Saturday, December 21, 2019
Analysis Of The Open Boat By Stephen Crane - 1473 Words
Memories from life-altering experiences, sometimes changes the way that individual may perceive or even think throughout their everyday life. The short story, â€Å"The Open Boat,†causes readers to change their perception of life and look at the big picture. Humans tend to think of themselves as the â€Å"superior†race, when in reality they are not. Stephen Crane displays what little worth a human’s life actually is, when compared to nature. Being the youngest of fourteen children, Crane was born in Newark, New Jersey in 1871. His father Jonathan Crane, â€Å"was a Methodist minister and religious tract writer who advocated temperance and denounced the theater, frivolous novels, and dancing,†he died suddenly when Crane was only 9 years old (Marren†¦show more content†¦Along the way, Crane was shipwrecked off the coast of Florida with three other men â€Å"and lost at sea on a 10-foot lifeboat for 30 hours†(Eye 65). One of the men, an oi ler named Billy Higgins, drowned in the surf while trying to swim to shore. After being saved, Crane used his experiences as his basis for fiction and wrote the short story, â€Å"The Open Boat†and continued working as a correspondent and journalist. He spent the last of his years in England, and in 1900, Crane died due to Tuberculosis at the age of twenty-eight. â€Å"The Open Boat,†tells the story of four men who survived a shipwreck off the coast of Florida. Left on a small life-boat, the four men must keep the boat floating or else the waves will capsize the boat. Up against winter waters, each man works tirelessly to stay alive. With each person given a task, following the directions from their injured captain, the correspondent and the oiler row the boat, while the cook scoops the water out of the boat. The captain was still in shock from witnessing the death all of his men in the shipwreck, he was never the same after that. Over time, the men begin to make progress towards land, the captain spots a lighthouse in the distance. Believing it was a lifesaving station the men begin to row towards the lighthouse, but soon realize it was abandoned. After losing hope, the correspondent finds four dry cigars in his pocket and the four men smoke them together. The captain advises the men to row back into theShow MoreRelatedEssay about A nalysis of The Open Boat by Stephen Crane1415 Words  | 6 PagesAnalysis of The Open Boat by Stephen Crane Story: â€Å"The Open Boat,†1897 Author: Stephen Crane (1871-1900) Central Character: There is no real central character in this story. All the men on the boat are spoken about more or less equally and no prominent character jumps out at the reader as being the central character. Although more emphasis is put onto the correspondent, and Billie the oiler. Other Character: The cook: bails water from boat. 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