Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Sweatshop Labor: Wearing Thin Essay example -- essays research papers
For most sight in the United States, the confines slave to fashion relates to anindividuals desire always to be wearing the latest fashions from trendy clothing lines. Ina overrefinement of supreme irony, the designation applies much more literally to the legions ofpoverty-stricken sweatshop laborers global who toil away infra miserable conditionsto produce the snappy lop that Americans purchase in droves on a daily basis. Conditioned by a media that places considerable emphasis on possessing a stylishwardrobe, the bulk of U.S. consumers ar far too awash in their own cultivation -- onethat is notorious for the value it places on material wealth -- to be sensitive to the plightof these indigent foreigners. And although the US medias fleeting examen of sweatshopconditions five years ago did make the issue a great part of the national consciousnessthan ever before, not enough mass changed their buying habits as a result -- or at least(prenominal)not enough to make a dent in the essential bottom line of guilty corporations. Indeed,major American retailers of clothing and some other apparel products do not changed thisdespotic element of their business practices in the least despite the negative publicity infact, they continue to endeavour laborers in foreign, mostly Third-World countries to analarming degree. The scope of the problem is such that hundreds of residents in a town as small andisolated as Santa Cruz be possessed of at some point been employed in sweatshops in necessitousnations. Santa Cruz resident Lorenzo Hernandez endured years of mistreatment at aDoall Enterprises factory in El Salvador before immigrating with his wife and two sons toSanta Cruz in September, 2000. He now plant full-time as a cook at Tony and Albas pizza pie in Scotts Valley, and while he scarcely earns above minimum affiance in his currentposition, it represents a substantial improvement to the abject conditions under which helabored for so many years in his blank space country. They treated us very severityly (in ElSalvador), Hernandez said. I take in not enough to live on. My family could only buytwo shirts and knee breeches (per person), and we were always hungry. I pretended 14, 16 hours aday but simmer down did not make enough. Hernandez speaks and moves with the languor of a man... ...ation or escape in religion. Fittingly, while more affluent people in the United States ignore the reality ofsweatshop labor because they are preoccupied with trying to sport streetwise fashions,the people of Ciudad Juarez seek to disguise their realities because they are so painful. Faced with such unsettling tales of human suffering, Saganovich remains resoluteWal-Mart is simply looking out for its trump out interests, and this alleged mistreatment offoreign laborers isnt anyw here(predicate) near as bad as a lot of peo ple make it out to be. Thepeople who are speaking out so strongly against us are little more than a type ofpropagandists with their own agendas. Nobody forces anyone to work anywhere, and alot of them are coming to America and making go lives for themselves. Hernandez is one of a relatively small number of lucky immigrants who haverealized a greater level of wealth and comfort in the States, but he will never forget theanguish his forward jobs brought him and his compatriots. Its great, I can affordclothes and food here now, he said. But I try to buy from stores (that) dont havesweatshops.
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