporation and indirectly upon the stockholders.WPP Marketing Communications, Inc. et al. vs. Jocelyn M. Galera/Jocelyn M. Galera Vs. WPP Marketing Communications, Inc. et al. , Issue: Whether the NLRC has jurisdiction over the dispute? Ruling: Galera being an employee, then the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC have jurisdiction over the present case. Article 217 of the Labor Code provides: Jurisdiction of Labor Arbiters and the Commission. (a) Except as oth erwise provided under this Code, the Labor Arbiters shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide x x x the following cases involving all workers, whether agricultural or non-agricultural: 1. Unfair labor practice cases; 2. Termination disputes; 3. If accompanied with a claim for reinstatement, those cases that workers may file involving wages, rates of pay, hours of work and other terms and conditions of employment; 4.Claims for actual, moral, exemplary and other forms of damages arising from the employer-employee relations; 5. Cases arising from any violation of Article 264 of this Code, including questions involving the legality of strikes and lockouts; 6. Except claims for Employees Compensation, Social Security, Medicare and other maternity benefits, all other claims, arising from employer-employee relations, including those of persons in domestic or household service, involving an amount exceeding five thousand pesos (P5,000. 0) regardless of whether accomp anied with a claim for reinstatement. (b) The Commission shall have exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all cases decided by Labor Arbiters. (c) Cases arising from the interpretation of collective bargaining agreements and those arising from the interpretation or enforcement of company personnel policies shall be disposed of by the Labor Arbiter by referring the same to the grievance machinery and voluntary arbitration as may be provided in said agreements.In contrast, Section 5. 2 of Republic Act No. 8799, or the Securities Regulation Code, states: The Commission’s jurisdiction over all cases enumerated under Section 5 of Presidential Decree No. 902-A is hereby transferred to the courts of general jurisdiction or the appropriate Regional Trial Court: Provided, That the Supreme Court in the exercise of its authority may designate the Regional Trial Court branches that shall exercise jurisdiction over these cases.The Commission shall retain jurisdiction over pending cases in volving intra-corporate disputes submitted for final resolution which should be resolved within one year from the enactment of this Code. The Commission shall retain jurisdiction over pending suspension of payments/rehabilitation cases filed as of 30 June 2000 until finally disposed. The pertinent portions of Section 5 of Presidential Decree No. 02-A, mentioned above, states: b) Controversies arising out of intra-corporate or partnership relations, between and among stockholders, members or associates; between any or all of them and the corporation, partnership or association of which they are stockholders, members or associates, respectively; and between such corporation, partnership or association and the state insofar as it concerns their individual franchise or right to exist as such entity; c) Controversies in the election or appointments of directors, trustees, officers or managers of such corporations, partnerships or associations.Facts: Galera, worked in the Philippines with out a proper work permit but now wants to claim employee’s benefits under Philippine labor laws. Leslie Okol vs. Slimmers World International, et al. , G. R. No. 160146, December 11, 2009. Issue: The issue revolves mainly on whether petitioner was an employee or a corporate officer of Slimmers World. Ruling: Section 25 of the Corporation Code enumerates corporate officers as the president, secretary, treasurer and such other officers as may be provided for in the by-laws.In Tabang v. NLRC, the Supreme Court held that an â€Å"office†is created by the charter of the corporation and the officer is elected by the directors or stockholders. On the other hand, an â€Å"employee†usually occupies no office and generally is employed not by action of the directors or stockholders but by the managing officer of the corporation who also determines the compensation to be paid to such employee.Facts: Okol filed a complaint with the Arbitration branch of the NLRC against Sl immers World, Behavior Modifications, Inc. and Moy for illegal suspension, illegal dismissal, unpaid commissions, damages and attorney’s fees, with prayer for reinstatement and payment of backwages. The labor arbiter ruled that Okol was the vice-president of Slimmers World at the time of her dismissal. Since it involved a corporate officer, the dispute was an intra-corporate controversy falling outside the jurisdiction of the Arbitration branch.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Using team to build a better workplace Coursework
Using team to build a better workplace - Coursework Example Every team selects a team leader who oversees its activities and necessary resources are allocated to it to facilitate smooth running. Each group is then assigned a task or a problem which it is expected to tackle. Organizations use the team work due to the following reasons: team work provides opportunities to share ideas and strengths, improves productivity, helps in keeping high employees’ morale and provides employees with sense of identity and belonging. There reasons have been described below. Organizations prefer using teams in the workplace because they provide an opportunity to share ideas and strengths. Every employee in an organization has different ideas, strengths, talents and experience. Working as a team enables sharing of ideas, opinions and experiences hence having a wider pool of views and experiences. The organization’s management is therefore in a better position to make informed and better decisions that achieve the organization’s goals. The employees are assigned tasks where they can deliver best which leads to improved work performance. The employees are also incorporated into the organization’s decision making process and it becomes easier for the employees to adopt new policies. Team work boosts the morale of the employees. Each employee is provided with the opportunity to participate in the activities of the organization through their teams. The employees participate in the tackling of tasks allocated to their respective teams and this creates a sense of responsibility and accountability. They feel appreciated and this boosts their working spirit. The competition in the teamwork boosts the morale of the employees as they strive to be the best in the team. The end result is that they perform better hence feeling happy. This makes the working place a pleasant and a friendly place. Working through teamwork can also reduce conflicts that may arise in competition
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Nursing Process Theory Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Nursing Process Theory - Case Study Example Hampe (1975) used her theory to talk about grieving families in a hospital setting. This paper will analyze the theory and try to understand what it means in the context of community health nursing. Orlando developed her theory in the 1950's. It was published the first time in her book, The Dynamic Nurse-Patient Relationship. Her theory was one of the first actually published on nursing process. She later continued her concepts in her second book, The Discipline and Teaching of the Nursing Process. Her original motivation for the work was to discover what the purpose of nursing was. To accomplish that she looked at nurse patient interactions both in the chart and during actual care episodes to determine what the outcomes of those actions were (Faust, 2002). These observations helped her formulate the basic thoughts behind her theory which are that the nurse has the role to discover and meet the patient's immediate needs. The most basic concept is "the nursing process describes the nurse's reactions to patient's behavior as generating a perception, thought and feeling in the nurse and then action by the nurse" (Sheldon & Ellington, 2008, pg1). This theory seems so well designed for nursing. It was when it was written and it seems it would be now. Many researchers as we have noted, have studied it and used it to build their own theory. However, there is nothing in the literature that indicates that the theory has ever been transformed into an actual nursing process. In 1961 Orlando wrote, "the purpose of nursing is to supply the help a patient requires in order for his needs to be met"(Orlando, 1961, pg 8). When you break it down as a nursing process, it becomes behavior of the patient, reaction of the nurse, and nursing action used to benefit the need of the patient. This writer believes that she is still right, that is what nursing is. At the same time, we must realize that Ida Jean Orlando came from a period in which education was only for those who had money and that included nursing education. This made their paradigms meet the needs of education more than the needs of the bedside nurse. She also used retroductive reasoning because she applied what she observed to what she already suspected (McEwen & Wills, 2007). Today it is still evident in some ways as we note that her theories are used more often by education than nursing itself. Her theory is noted among the Grand Theories considering her background and education as well as the time in which she worked. It also does not seem to meet all of the four nursing paradigms (Chinn & Kramer, 2008). She was quite explicit about individuals and nursing but she very briefly mentioned health as a state of well being and considered the environment only in the sense of now. Earlier it was noted that many nursing researchers of today study Orlando's nursing theory and it's applicability to specific types of nursing. The patient in the community may be in great distress and it may not be seen by anyone but the community health nurse. Orlando says that distress comes from unmet needs. Patient behavior needs to be assessed when it occurs. Any behavior may mean a plea for help. The relief of this stress depends on the caring nurse who is willing to participate in the solution of the need. The Community Health Nurse is confronted with this daily and responds
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Intercultural Communications Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Intercultural Communications - Research Paper Example From the day of its discovery until today, coffee has been a part of many nations’ customs and occasions. With a considerable market share, coffee, regardless of its kind, proves to be an interesting part of every culture, and that is why it is an important subject of research in the field of social studies. Tracing back the roots of coffee culture leads to rediscovering history, particularly how customs and traditions have evolved with the presence of the famous beverage. Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world (Villanueva et al. 20-40). It would be difficult to find a restaurant, hotel, or any place that is not serving coffee. The popularity of coffee makes it an important part of human culture. Likewise, people cannot easily ignore its popularity due to its marketability and health benefits. A brief background of coffee, its origin and evolution is beneficial to know how it has become a part of human culture. Coffee is sourced from roasted seeds of th e coffee plant commonly known as coffee beans. The earliest trace of coffee dates back to the ninth century A.D. in southern Arabia (Weinberg and Bealer 75). Then from Ethiopia, it spread to Egypt and Yemen, then to Persia, Northern Africa, Turkey, and Armania, then to Italy and the rest of Europe; to Indonesia; and to the Americas (Meyers). Aside from being a part of many households’ breakfast, coffee has taken part in important historical occasions. For instance, it was employed in religious ceremonies in Africa and Yemen. Likewise, coffee has attracted much global attention as it was banned in Ottoman Turkey in the 17th century due to political reasons (Hopkins). Moreover, it was also implicated in revolutionary political activities in Europe (Hopkins). These incidents associated with coffee make it a controversial beverage, a really important part of human history and culture. As a commodity, coffee is one of the most important agricultural products in the world. Mo re than 80 countries cultivate coffee (â€Å"Coffee Drinking Culture†). Likewise, coffee was at the top of agricultural export for 12 countries in 2004 (FAO Statistical Yearbook, 24) and was the world's seventh-largest legal agricultural export by value in 2006. To date, its production amounts to US$14 billion yearly (FAOSTAT Core Trade Data). The important role that coffee has played throughout history asserts the practice of drinking coffee as part of the universal culture. Due to its flavor, aroma, and energizing effects, coffee has become a popular beverage to complement home meals, and also serves as a socializing medium among people of different cultures. The role of coffee as a socializing medium may be referenced to the Les Deux Magots, a cafe formerly located in Rue de Buci in France. This cafe used to be the social hub of many literary writers in the 1900s. The place served as a venue for their meetings, literary sharing, and story telling. Indeed, in his book title d, â€Å"A Movable Feast†Ernest Hemingway (72), a world-acclaimed writer recalls his memories of Les Deux Magots as it used to be a rendezvous for all literary enthusiasts in the early 1900s. in Hemingway’s story, he and his friends used to go to Les Deux Magots for coffee before going home finally. Moreover, other literary authors such as Steve Matchett, Abha Dawesar, Vladimir Nabokov, and Craig Ferguson have their own reminiscences of the place in their own respective works. This shows not only the
Monday, August 26, 2019
System Feedback Loops Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
System Feedback Loops - Essay Example The archetypes identified here are reinforcing loop and balancing loop. The Balancing Loop attempts to move some current state to a desired or reference state though some Action (Bellinger, 2004). A Gap is produced when the desired state interacts with the current state. When the gap is larger, it means the influence is stronger and produces Action which then causes current state to move towards desired state. According to Bellinger (2004), this is done until the Gap is reduced to zero where there is no more influence toward Action. A Reinforcing Loop is a structure which feeds on itself to produce growth or decline (Bellinger, 2004). State 1 either increases or decreases which influences State 2 to move in the same direction. This structure produces growth or decline, hence, it is reinforcing it. Learning Organizations for NutriSystem The increasing demand for healthy diet in U.S. has an impact in weight loss market. NutriSystem has been a leading provider of weight management. Usin g the system feedback loops, events can be affected by determining the patterns observed in behaviors and desired outcomes. These feedback loops illustrate the interactions between events or states. Based on the example of diabetes cases, many people are diagnosed with diabetes and NutriSystem is aiming at promoting health for diabetics. Sytems Feedback Loops 2 Figure 1 - Reinforcing Loop In this diagram, it shows one example of the relationship between diagnosis for diabetes and the number of potential diabetic customers. The more people who are diagnosed with diabetes, the greater the number of potential diabetic customers are for NutriSystem. In other words, the potential diabetic customers increase when more people are likely to be diagnosed with diabetes. The potential diabetic customers can be predicted because the likelihood of people having diabetes is evident. Getting a diagnosis for individuals is likely to be an outcome of predicted potential diabetic customers who are at high risk due to factors such as pregnancy, pre-diabetes conditions, or trends in sugar intake. In 2011, statistics from National Diabetes Fact Sheet show that there are about 25.8 million or 8.3% of U.S. population that have diabetes. There are 18.8 million people diagnosed with diabetes, 7.0 million who are undiagnosed, and 79 million who have pre-diabetes. There are millions of new cases of diabetes every year (American Diabetes Association, 1995-2011). This System Feedback Loops 3 was become an opportunity for NutriSystem to serve diabetics as they have formed a strategic alliance with American Diabetes Association to promote weight loss for people with Type 2 diabetes. A view of benefits of health and nutrition using NutriSystem can be depicted in the following diagram: Figure 2 – Reinforcing Loop NutriSystem offers over 100 food items designed to combine â€Å"good†carbohydrates, proteins and fats (Pechman, 2011) in addition to glycemic index (GI) prepared meal s for diabetics. They provide customers with home delivery meal program that includes balanced, pre-prepared, and portion-controlled meals. (Pechman, 2011). Demand for products such as that of NutriSystem has increased with the growth of obesity epidemic. System Feedback Loops 4 To make a profit, NutriSystem must target potential customers by using new and improved marketing strategies
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Ethics in Criminal Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5
Ethics in Criminal Justice - Essay Example on the variety of ideas and the effectiveness of its execution depends on dedication and commitment on part of people involved to carry out the decision. â€Å"Ethical decision making will be reserved for use in a group decision making context. Specifically, we will address ethical decision making in business as providing the guiding requirements or goals for right conduct†(Addressing Ethics in Decision Making, 2009). It is the most realistic and accurate expression of the fundamental feeling behind the ethical point of view, that is, benevolence. This principle states that there is room in the structure for conventional ethical rules, but adds that these principles can gain power only from maximizing usefulness during the long term. There is probably no one in the modern period whose visions have influenced moral reflection above those of 18th-century theorist Immanuel Kant. Kant creates his "supreme principle" in numerous different methods, all of which he claims to be equal. Unlike other two ethical principles, virtue ethics does not offer ethics for judging an act right or wrong. It gives attention to building up the character of human beings so that an individual is bound to do the right thing. Character traits such as self-control, courage, justice generosity, gentleness etc are developed through this. Virtue ethics revolves around achievement and promotion of human excellence. Every moral virtue is a means that gives extreme happiness. Sometimes it generates a feeling of doing too much or too little. The absolute mean is diverse from the mean as it is relative to the human being. Ethical decision-making in the organizations helps to change the future for the better. â€Å"Addressing ethics in decision making in business or other large organizations or groups (e.g., government) does point to the need to ensure that key focusing decisions have been made and are in place. In particular, the business decision for core values should be in place to provide the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Accounting case s Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Accounting s - Case Study Example The request of baker to be involved in the scheduling of employees and the discussion over the costs of the labor force also indicates cases of fraud. According to him, he thinks that maybe there is more money given in order to fund more experienced labor but someone and most probably the departmental manager uses the allocated funds to recruit less qualified labor at a cheaper cost bearing in mind that the department would still record high profits. Through the complaint that the departmental statement includes charges that are not related to the bakery also indicates that the baker is concerned by the fact that the departmental manager may be using the high profits from the bakery department in order to account for losses made in other sectors of the department. According to reliable operating statements, it is prudent for all the sectors in a department to have their statement in order to help analyze the effectiveness and the progress of the sector As clearly observed from the baker’s complaint, it is clear that there may be cases of fraud and mismanagement of funds going pun from the management of the department. It is, therefore, recommendable that the baker must be involved in decisions to do with the choice of labor. Despite the fact that his sector records high profits, more experienced labor s required in order to help produce more. It is only through an increase in the profits from the preceding year that will mark development and growth of the company. It is also recommendable that the baker must be involved in the making of the general statements for the department. The fact that there happens to be charges in his sector that are not related means that resources from the bakery sector are used to source other sectors. In order for a company to grow, each sector and department has to be accountable for its expenses. This makes it easier to realize the weaknesses and be able
Ch 15 discussion 2 response Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Ch 15 discussion 2 response - Assignment Example appreciate the way you used evidence from the book to justify ways in which the Native Americans were abused against their common rights such as the violation of treaties that were made initially protect them. I believe that such actions were not fair then and cannot be considered fair if they happen today. Whiles selecting the tribes for discussion, you paid homage to a tribe whose activities has been the foundation of America’s agricultural value till date and that is the Anasazi Indians. I believe that agriculture has remained an important part of America and its growth cannot be overlooked today. You opine that the value given to jewelry be reduced but I would differ with you on this. My reason is that value is not given to jewelry merely for its ornamental qualities but for the economic value it gives to our economy and so instead of abandoning it, we should rather look at ways of engaging in healthy mining. Under no circumstance can someone claiming the property of another person be regarded as right and so I agree perfectly with you on the position that the Native Americans were treated unfairly because the Whites took their lands from them
Friday, August 23, 2019
Causes and effect of opiate drug use among teenagers between the age Research Paper
Causes and effect of opiate drug use among teenagers between the age of thirteen and seventeen in our communities - Research Paper Example hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxycodone, oxymorphone, and levorphanol. Artificial or synthetic opioids are also available and include fentanyl, meperidine, methadone, propoxyphene, and tramadol. While the former have chemical structures similar to natural opiates that of synthetic opiates is distinct. Irrespective of nature of origin, opiates have acute as well as chronic psychological effects and are known to be addictive (Kim-Katz & Anderson, 2011). Drug abuse is one of the major issues dealt by governments worldwide with approximately 185 million people being directly involved during the period spanning 1998-2002 according to UNODC estimates. Of this 0.4% of the population in the diverse age group of 15 to 64 years was found to be addicted to opioids with half using illicit opioids such as heroin and the remaining addicted to prescription opiates. In U.S., specific patterns are observed in nature of drug use. While illicit drug use is more prevalent among the black adolescents; prescription drug is used more frequently by whites (Schroeder & Ford, 2012). Global burden of illicit opioid use is indicated by the fact that it was reported to be responsible for 0.7% of global disability adjusted life years (DALYs) in the year 2000 (Hall et al., 2006). Teenagers in the age group of 13 to 17 years form a highly vulnerable set of population with respect to drug abuse. National Drug Intelligence Center data indicates that in the year 2 003 alone approximately 7.5 million individuals of this age group had fallen prey to illicit drug use at least once, of these 3.3% were reported to have used heroin (NDIC, 2004). A comparison of the data for the years 2008 and 2009 indicates a statistically significant rise in illicit drug use incidences in this age group (SAMHSA, 2009). Evidence based researches investigating the etiologic factors of opioid use are few. Personal factors that have been reported to be responsible for opiate use among teenagers can be listed in to three
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Computers are not confined to being used for entertainment but its role in education is also vast Essay Example for Free
Computers are not confined to being used for entertainment but its role in education is also vast Essay A. Introduction A library is a place in which literary and artistic materials such as books, periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets, prints, records, and tapes, are kept for reading, reference or lending. A collection of such materials, especially when systematically arranged; a room of private home for such collection. At first glance, your library is a bunch of books with a librarian to check them out to you, and back in when you return them. Your librarian insures (of tries to, as money permits) your library is well stocked with current titles. The librarian also has to keep the building neat and in good repair and also these things only shows a few of the things which make up your library. Now a day, in a highly technological society, human productivity is made more efficient through the development of electronic gadgets. Now, with the advent of such modernization in education, one way to globalize the process of research is to realize that technology is advancing at an incredibly fast pace. In School, reading materials are stored in libraries. Library is a place in which books and related materials are kept for use but not for sale. It is also organized for use and maintained by a public body, an institution or a private individual. In addition, it is a place in which we get information in any format and from many sources. The librarian has to keep the room neat so that it is conducive for learning. The librarian is also the person who is liable for monitoring all the books that are borrowed and returned by the borrowers. B. Background of the Study The proponents will propose the Library Books Borrowing and Returning System for General Miguel Malvar Elementary School located at Mangga Ave, Sta Mesa, Manila. . The Head Librarian, Mrs. Tina Guerrero stated that they are currently using the Dewey Decimal Library System. They are still utilizing a manual system. The library users and the librarian still use card catalogues in searching for reading materials and use index card for the records of borrowed and returned books. The proponent’s study was what is which encounter to the Library by the user, Librarian and how the Owner or the Administrator of the said school will provide a good service to their clients to have a good feedback. The study will focus on transaction which done inside the Library like borrowing, returning of books by students, faculties and staffs. C. Statement of the Problem General Problem: * How to computerized Library System of Gen. Miguel Malvar Elementary School? Specific Problem: * How to maintain library records? * How to provide back-up copy? * How to maintain data integrity? * How to make user friendly screen? * How to secure database files? D. Objective of the Study General Objective: * To develop a computerized library system for Gen. Miguel Malvar Elementary School using Visual Basic. Specific Objective: * To maintain library record by providing add, edit and delete module to our system. * To create utility module to back up database files. * To maintain data integrity by creating a relational database files. * To make a user friendly screen by designing a simple screen that can be easily understand. * To secure database file by creating a user log-in for security purposes. E. Scope and Limitations The library system can only monitor the borrowed and returned books. It computes the penalty for due date. The system does not include the inventory of the books. F. Significance of the Study As the researchers identify their objectives, they were able to discuss the significance of their topic to certain factors which they are closely related: Librarian / Custodian * The Librarian / Custodian will benefit from this project because it will help him/her monitor the books borrowed and returned. School * The school will benefit from this project because they help provide books to student of that school. Student * The student will benefit from this project because can help the student to easily know if the books he /she need is available or not in the library. Chapter II A. Feasibility Study 1. Operational Feasibility The system is operationally feasible because their library staff is computer literate and is trained to use computer applications plus, they know the basic things they used to do on the manual library system, thereby maintaining the concepts of the originallibrary logic. We can also say that it is operationally feasible because their facility has computers without taking much space and the main office actually holds the database since they originally have a main storage of information for the billing of their student. 2. Technical Feasibility The proposed system is technicallyfeasible because the Software and Hardware are available. The Software to be use is Visual Basic. Net and the database is MS Access. 3. Economical Feasibility The system is economically feasible. The maintenance of computer hardware and software is updated. a. Initial Investment Computer set with printer P15, 000. Computer programmer P40, 000 Total initial Investment P55, 00 b. Existing Operational Cost Salary of 3 employees P30, 000 Logbook papers P1, 500 Ball pensP150 Electricity P 1, 200 Total operational cost P32,850 c. Proposed System Operational Cost Salary of 2 employees P25, 000 Internet connectionP1, 200 Electricity P1, 500 PapersP 900 Total operational cost P28,600 d. Savings Monthly Operational Cost| Existing| Supplies| P1,650| Maintenance| P1,200| Labor| P30,000| Total| P32,850| Yearly Operational Cost| Existing| 1st| P394,200| 2nd| P421,794| 3rd| P449,388| 4th| P476,982| 5th| P504,576| Monthly Operational Cost| Proposed|. Supplies| P900| Maintenance| P2,700| Labor| P25,000| Total| P28,600| Yearly Operational Cost| Proposed| 1st| P343,200| 2nd| P367,224| 3rd| P391,284| 4th| P415,272| 5th| P439,296| SAVINGS/PAY | Existing System| Proposed System| Savings| 1st Year| 394,200| 343,200| 51,000| 2nd Year| 788,400| 686,400| 102,000| 3rd Year| 1,182,600| 1,029,600| 153,00| 4th Year| 1,576,800| 1,372,800| 204,000| 5th Year| 1,971,000| 1,716,000| 255,00| BACK PERIOD Chapter III ID ID A. Data Flow Diagram 1. DFD of Existing System BORROWED BOOK BORROWED BOOK NO PENALTY NO PENALTY ACCCEPTED BORROWED BOOK ACCCEPTED BORROWED BOOK 5 CHECK PENALTY 5 CHECK. PENALTY 4 ACCEPT BORROWED BOOK 4 ACCEPT BORROWED BOOK 6 RETURN ID 6 RETURN ID Student Student ID, BOOK ID, BOOK 1 RECEIVED ID BOOK 1 RECEIVED ID BOOK M2 BOOK CARD M2 BOOK CARD M1 LOGBOOK M1 LOGBOOK W/ PENALTY W/ PENALTY RECEIPT RECEIPT RECEIVED ID BOOK RECEIVED ID BOOK DISPATCHED BOOK DISPATCHED BOOK 2 UPDATE CARD BOOK 2 UPDATE CARD BOOK 7 ACCEPT PAYMENT 7 ACCEPT PAYMENT M2 BOOK CARD M2 BOOK CARD PAYMENT PAYMENT Student Student. 3 DISPATCH BOOK 3 DISPATCH BOOK M3 PENALTY M3 PENALTY 2. DFD of Proposed System ID ID 5 RECORD RETURN TRANSACTION 5 RECORD RETURN TRANSACTION NO PAYMENT NO PAYMENT RETURNED BOOK RETURNED BOOK. 4 CHECK PENALTY 4 CHECK PENALTY Student Student BORROWED BOOK BORROWED BOOK Recorded Return Transaction Recorded Return Transaction 1 RECORD BOOK CARD 1 RECORD BOOK CARD C1 TRANSACTION INFO C1 TRANSACTION INFO C1 TRANSACTION INFO C1 TRANSACTION INFO DISPATCHED BOOK DISPATCHED BOOK Recorded Transaction Recorded Transaction 6 COMPUTE PENALTY 6 COMPUTE PENALTY C1 TRANSACTION INFO C1 TRANSACTION INFO 7 ACCEPT PENALTY 7 ACCEPT PENALTY COMPUTED PENALTY COMPUTED PENALTY 2 UPDATE CARD BOOK 2 UPDATE CARD BOOK C2 Book Card C2 Book Card PAYMENT PAYMENT CHANGE CHANGE Student Student 3 DISPATCH BOOK 3 DISPATCH BOOK B. Prototyping 1. Program Listing Screen Title: Log-in Form Description: This is the log-in form. First the user will input the username and the password then click the log-in button. If the user inputted the correct username and password it will show the transactions form. Screen Title: ERROR Button Description: This form will show if the user inputted the wrong username and password. To go back to the log-in form click the OK button. Administrator Screen Title: Administrator Description: This is where you can view the student account and admin account. If you click the button menu you can see the information of the student and the administration. Admin Account Screen Title: Admin Account Description: This is where the user can view their account and information. Student Account Screen Title: Student Account Description: This is where the user can view their account and information. Select Information Screen Title: Select Information Description: This is the Select Information Form. If the user wants to view the Student Information he/she will click the Student Information Button. If the user wants to view the Book Information he/she will click the Book Information Button. If the user wants to view or make Transaction he/she will click the Transaction Information Button. If the user wants to view the reports he/she will click the Report Button. If the user wants to view or make another user he/she will click the Administration Button. Student Information Screen Title: Student Information Description: This form is the Student Information form. It contains the Student No., Name, Grade and Section, Address, and Contact number. In this form the user can add, edit and delete Student information. Book Information Screen Title: Book Information Description: This form is the Book Information form. It contains the Book No. , Book Title, Book ISD, Book Author, Subject, Location and Status. In this form the user can add, edit and delete Book Information. Transaction Information of Borrowed Book Screen Title: Transaction Information of Borrowed Book Description: This form is the Transaction Information of Borrowed Book form. The user can input the Book No. , Due Date and penalty of the Borrowed Book. Transaction Information of Returned book Screen Title: Transaction Information of Returned Book Description: This form is the Transaction Information of Returned Book form. This form will compute the Penalty based on the due date or how long it was before the book is returned. Database File Structures. | Student Information| | Field Name| Type| Width| Student No| Number| 15| Name| Text| 50| Grade Section| Text| 50| Address| Text| 150| Contact No| Number| 15| | Book Information| | Field Name| Type| Width| Book No| Number| 10| Book Title| Text| 150| Book Author| Text| 150| Subject| Text| 100| Location| Text| 150| Status| Text| 150| | TRANSACTION INFO| | Field Name| Type| Width| Transaction No| Number| 15| Student No| Number| 15| Name| Text| 150| Book No| Number| 10| Book Author| Text| 150| Date Borrow| Date| N/A| Date Return| Date| N/A| Due Date| Date| N/A| Penalty| Currency| 10| | Book Card| |. Field Name| Type| Width| Name| Text| 150| Title of the book| Text| 15| Book number| Text| 10| Date Borrow| Date | N/A| Date return| Date| N/A| Date Due| Date| N/A| General Miguel Malvar Elementary School Mangga Ave, Sta Mesa, Manila Report of Transaction Transaction No| Student No| Book No| Book Title| Date Borrow| Due Date| Date Returned| Penalty| 1| 1000013| 400| Skills in Reading| 10/2/2012| 10/5/2012| 10/8/2012| Php30. 00| 2| 1000014| 401| Modern in Action| 10/3/2012| 10/5/2012| 10/8/2012| Php20. 00| 3| 1000015| 402| English V| 10/1/2012| 10/9/2012| 10/9/2012| Php50. 00| | Total: ____P100. 00____ Total: ____P100. 00____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ General Miguel Malvar Elementary School Mangga Ave, Sta Mesa, Manila Report of Borrowed Books Transaction No| Student No| Book No| Book Title| Date Borrow| Due Date| 1| 1000013| 400| Skills in Reading| 10/2/2012| 10/5/2012| 2| 1000014| 401| Modern in Action| 10/3/2012| 10/5/2012| 3| 1000015| 402| English V| 10/1/2012| 10/9/2012| Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ General Miguel Malvar Elementary School Mangga Ave, Sta Mesa, Manila Report of Retuned Books Transaction No| Student No| Book No| Book Title| Date Borrow| Due Date| Date Returned| 1| 1000013| 400| Skills in Reading| 10/2/2012| 10/5/2012| 10/8/2012| 2| 1000014| 401| Modern in Action| 10/3/2012| 10/5/2012| 10/8/2012| 3| 1000015| 402| English V| 10/1/2012| 10/9/2012| 10/9/2012| Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ User Manual I. System Requirements CPU| Pentium 4, Athlon XP, Semprov| | Clock Speed| 2. 0GHz or higher| | System Memory(RAM)| 1G| | Operating System| Windows XP\Vista| |. HDD free space| 2. 0GB| | DirectX| 9. 0 or higher| | Internet Connection| 1Gbps| | Video Card| GeForce FX6600 or Radeon 9800 series| | Video Memory| 512MB| | II. Installation 1. Run the installation setup, MMESLYS-Setup. exe. Afterwards, users are to be prompted to this screen. Click Next to continue. Welcome to Miguel Malvar Elem School Library System Installation Setup Wizard Welcome to Miguel Malvar Elem School Library System Installation Setup Wizard This will install Miguel Malvar Elem School Library System 1. 0 on your Computer This will install Miguel Malvar Elem School Library System 1. 0 on your Computer 2. They will be asked to confirm if you agree on the End-User license agreement for them to be able to proceed with the installation. Choose â€Å"I agree†then Next button would be enabled. Click Next. 3. After signing off the EULA, they would now be brought to the page wherein they would choose where to put the folder for the application. Choose where to put the files and click Next. 4. The wizard will now start installing the system. Just wait for the progress to reach completion and then click Next. The installation has been successfully completed by that and the user just needs to click Close to exit the installation wizard. III. System Navigation 1. This is the log-in form will be welcome to the log in interface. They just need to use the log in IDs provided by the Administrator and then click the Log in button. 2. This is the invalid username password if your username you input is not correct, just click the ok button. 3. This is where you can view the student account and admin account. If you click the button menu you can see the information of the student and the administration. 4. This admin account will show the information of admin and their account 5. This student account will show the information of the student. 6. This is the Select Information Form. If the user wants to view the Student Information he/she will click the Student Information Button. If the user wants to view the Book Information he/she will click the Book Information Button. If the user wants to view or make Transaction he/she will click the Transaction Information Button. If the user wants to view the reports he/she will click the Report Button. If the user wants to view or make another user he/she will click the Administration Button. 7. This form is the Student Information form. It contains the Student No. , Name, Grade and Section, Address, and Contact number. In this form the user can add, edit and delete Student information. 8. This form is the Book Information form. It contains the Book No. , Book Title, Book ISD, Book Author, Subject, Location and Status. In this form the user can add, edit and delete Book Information. 9. This form is the Transaction Information of Borrowed Book form. The user can input the Book No. , Due Date and penalty of the Borrowed Book. 10. This form is the Transaction Information of Returned Book form. This form will compute the Penalty based on the due date or how long it was before the book is returned.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Maintaing A Work Family Balance Social Work Essay
Maintaing A Work Family Balance Social Work Essay Achieving a balance between work and family is important to everyone. A balance between work and family responsibilities occurs when a persons need to meet family commitments is accepted and respected in the workplace. Helping people achieve a balance between their family needs and their work commitments supports productive workers as well as committed family people. Provisions to assist with the balance between work and family must be available to everyone in the workplace. However, not all people in the workplace will need to or wish to access these provisions. These provisions reduce the barriers that may prevent people from entering and remaining in the workforce. They enable people with caring and family responsibilities to have equitable opportunities to progress in their career in the same way as those without these responsibilities. Work and family balance provisions contribute to equality in the workplace by recognising that some workers have caring responsibilities. They enable those workers to have fair access to workplace opportunities. Work-family facilitation, or the extent to which individuals participation in one life domain (e.g., work) is made easier by the skills, experiences, and opportunities gained by their participating in another. Frone (2003) suggested that work-family balance likely represents multiple dimensions composed of bidirectional (i.e., work-to family and family-to-work) conflict and facilitation. Finally, Hammer (2003) called for an explicit expan sion of the work-family paradigm to include work- family facilitation. Unfortunately, work-family facil itation remains conceptually and empirically underdeveloped (Frone, 2003), and its distinction from conflict remains unclear. Background Work-family conflict is a form of interrole conflict in which role pres sures from the work and family domains are mutually incompatible in some respect (Greenhaus Beutell, 1985, p. 77). The conflict does not operate in one direction. Family sometimes interferes with work (FIW), and work can interfere with family (WIF). Further, some researchers suggest that conflicts between the work and family domains can occur when (a) time consumed by one role results in a lack of time for the other, (b) strain caused by the activities of one role makes it difficult to fulfill responsibilities in the other, or (c) in-role behavior in one domain is incompatible with the role behavior in the other domain. The time conflict is fairly obvious and probably most salient to us lay people (i.e., non work family conflict experts). So is strain-if were totally stressed-out at work, we may not be able to deal with our family responsibilities and vice versa. However, the behavior component is less obvious. It has been sug gested that we may sometimes behave in ways in one domain that is incom patible with the other domain, such that the behavior in question does not facilitate fulfilling ones roles in the other domain. For instance, being a per fectionist may be useful at work, but the same behaviors may lead to less effective parenting or in other ways inhibit one from adequately fulfilling family responsibilities. It should be noted that the conceptual grounding of time, strain, and behavior-based dimensions of work-family conflict have been debated. As Mike notes, they do not have strong empirical validation and may confound the work-family construct with its putative causes and outcomes. What happens if work-family conflicts are not effectively managed? Work-family conflict can result in a number of dysfunctional outcomes, including burnout, decrease in mental well-being, deteriorating relationships, and job and life dissatisfaction. Presumably in the hopes that a better under standing of the causes of work-family conflict will help people avoid it, con siderable research has been directed toward trying to understand the antecedents of work-family conflict. Some of the things that lead to conflict are fairly intuitive. For example, working long hours, long commutes to and from work, workload, lack of management support, job involvement, and level of importance assigned to ones work, all predict the extent to which WIF. Further, marital status, number of children, level of importance assigned to family roles, and lack of family support all contribute to FIW. Further, some people are more susceptible to work-family conflict than others. For instance, research suggests certain personality types are more inclined to experience work-family conflict. Neuroticism, Type A tenden cies, and negative affectivity are all related to work-family conflict. As one might expect, age also relates to work-family conflict. Theres initial evi dence that as we get older, we develop more effective strategies for dealing with these conflicts. Objective:-Both academic and corporate research are confirming the existence of work-to-family and family-to-work spillover and the importance of healthy work-family interface for families and businesses. This is to prove that there is a need of balancing work family in everybodys life irrespective of the work he/she is doing to maintain a healthy time table for the commencement of day to day activities.Our day to day schedule is becoming hectic.In such situation peoples are losing their temper, are into wrong doings of all sort.Schedule needs to made for maintaining a healthy Work-Family Balance.People are so busy in making money that they started neglecting their family.They start giving more importance to their work and no time for family.This should not be the case as all these make a man a mechanized robot.They began neglecting all social activities,as a result their family suffers or feel their absence and sadness fill their lives. Unhappiness creeps in such family and destr oys their life.We should keep in mind that Money is not everything in Life.Yes,we can say money as the need fulfiller.we can fullfill are needs with the money earned.But we should not be always money making oriented.If we neglect our family for making more money, then all money earned goes worthless ! So,apart from work giving quality time to the family is very essential. Work-Family Balance Work- family balance is a term that refers to an individuals perceptions of the degree to which s/he is experiencing positive relationships between work and family roles, where the relationships are viewed as compatible and at equilibrium with each other. Like a fulcrum measuring the daily shifting weights of time and energy allocation between work and family life, the term, work-family balance, provides a metaphor to countervail the historical notion that work and family relationships can often be competing, at odds, and conflicting. Sociologist Rosabeth Moss Kanter was one of the first scholars to critique the prevailing assumption that workplaces and jobs must be designed to separate work from family demands. She challenged this approach as being socially necessary for employee effectiveness in carrying out the dual demands of being a worker and being a family member. She noted that as employing organizations shifted to be more demographically diverse, these stereotyped views on appropriate work and family relationships needed to be re-viewed in order to prevent negative processes affecting individuals and groups who were demographically different from the majority. Women as a growing minority group in employing organizations were having difficulty rising up the hierarchy and being accepted as managers as they juggled employment, and caregiving and domestic demands. These same issues are still relevant to organizational studies today. Most men and women are juggling competing life demands outside of workplaces that still are largely designed based on a culture that work is the central role in employees lives, and a belief that workers should sacrifice family personal roles in order to be successful on the job. From Work-Family Conflict To Work-Family Enrichment: Competing Negative and Positive Views Traditionally, researchers have assumed a win-lose relationship between work and family and focused on work-family conflict, based on the belief that individuals have limited time and resources to allocate to their many life roles. Most research relevant to the notion of work-family balance has been conducted on work-family conflict, which can be viewed as the opposite of work-family balance. The construct work-family balance is a more positive way of viewing work-family relationships. It is consistent with the emergence of a new stream of research being promulgated by such writers as Greenhaus and Powell on work-family enrichment, the idea that work and family can also enrich and complement each other. Overall, research on work-family balance can be characterized as being organized along these competing positive and negative perspectives. Work-Family Conflict The negative perspective on balancing work-family relationships emanates out of role conflict theory, which Goode noted assumed that having multiple roles is distracting, depletes resources, and results in role strain and overload. With regard to work family roles, when employees try to carry these competing demands out while being embedded in traditional workplaces that are designed to support separation of work and family demands, they are likely to experience higher work-family role conflict. Greenhaus and Beutell wrote one of the earliest theoretical articles on work-family conflict. They defined work-family conflict as a type of inter-role conflict where work and family roles are incompatible and seen as competing for an individuals time, energy, and behaviours on and off the job. Their work built on earlier role theory by Ebaugh and others who defined a role as involving behavioural expectations associated with a position in a social structure. Early research on work and family didnt necessarily differentiate where the role conflict was occurring, such as whether it was due to an inflexible job (work to family conflict) or whether it was due to not having back up child care for when a child was sick (family to work conflict) Later Kossek and Ozeki conducted a meta-analysis reviewing decades of studies that show that life and job satisfaction for men and women is affected by the type and direction of these competing role dynamics. Given womens traditional greater responsibility for caregiving, work to family conflict was found to affect life satisfaction to a greater degree for women than for men. Job satisfaction for men and women was equally affected by family to work conflict. Understanding the type, direction, and source of the conflict can help organizations and managers design appropriate workplace interventions to support work-family balance. For example, having to work overtime on a job and being forced to miss a childs school event is an example of time-based work-to-family conflict. However, being absent from work because a babysitter did not show up is an example of time-based family- to- work conflict. For the overtime example, an organization might allow for just in time worker scheduling to allow those workers with the most interest in overtime to volunteer. In the other example, managing overtime wouldnt solve the babysitter not showing up. Helping the employee find back-up care for emergencies or letting them work from home once in a while in emergencies would. An example of energy-based family-to-work conflict is when an employee is too tired to work well in the morning because he or she was up all night with an ill spouse. An example of energy- based work to family conflict is when someone is too tired to cook dinner or clean the house, because of working too intensely on the job. In order to promote work- family balance to promote better energy allocation between roles, in the first example, the firm needs to provide dependent care support or leave from work. In the second example, the firm might need to increase staffing levels so the workload is dispersed among more workers, or provide stress management techniques that allow workers to take breaks. An example of behaviour-based family-to-work conflict is when one is so stressed from a family demand, that the individual is unable to concentrate at work or exhibits private emotions such as crying at work that would be more associated with the private sphere. An example of behaviour- based work- to-family conflict is when someone comes home and yells at ones spouse or kicks ones pet because of anger related to work. In these cases, interventions to reduce the stress in the particular domain where it is occurring would result in better work-family balance. Work-family enrichment. The positive approach to studying work-family balance emanates from Seibers role accumulation theory which assumes that having multiple life roles can be psychologically enriching, as long as the roles are ones that the individual has high identity with, sees of good quality, and reap rewards and life privileges. Under a role accumulation perspective, a person can achieve balance by being able to regulate and have greater control over when where and how invest time and energy between work and family to ensure that they perceive they are accumulating positive outcomes from both roles. The more roles one has that provide positive rewards, the better off an individual is, unless s/he has too much too do from the sum of these roles (causing role overload) or has too many competing role demands. The assumption is that work and family balance have instrumental and affective paths. The instrumental path focuses on how positive skills and behaviours and rewards from one domain (such as incom e, learning how to manage people or solve problems) can help one perform better in the other domain. The affective path focused on the degree to which mood and emotions from one domain can seep in and positively impact how one feels, acts and behaves in the other domain. So if someone has a good day at work, s/he comes home and are able to have extra energy and emotions to allocate to the family. Or if one has a wonderful family life, s/he is able to bring these positive emotions to work. A final set of studies focus on the processes of balancing relationships between work and family. Some writers focus on compensation- how having a better role quality and higher identity in one domain such as the work role may compensate for lower role quality and investment in another domain such as family. For example, an individual who highly identifies with work might invest more in work roles to compensate for a less fulfilling family life. Other writers might focus on segmentation and integration processes, the degree to which individuals have preferences for keeping work and personal roles segmented or integrated. Job and organizational design can interact with preferences for the enactment of life roles and management of the work and family boundary. A study by Kossek, Lautsch, Eaton on teleworking found that individuals who teleworked and adopted an integrative boundary management style were likely to experience higher work to family conflict but not family to work conflict than individuals who adopted a separation style. Their study showed that the more the workplace is brought into the home via job and organizational design, the more likely it increases work-to- family conflict, particularly for individuals who like to integrate work and family roles (say watching children while taking a work call). Cross-over effects is another new area of study: how the work-family balance of one family member such as a wife or husband may transfer over positive and negative relationships to the other spouse. For example, if a spouse has a good or bad day at work the balance of the partner may be affected. Direction Of Work- Family Interactions, Disciplinary Foci, and Levels of Analysis It is also important to note that research on work-family balance is grounded in distinct disciplines that are not well integrated, which influences the direction and content of studies focus. Besides generally designing research studies as measuring generally positive or negative outcomes from balancing work and family, writers in the field have tended to focus on either how work affects family OR how family affects work. This tendency to assume a particular direction of relationship has ramifications for the measures and outcomes studies. In several handbooks such as Work and Life Integration and The Work and Family Handbook, the editors noted that researchers who study how family demands are affected by work demands often use different measures and focus on different levels of analysis in assessing work-family relationships then management scholars who might study how work responsibilities are affected by being a parent or a spouse. One large cluster of studies focuses on how family demands affect work. Historically, much of the writing in the management and organizational literature followed this approach. A general assumption is that the more family and other nonwork demands and interests an individual has, the more likely work is going to be negative impacted. For example, researchers in this stream might measure the number of children an employee has, his or her marital status. They would then link these personal demographics to the degree to which a person experiences positive work attitudes (e.g., commitment, job satisfaction) and work behaviors (e.g., turnover, performance). The level of analysis tended to be largely individual and focused on the employees personal, family and work characteristics. The other directional group of studies examines the different ways work impacts the family. Writers coming from this approach tend to emanate out of psychology and sociology and belief that the structure, stresses, and demands of work can make it more difficult for individuals to fulfill their family responsibilities as well as experiencing job stress at home. Some people refer to this negative seepage as negative spillover from work to home. Writers from this perspective might measure the degree to which inflexible work hours, lack of supervisor support, job demands and the structure of the workplace, negatively impact family and personal outcomes (e.g., job satisfaction, equal participation in family and domestic roles, life satisfaction, work-life balance). Here the level of analysis tended to focus more on workplace, job and organizational level. Researchers also might typically study of the availability of policies to support work and family, and the degree to which organizational culture and managers provided a supportive culture and norms to facilitate use of policies as well as positive relationships between work and home. For example, an individual would not have to sacrifice their family life in order to get ahead at work. Moving From Study of Work and Family To Study of Work and Life Integration The future directions of the work and family field are moving from the notion of work and family balance and conflict to terms of growing acceptance of work and nonwork life balance or work and life balance. Such terms suggest that many employees, even those without dependents or visible forms of family related to caregiving can experience the need to seek work and family balance. It also suggests as men become more involved in caregiving and domestic roles and women more involved in work and breadwinning roles, conflict and enrichment may more strongly relate to the role an individual is enacting (e.g., caregiver or breadwinner) than gender. METHODOLOGY Managing Work and Family Surprisingly, our literature has more to say about the antecedents and con sequences of work-family conflict and less on strategies to effectively man age it. However, there are some studies that have explored this issue and just knowing what causes work-family conflict can lead to an understanding of how to effectively manage conflict. Carefully consider work-family issues when choosing a job. The prede cessors of this column once interviewed Kevin Murphy and asked him how he manages work-family conflict. One thing he did was to choose a job that would offer him flexibility to deal with his family life. For example, if a potential employer seemed less than favorable about bringing children to meetings, that wasnt a job he wanted. Admittedly, not all of us have so many options to choose from that we can afford to be this selective, but its cer tainly worth considering the type of environment that would be ideal and aiming for such positions. Be sure to find out how the organization youre considering feels about bringing kids into work or if there is a strict culture of coming in early and working late. If the organization frowns upon anyone leaving before 5:00 and you have kids that need to picked up from school, thats got to factor into your job decision or you could be facing years of con flict. Some firm s are family friendly while others have a reputation of not being so family friendly. Further, dont feel guilty or feel like you are settling by considering these issues. As Lillian points out, finding a job that allows you to meet your fam ilys needs is an issue of fit. We consider a host of fit issues when we make a job choice; why shouldnt we also consider how the decision is going to fit other aspects of our life? In other words, its important to take a holistic approach when youre searching for a job. Dont just jump on the most pres tigious offer or the one that offers the most money. Work-family issues must also be considered. Selection, Optimization, and Compensation (SOC). SOC is a life-man agement coping style for work-family situations. Although related, SOC is different from time management. This coping style consists of being more selective in focusing on a few goals, persistence in order to achieve those goals, and seeking additional resources (e.g., child care) to compensate for lack of time. Basically, it is suggested that those experiencing work-family conflict should take the time to evaluate which goals are most important to them and focus on achieving those goals. Take the time to evaluate your goals and if the activities you engage in on a daily basis help you to meet those goals. Does reviewing a textbook help you meet your goals, or is it a task that takes considerable time but does not help you make progress toward one of your goals? If a task does not help you make progress toward a goal and you have the ability to avoid it (i.e., its not a requirement of your job), dont hesitate to sa y no. Further, its important to recognize that you dont need to go it alone. You should find ways to compensate for lack of time. This may involve child care, paying to have your house cleaned, having groceries delivered to your home, or getting someone to walk your dog. Lillian points out that it may be easier for folks with money to compensate for lack of time because they can pay to outsource many of these things. Research shows that application of SOC in both the work and family domains leads to lower job and family stressors which lowers work-family conflict (in both directions). For a more detailed account of this strategy see Baltes and Heydens-Gahir (2003). Communicate your responsibilities to those at work and at home. As Lou points out, a very important part of managing work-family conflict is simply making those around you aware of your responsibilities. For instance, if you only have daycare certain times of the week and need to watch the kids when theyre not in daycare, tell your employer this schedule so you can be sure your home responsibilities are considered when meetings are arranged. You should have similar discussions with your significant other as well. There may be days he or she will need to make dinner or pick the kids up from school. Its also a good idea to talk often. Responsibilities at both work and home may change so its important to inform everyone when that occurs. Also, you may find some things are not working out and you need to devise a new strategy to accommodate all of your responsibilities. Time management. To minimize work-family conflict, its important to manage your time well. Im probably not telling you anything you dont already know, but let me add to this. Macan, Shahani, Dipboye, and Phillips (1990) suggest that time management can be broken down into three dimen sions. First, goal setting and prioritization involve daily decisions about what is most important to be accomplished. Second, the mechanics of time man agement include such activities as making to do lists. Finally, a preference for organization involves maintaining a methodical, organized approach to work. Just like the SOC model, the time-management model first stresses the importance of deciding on what goals are most important for you to achieve and making sure you focus on those goals Increase your social network. I know some of you are balking at this sug gestion. After all, if youre struggling to make time for work and family, how on earth are you going to fit a social life into the equation? Who has time for friends? Well, believe it or not, theres evidence that increased social support can help decrease work-family conflict. Further, Leslies own research sug gests that decreasing social involvement in nonwork activities actually leads to higher levels of work-family conflict (Neal Hammer, forthcoming). So, dont quit spending time with friends because you feel like you have too much to do at home and at work. Doing so could make you less effective in both domains. Future Research Trends Research on work-family balance is only likely to increase among organizational scholars. One reason for heightened interest around the globe in work-family balance today is changing workforce demographics. A general trend around the world is a gradual but constant growth in the labor market participation of women. Using the U.S. as an example, which has some of the highest rates, research by the Families and Work Institute shows that 83% of all two-parent families with children under 18 have both parents working at least part of this time. Another study by Cohen reports that half of all children under 18 will live in a single parent home for at least part of their childhood in the U.S. Besides individuals with children, work-family balance concerns affect employees in general. For example, research by the Families and Work Institute reports that one third of employees say they have to choose between advancing in their jobs or devoting attention to their family or personal lives and one third will have managed elder care- care for a parent over the past year. Another reason for growing interest relates technological transformations that have resulted in some workplaces operating 24-7 as well as the ability to telework and be constantly accessible to work and jobs by email and cell phone and pagers even when not formally at the workplace. With 24-7 operations, the definition of the typical workday and what work hours are normal to support work family balance are also likely to redefined. For example, a U.S. based view of a 9-5 Eastern time zone of normal working hours, may not provide balance for workers where it is the middle of the night in India or China. Future research on work family balance will focus on differences in cross-cultural perceptions, how needs for balance shift over the life course, and how different jobs, family structures, and demographic groups may vary in their access to, perceptions of and outcomes from the level of work family balance they are afforded on and off the job. Multi-level research integrating individual and organizational perspectives and measures, and positive and negative measures is also likely to increase in future studies. Job design and work and family rewards and resources are likely to become of particularly increasingly importance in studying work family balance and conflict with highest stresses at either end of the economic spectrum. Individuals in higher paid managerial jobs are likely to experience higher work conflict and a lower balance due to overwork. There will be too many work hours competing for individual time and energy and too high workloads. Individuals at the lower end of the economic spectrum will experience work and family conflict more likely due to a lack of flexibility and ability to control when one works and a lack of economic resources to buy high quality child care and dependent care. Thus, employees throughout the organizations hierarchy will experience lower work-family balance but for different reasons. This trend makes it critical for future research to not only measure conflict, but to assess the processes and reasons for conflict and the role of organizational and job structures, as well as family and social and cultural structures (such as how family responsibilities are shared or viewed as ought to be shared) in enhancing or mitigating conflict and balance. The more that workers have access to jobs enabling higher control how when and where they do their jobs and the amount of workload, and the more that communities are design to provider greater public and private supports to enable dual enactment in w ork and family roles, the more likely that members of society will have greater work-life balance. Further Readings and References Bond, J., Thompson, C., Galinsky, E., Prottas, D. (2003). Highlights of the 2002 national study of the changing workforce. NY Families and Work Institute. Cohen, S. (2002). Cohabitation and the declining marriage premium for men. Work and Occupations, 29,343-383.. Ebaugh, H. (1988). Becoming an ex: The process of role exit. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Goode, W. (1960). A theory of role strain. American Sociological Review, 25, 483-496. Greenhaus, G. Powell. G. 2006. When work and family are allies: A theory of work-family enrichment. Academy of Management Review, 31, 72-92. Greenhaus, J. Beutell, N. 1985. Sources of conflict between work and fmaly roles. Academy of Management Review, 10: 76-88. Hammer L.,Bauer T. Grandey A. (2003). Work-family conflict and work-related withdrawal behaviors. Journal of Business and Psychology.17, 419-436. Kanter, R. (1977). Work and family in the United States: A critical review for research and policy. NY, NY: Russell Sage. Kanter, R. M. (1977). Men and Women of the Corporation. New York: Basic Books. Kossek, E., Lautsch, B., Eaton, S. 2006. Telecommuting, control, and boundary management: Correlates of policy use and practice, job control, and work-family effectiveness. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 68, 347-367. Kossek, E. E. Lambert, S. (2005). Work And Life Integration: Organizational, Cultural and Psychological Perspectives. Mahwah, N.J.: LEA Press. Kossek E. Ozeki, C. (1998). Work-family conflict, policies and the job-life satisfaction relationship: A review and directions for work-family research. Journal of Applied Psychology.83: 139-149.fol Pitt-Catsouphes, M., Kossek, E. Sweet, S. (2006). The Work-Family Handbook: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives, Methods, and Approaches. Mahwah, N.J.: LEA Press. Seiber, S. (1974). Toward a theory of role accumulation. American Sociological Review, 39, 567-578 Sources of Data(References): 1.Finding an Extra Day a Week: The Positive Influence of perceived Job Flexibility on Work and Family Life Balance. Published by: National Council on Family Relations Stable URL: 2. The Impact of Job Characteristics on Work-to-Family Facilitation: Testing a Theory and Distinguishing a
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Steps in Conflict Resolution Process
Steps in Conflict Resolution Process Gina Bonham Lee Holmes ABtech Conflict Resolution Project Conflict is a characteristic of human existence. It is part of the dynamic of life that drives us into the future. But it needs to be managed constructively. When associated with violence, destruction and killing, it is no longer a healthy part of life. Violent conflict solves few problems, creates many, and breeds more unhealthy conflict to come. Conflict has characteristics of its own, and it is possible to analyze its structure and behavior. When conflict is understood, it’s easier to find ways to predict it, prevent it, transform it, and resolve it. Sarah and Desidra have lived together harmoniously for a year. One day, Desidra brings home a new puppy, and Sarah is upset because she does not want to deal with the care of or mess from this new animal. Sarah decides to approach Desidra about the problem. Desidra has brought this puppy home and Sarah doesn’t want to have anything to do with the care of or having to clean up the mess that the puppy will bring. Sarah has decided to approach Desidra about the problem in hopes to work this out. What will happen is yet to be determined. Sarah and Desidra have lived together harmoniously for a year. The stage of their relationship is one that can be classified as being in the intensifying stage. Desidra will test Sarah to the potential of their relationship with various degrees of self-disclosure to see if that will be reciprocated and to test the impressions that she may make. Relationships grow and self-disclosure becomes more apparent and deep. There are no set guidelines for every relationship in the intensifying stage. Every relationship possesses unique characteristics that maybe difficult to actually predict if efforts further the relationship will succeed or fail. Sarah and Desidra are dealing with complementary conflict styles. They each have opposite point of views. The symmetrical conflict style is where the two individuals mirror each other’s behavior. Sarah does not want to have anything to do with the new puppy. Desidra wants the new puppy and seems to think that Sarah will be okay with it. Sarah seems to have the more dominant power over Desidra. She is not happy with Desidra bringing home a new puppy and she decides to approach Desidra about the problem. Desidra thinks that everything will be okay between the two of them and that Sarah will love the puppy and want to help take care of it. The conflict that may arise between Sarah and Desidra we can use the Filley Model for conflict resolution. First we can look at the antecedent conditions, perceived and/ or felt conflict, manifest behavior, conflict resolution or suppression, and resolution aftermath. The big picture would be for Sarah doesn’t want anything to do with a new puppy. Desidra will have all responsibility to do whatever needs to be done to keep the dog. Desidra will be accounted for if anything goes wrong in regards to the dog. The conflict would not be substantive. This would mean that it would be so much more than just the essential conflict with no resolution in sight. The Pillow method is a situation that has four sides to it like a pillow. The first position states I’m right and you’re wrong. Position two states your right I’m wrong. Position three states that both right both wrong. The fourth position states that this issue isn’t as important as it seems. Yes, Sarah and Desidra could use the Pillow Method to adjust the perception of the conflict. For Sarah and Desidra to come to some kind of agreement will be to create a win-win situation. First Sarah and Desidra will need to identify the problem. Have a discussion to understand both sides of the problem. The goal at this initial stage is to identify what you want and listen to what the other person wants. Define the things that you both agree on, as well as the ideas that have caused the disagreement. It is important to listen actively to what the other is saying. Come up this several possible solutions. His is the brainstorming phase. Drawing on the points that you both agree on and your shared goals generate a list of as many ideas as you can for solving the problem. Evaluate these alternative solutions. Now go through the alternative solutions to the problem, one by one. Consider the pros and cons of the remaining solutions until the list is narrowed down to one or two of the best ways of handling the problem. It is important for each person to be honest in this phase. The solutions might not be ideal for either person and may involve compromise. Decide on the best solution. Select the solution that seems mutually acceptable, even if it is not perfect for either party. As long as it seems fair and there is a mutual commitment to work with the decision, the conflict has a chance for resolution. Implement the solution. It is important to agree on the details of what each person must do, who is responsible for implementing various parts of the agreement, and what to do in case the agreement starts to break down. Continue to evaluate the solution. Conflict resolutions should be seen as works in progress. Make it a point to ask the other person from time to time how things are going. Something unexpected might have come up or some aspect of the problem may have been overlooked. Your decisions should be seen as open to revision, as long as the revisions are agreed upon mutually. Between Sarah and Desidra the parts of the plan of action that may seem difficult would be to decide the best solution and to implement it between the two of them. Sarah’s decision would be not to have the puppy at all were as on the other hand Desidra’s decision would be to what seems fair and the decision is mutual. The consequences for a win-lose outcome would be that Sarah values her point more than their friendship. Sarah would have the power because it would be to defeat Desidra to get what she wants. This would be to Sarah’s advantage because it’s her way or no way. The consequences for a lose-win outcome would be that Sarah values their friendship more than this point. This is known as accommodating which occurs when you allow others to have their way rather than asserting your own point of view. Sarah could end up having high concerns for Desidra about the new puppy which results in a lose-win situation. The consequences for lose-lose outcome would be that Sarah could just avoid the whole problem. Avoiding occurs when people nonassertively ignore or stay away from conflict. Sarah has an attitude about Desidra bringing home a new puppy and believes that there is no good way to resolve the issue at hand. The consequences of compromise outcome would be that Sarah thinks that this is not important enough to fight about and she doesn’t want to be unreasonable. If Sarah lets Desidra bring home a new puppy then maybe she’ll give me something else. We could both live with that. Compromising is sometimes touted as an effective way to handle conflicts. On a personal note, the call schedule that we have at the facility where I work. Each month we have to sign up to be on call if needed in the OR. Some days you think that your schedule is fine and then a wrench gets thrown in. Other changes have to be made which may cause a conflict with others. Fellow co-workers have already gotten there schedule and know when their day is accounted for. But there may come times that you may have to help pull someone’s call just to help out. At times it’s not that easy but you give in because you care about that patient and to do what is right.
Monday, August 19, 2019
1850-1860 :: Essays Papers
1850-1860 The decade of the 1850’s bought about an era of change for American citizens, which included economic revolutions and a rise in agriculture and manufacturing. This was largely due to a revolution in transportation. In 1851, a 483-mile Erie Railroad was completed which linked the Hudson River to Lake Erie (Brown 88). 1852 transformed the history of the Chicago railroad with the construction of Illinois Central. This proved to be very profitable. In fact, an 1852 report to Congress concluded "a farmer would save a large amount of money by shipping his goods by railroad, rather than by steamboat or ordinary roads" ("The City Transformed" 14). Trains raised the standards for the U.S. because it enabled people in our economy to transport cotton and wheat to European markets. Trains were able to ship material faster to different harbors, which helped the shipping industry. During this time, however, slavery and child labor were very common. Consistent with economic expansion, the na tion also began to expand communications. People had access to a mailing system, a daily newspaper and the use of the telegraph. However, most of the people in the country were unable to use these resources. For example, only 10 percent of the nation could afford the paper (Brown 51). These changes were not only facing America, but spread globally throughout this decade. Influential world events took place during these years. Many kings and emperors were replaced, and wars between foreign countries began. In 1851 President Louis Napoleon led a coup d’etat in France. Only one year later he proclaimed the Second Empire in France, and Louis Napoleon was named Napoleon III on December 2, 1852. During this time, Herbert Spencer, Karl Marx, and Auguste Comte wrote works on social class structure. In 1859, Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (Brown 8). Religion was also an important issue during this time period. Catholic Bishops began to accept titles in Europe, and religious organizations began to form. Landscape painting was the major art movement during this period. Most of the paintings were depictions of the wilderness, but they also portrayed ideas such as mortality. Between the periods of 1850 to1870, a new era of artists introduced a greater sense of realism rather than the romantic style used by their precursors (Brown 27). Their work was more detailed because they used a style called luminism. This style relied heavily on the effects of light, the atmosphere and scenery (Brown 27).
Sunday, August 18, 2019
gatdream Trading Life for a Dream in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby :: Great Gatsby Essays
The Great Gatsby - Trading Life for a Dream What is life? Life embodies ones dreams mixed in with successes and most importantly, love. Following this definition, Jay Gatsby lives a fulfilling existence while Nick stays put and ordinary like stagnant water. Life is full of risks and Gatsby risks his life for love and happiness. Even though he did lose his life, he didn't pay too high a price for living too long a single and farfetched dream of true love. Gatsby is the epitome of the American Dream, "his brown, hardening body lived naturally through the half fierce, half lazy work of the bracing a clam digger and a salmon fisher." (104) From this Gatsby became a robber baron, an American capitalist who became wealthy through exploitation and in Gatsby's case, through bootlegging. Anger is what made Gatsby and wealth and power were his means toward the goals of happiness and true love. Gatsby supports this when he says to Tom, "she only married you because I was too poor and she was tired of waiting for me." (137) Gatsby has never forgotten that if he had had the money when he first met her, then she would be his. So this propels him on a quest to make money and use the money to relive the past. Daisy is currently married and has a daughter. Despite this, Gatsby still wants to make it like old times. After all, his beliefs drive him to do crazy things. Beliefs founded on different principles, "Can't repeat the past? Why of course you can...I'm going to fix everything just the way it was before. She'll see." (116-117) Gatsby's dreams drive him to do the impossible, change the past. Nick struggles to understand why a man would spend so much time and money for something that lasted so short and in no way in favor of Gatsby. "His life had been confused and disordered since then, but if he could once return to a certain starting place and go over it all slowly, he could find out what that thing was" (117), the idea of a mutual love relationship with Daisy as it was in the past.
Iago as the Perfect Villain of Shakespeares Othello Essay -- Othello
Iago as the Perfect Villain of Othello     Iago, the villain in Shakespeare’s Othello, is a round character of great depth and many dimensions. Iago works towards an aim that is constantly changing and becomes progressively more tragic. Yet, at times, "honest" Iago does actually seem honest. This essay will explore the complex character of "honest Iago. One of the most interesting questions that crops up is concerning Iago’s motives. What are his reasons to kill every major Venetian in Cyprus? Shakespeare seemingly sets the stage for Iago’s actions, giving him two distinct reasons to avenge Othello. The first is the fact that Othello promotes Cassio, an "arithmetician" to the rank of lieutenant and passes over Iago who is but a sergeant. Secondly, Iago is suspicious of his wife, Emilia and thinks she is sleeping with every other man but himâ€â€including Othello. There are other reasons that Iago talks about in his soliloquiesâ€â€the primary one being jealousy or "the green-eyed monster." Iago resents the love that Othello and Desdemona share and also takes offence at the fact that Othello is older, yet he has a young and beautiful wife, power, and respect, all that Iago desires. However, all these reasons seem to be false and made-up just for the sake of being excuses for his malice. He also uses these reasons to convince Roderigo to hate Othello. The real motive seems but a slip on Iago’s part when he says in act five, as he waits to stab Cassio: "If Cassio do remain, He hath a daily beauty in his life That makes me ugly..." He refers to Cassio’s goodness here and realizes that he lacks his gentlemanly traits. They are not quite of the same class and Iago resents that, for he knows that the promotion was not ... ... that people, who all along look up to him and call him "honest" Iago, realize this. Being a Shakespearean tragedy, Iago andâ€â€ultimatelyâ€â€evil, triumphs.  Works Cited and Consulted Bradley, A. C.. Shakespearean Tragedy. New York: Penguin, 1991. Di Yanni, Robert. â€Å"Character Revealed Through Dialogue.†Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint from Literature. N. p.: Random House, 1986. Mack, Maynard. Everybody’s Shakespeare: Reflections Chiefly on the Tragedies. Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska Press, 1993. Shakespeare. Othello. The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Ed. Rossi. New York: Longman, 1999. 312-379. Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. No line nos. Â
Saturday, August 17, 2019
How are characters presented as disturbed in Macbeth, Laboratory and My Last Duchess? Essay
It is important to be able to define what ‘disturbed’ actually means in order to answer this question to a high standard of explanation. Disturbed is an adjective and it is the showing of symptoms of mental illness, severe psychosis and neurosis. It is also useful to consider the audiences of each poem or play to elaborate on explanations. Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, is set during the eleventh century is about the emotional manipulation of individuals and the lust for power and the upmost authority over a victorious Scotland featuring an Elizabethan audience whereas Robert Browning’s poems, Laboratory and My Last Duchess, is about the overcoming of jealously and betrayal set during the Victorian era with a Victorian audience. Macbeth in the beginning of the play is a noble, humble and honourable person who, without question would sacrifice his life for the liberty of his King, Duncan. As the play progresses he attitude towards life in general changes completely, mainly due to the pressure that Lady Macbeth inflicts on him. However, Lady Macbeth has quite a surprising personality as she is not the stereotypical Elizabethan woman. Lady Macbeth is expected to be fragile, meek, innocent and comforting but in this unusual circumstance Lady Macbeth would very much rather â€Å"dashed the brains out†of an infant child. This is plain evidence to suggest that Lady Macbeth is of no stable condition. In addition to this surprising fact Lady Macbeth is cunning and bloodthirsty. She demands Macbeth in Act one, Scene Five to â€Å"look like th’innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t†. It is very common for a man to demand a female to pursue tasks but for a woman to demand a man, especially of something like sacrilege, is very unusual. This could mean two things, Macbeth is weak and is unable to depict his own decisions or/and that Macbeth is mentally deteriorating. Macbeth reason with Lady Macbeths orders in his soliloquy in Act one, Scene seven and from the things he points out such as â€Å"his faculties are so meek†gives the reader/viewer sympathy for Macbeth suggests that Macbeth is of a stable condition and is able to rationalize his views and interpretation â€Å"we will proceed no further in this business†. Lady Macbeth realises that herself and Macbeth in Act one, Scene Five are â€Å"too full o’th’ milk of human kindness†and therefore aggressively requests to the spirits â€Å"unsex me here and fill me here from the crown to the toe-top full of direst cruelty†. The tone and images that are tagged along with this quote are very dark and ‘cold hearted’, also notice the word used to describe the type of cruelty, ‘full of direst cruelty’. Not only does Lady Macbeth want to be cruel but she wants to be completely ‘full of’ the ‘direst cruelty’. It is at this exact point when it becomes possible to claim that Lady Macbeth is at the top of the spiral to insanity. The choice of language is compelling as if she felt no sympathy for King Duncan. Lady Macbeth uses harsh and violent sounding vocabulary to stress her ambitions â€Å"Hie thee hither†, the use of alliteration attracts the attention of audience signifying that she purposely wants people to know really how serious she is similarly in Laboratory the persona demonstrates her willingness to commit a felony â€Å"Grind away, moisten and mash up thy paste, pound at thy powder†, there is a use of harsh and violent sounding vocabulary and there is a use of alliteration to make an appeal to the audience. During the Elizabethan era a particular doctrine was in place because of the religious relationship involved with that patriarchal society, a feudal system was in place meaning that Sacrilege was unfaithful to such an extent that Hell was certain to be your destination. The fact that Lady Macbeth urges Macbeth to commit sacrilege is, without saying, disturbing because the King (especially at that time) is Gods representative and killing God just to achieve power is so insane that you could argue that she is ‘demon possessed’. Macbeth and the poem Laboratory are both similar in terms of the unusual language used, â€Å"Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow†, a quote by Macbeth in his final soliloquy, in act five, scene five, before to his soliloquy Lady Macbeth had committed suicide which was inevitably an act of sin and therefore ‘the afterlife’ would be spend in hell for eternity â€Å"We’ld jump the life to come. But in these cases We still have judgment here†, which meant Macbeth and Lady Macbeth (at least Macbeth) were both aware that they had committed felonies during their current life including sacrilege giving the idea that Macbeth was aware of his wrongdoings telling us that Macbeth was not psychotically weak but instead attempted to improvise the situation so at least he had something to live for. This also gives the audience sympathy for Macbeth because he is able to rationalize his opinions and justifications. The persona uses similar unusual language to Macbeth â€Å"And her breasts and her arms should drop dead! †Stanza six, the repetition of the connective ‘and’ in the Macbeth and the Laboratory poem is used to emphasis their feelings and emotions. In addition to this the persona in Laboratory uses an exclamation mark at the end of her sentence revealing to us that she is certain that she wants this devil orientated scenario to occur in reality, on the other hand, Macbeth says his quote (mentioned above) in a calm, soothing manner. I am able to say this because Macbeth uses no form of extreme punctuation to object otherwise. This obviously is a difference suggesting that Macbeth is in fact sane because he is clearly pointing out that he has realised that â€Å"life’s but a walking shadow†. There are indeed multiple differences that make Laboratory and Macbeth very unalike indeed. The largest and most obvious variance between these two highly interpreted pieces of literature is that Laboratory is actually a poem of emotion and the outburst of frustration. The persona in Laboratory can be argued to be neurotic because of her intentions but these are just intentions whereas in Macbeth Lady Macbeths intentions are fulfilled, the killing of King Duncan. Laboratory is very much an extreme retaliation of revenge and hatred.
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