Thursday, November 28, 2019
Adam Smith Essays - Classical Liberalism, Economic Ideologies
Adam Smith Adam Smith was born in Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland. His exact date of his birth is unknown but he was baptized on June 5, 1723. At the age of fifteen, Smith began attending Glasgow University where he studied moral philosophy. In 1748 he began giving lectures in Edinburgh where he discussed rhetoric and later he began to discuss the economic philosophy of the "simple system of natural liberty" which he later proclaimed in his Inquiry into Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. In 1751, Smith was appointed professor of logic at Glasgow university, transferring in 1752 to the chair of moral philosophy. His lectures covered the field of ethics, rhetoric, jurisprudence and political economy. In 1759 he published his Theory of Moral Sentiments, embodying some of his Glasgow lectures. This work was about those standards of ethical conduct that hold society together, with emphasis on the general harmony of human motives. Smith moved to London in 1776, where he published An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, which examined in detail the consequences of economic freedom. It covered such concepts as the role of self-interest, the division of labor, the function of markets, and the international implications of a laissez-faire economy. The Wealth of Nations established economics as an autonomous subject and, launched the economic doctrine of free enterprise. In the western world, it is the most influential book on the subject. When the book, which has become a classic manifesto against mercantilism, appeared in 1776, there was a strong sentiment for free trade in both Britain and America. This new feeling had been born out of the economic hardships and poverty caused by the war but the British public and parliament still clung to mercantilism for many years to come. Smith laid the intellectual framework that explained the free market and still holds true today. He is most often recognized for the expression "the invisible hand," which he used to demonstrate how self-interest guides the most efficient use of resources in a nation's economy. In 1778, he was appointed to a post of commissioner of customs in Edinburgh, Scotland. He died there on July 17, 1790, after a painful illness. After his death it was discovered that Smith had devoted a considerable part of his income to numerous secret acts of charity. In the piece entitled Four Percent Follies from The Accidental Theorist Krugman discusses how some people think Alan Greenspan should let the economy grow faster. Four Percenters, those against Greenspan, feel that he is not putting enough currency into circulation therefore slowing growth. If more money is put into the economy then nit will grow faster but if too much is put in, inflation will occur. Also, they feel that this will remedy the low rate of unemployment which will soon cause inflation to spiral upward if it continues to decrease below the standard 6%. Adam Smith would surely understand the Four Percenter's plea. He would want the economy to be free from too much government control. Greenspan is abusing his place and should let the currency flow into the market rather then hold back. Sure, Smith would say some mediation is necessary to keep too much money from pouring in so inflation doesn't occur. Smith believes that the economy should be free from the government yet the government should still silently oversee it to prevent any problems. Greenspan is preventing problems but is being too cautious and Smith would want him to let more currency into our market but still keep it from getting out of control. My view on this matter is quite similar to that of Adam Smith's view on the matter. I also feel that an economy should be allowed to flourish and grow to its fullest capacity. As the article illustrates, inserting more money into the economy will certainly cause the economy to grow and also help fix the unemployment rate. So I feel that Greenspan should loosen his control over the money and let more currency be distributed into the economy. But I also feel that it is very important that Greenspan maintains a watchful eye over this inserting of money into the economy. His job is to keep the economy prosperous and safe. So while he must let more money flow he still must be sure to keep too much money from entering our market. He can not let inflation occur because that would hurt our economy and he will have failed. That is why his job is difficult, however, as
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Charles Manson
Charles Manson Charles M. MansonAllen AzarMrs. KardosTerm Paper3/13/95In this world there are cults everywhere. Whether they're in the US, China, or maybe next-door there is always one common factor, control. Charles Manson was a cult leader in southern California during the sixties. Like all cult leaders Manson had his own small band of followers. His influence was so great that his followers were willing to kill for him at his smallest whim.Charles Manson was very paranoid and was under the influnce that there was to be an upcoming race war. He called this race war "Helter Skelter".Page 1Charles M. Manson was born in Cincinnati on November 11, 1934. His mother Kathleen Maddox, a teenage prostitute, his father was a man remembered as "Colonel Scott." In order to give her bastard son a name she married William Manson. He quickly abandoned the both of them.English: Haight Street, San Francisco, California,...In 1939 Kathleen Maddox was arrested for robbery and Charles was sent to live with his aunt and grandmother. Charles remembered his aunt as a harsh disciplinarian and favored is uncle because he gave him money for the movies and took him on frequent fishing trips. Only when his uncle became ill did his unfit mother come and reclaim her unwanted son and moved to Indianapolis.When Mrs. Manson reclaimed her son she promised that she would take care of him and provide for his every need. Unfortunately, all these promises were soon shattered by liquor and men. She frequently neglected Charles by telling him she would be back in an hour and then not show up for the rest of the night. Sometimes when her guilt took her over she would give him fifty cents and another promise; and at other times she just abused him.When Mrs.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Situation analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Situation analysis - Essay Example Coffee for instance requires electricity to heat. Electricity may be produced from various sources and one of them is through fossil fuel. The US remains heavily dependent on fossil fuels for many years (Musial 10). It is recorded that 41 percent of the world’s man-made burn carbon dioxide comes from the burning of fossil fuels for generating electricity in the United States (Rodger 11). This means that at some point, fossil fuel is a necessity in the United States to produce electricity so that there is something that can be tapped for industrial use. In today’s modern world electricity finds its use in food preparation. For instance, coffee needs to be heated with electricity. It is better tasting when it is hot. In the United States, a cup of coffee is one of the most popular adult beverages in the country to have in a day. For some people, a cup of hot coffee in the morning completes their day. The United States is said to be the largest consumer of coffee (Hufbauer and Schott 301). The country is also known for its industry on retail specialty coffee beverage which was able to hit $3 billion sales and even higher in the mid of 1990’s (Clay 81). Since then, the industry continued to achieve an upward spiraling growth performance leading to more innovation in the coffee industry. One of its latest innovations is the Solar System Coffee Mug. This specifically implies that the market opportunity for coffee in the country is promising provided that there is a good investment plan for it. This means that investors in the first place need to understand the fact that there is already a promising market but it is up to them how they could acquire specific market share for their product offering. Strategically speaking, there is a need to differentiate their offerings in order to stand a cut above the other. However, this requires the right information and at some point, a good innovative approach is necessary. Understanding the market may be one
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Parent education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Parent education - Research Paper Example The failure of many adults to succeed is rooted in the poor parenting skills of those who raised them, therefore society should insist that parenting courses be a requirement of those who are pregnant, both the mother and father of the child, so that the needs of society can best be served by the actions of the parents. A society has the right and the obligation to define how its members will interact within the ideological framework of its culture. One of the biggest problems in the United States is that most people do not have generations of ancestors who came before them on which to base their cultural belief systems. Therefore, the way in which parents pass their heritage to their children is often convoluted and without social structure, the design of the community not based upon generations of cultural belief systems, but a patchwork of concepts that do not inform those who are trying to find a way to raise their children on exactly what is best in regard to their future.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Design a Flowchart Wk.1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Design a Flowchart Wk.1 - Essay Example Most conflict in any situation involves communication breakdown to some extent" (pp. 34). It's important to have clarity in one's life. In this case, the author is obviously upset with the job situation. The author wants to be a freelance writer, because the current bottleneck of the author is the author's job. The author's current job is boring and thankless. There is not enough pay; the author feels underutilized and underappreciated. Moreover, the author feels that the current work the author is doing is not meaningful. Having clarity is a positive thing, because one can have more insight into one's activities and their meaningfulness. Since the author's work is not fulfilling, it is hoped the author can find more meaningful work, therefore. To the author, meaningful work means that the author would have the ability to choose what the author wants to do (in writing, for example). The author would not have to do anything the author did not want to do. Work would consist of being ab le to work at a stay-at-home office, in the author's ideal life. According to Bruner (2002), "The capacity of an integrated or multistep process is determined by the portion of the process with the least capacity, or the bottleneck of the system. Thus, identification and relief of bottlenecks are important issues in process management" (pp. 127). First, one must find out (or identify) the bottleneck. Obviously, the bottleneck has been identified as the author's work situation. The author wishes to do a job that is not problematic. In order to solve the problem of the bottleneck, something obviously should be done. The author, therefore, has decided that the answer to this bottleneck of the work situation is to simply change jobs. Warren (2008) comments, "The theory of constraints (TOC) is astrategy that focuses on reducing the influence of bottlenecks on a process" (pp. 455). According to this theory, this management philosophy-the five focusing steps-can help to reduce the problems inherent in getting rid of a bottleneck. The bottleneck in process described here was that of this author's job. This author wanted to obtain new employment that would be satisfying. Mainly, the problem identified was the author's dissatisfaction with current employment. Current employment would be replaced with a freelance writing job that would allow the author to spend less time working and at the same time earn more money. REFERENCES Bruner, R.F. (2002). The portable MBA. USA: Wiley. Dettmer, H.W. (1997). Goldratt's theory of constraints: a systems approach to continuous improvement. USA: ASQ Quality Press. How delays affect processes and change. (2009). Available: Warren, C.S. (2008). Survey of accounting. USA: South-Western College
Friday, November 15, 2019
Services Such As Postpaid Plans Marketing Essay
Services Such As Postpaid Plans Marketing Essay DiGi is the Telecommunication SdnBhd that provider mobile service in Malaysia. DiGi is offer services such as postpaid plans prepaid plans, international calling, international roaming, data plans and services, SMS, MMS, GPRS, EDGE and WAPservices. The objectives in this DiGi advertisement is advertise that DiGiis upgrading LTE network sites and improve the internet coverage in Malaysia.DiGi wants attract more customer switch to be DiGi by using upgrading LTE networking and services. DiGi is provides the high speed internet covering at least 95.8% of all Malaysia. Internet can enrich lives, empower communities, and transform the business. Therefore, increase coverage of high speed internet (3G EDGE) to cover of all Malaysian. Stronger, more stable network DiGi upgrade the stronger and more stable networking with improves capacity and the opportunity to provide DiGi user with the best wireless Internet experience. Therefore, DiGiusers can reduce the probability unstable line where the connection speed can vary a lot, or get frequent disconnections. LTE Equipped DiGi is going to provides 1st LTE-equipped and ready to deliver fibre-like speeds to support the forthcoming LTE mobile devices. Therefore, DiGi is also provides the technology in advance to coming smartphone such as iPhone 5. It is able to using LTE to connect the network. Appeal and Unique Selling Proposition Appeal DiGi is advertising the power of useful by using internet by upgrade the new technology LTE equipped network. DiGi using the yellow colour kid represent the DiGi user in the advertisement, such as capture the lost cat photo and share to internet to the world ask for help to find out the lost cat. Besides that, DiGi user can access the internet to connect social media for search the old friends or make new friends. From the advertisement, DiGi is showing the high speed internet to access internet, such as the couple find new place for dinnerand they can search with high speed by using google map to allocate the location. Internet also helps the DiGi user gathering more information and bigger idea. Moreover, DiGi is also provides the high speed internet for 95.8% coverage in Malaysia, so the DiGi user can access the internet at any corner or any place. Additionally, DiGi Telco is provides first LTE equipped network in Malaysia.DiGi also advert that DiGi is always smarter choice to the customer. Differentiate (Benefit, Uniqueness and Potency) Benefit Innovation DiGi is upgrade the LTE-equipped network and ready to deliver fibre-like speeds to support the forthcoming LTE mobile devices. Therefore, person who is holding LTE mobile devices can be enjoy the fibre-like speeds to connect the internet by DiGi Network. Expanding High Speed Internet Coverage (3G / EDGE) DiGi is upgrading the high speed internet coverage at least 95.8% of all Malaysia. The user can receive the stronger signal that provides by DiGi. So, DiGi user can access the internet at anywhere in Malaysia, such as inside building area or garden. More Stable Network DiGi user can receive more stable connection to higher speed internet for search information. For example, DiGi user need find a place for having dinner, and they are no idea where to going. So, DiGi user can search information and immediately receive the suggestion by internet that which restaurant is provides good taste of food. Uniqueness 1st Malaysia LTE- Equipped Network DiGi is 1st telecommunication company that upgrade the LTE-equipped network and equipped to deliver fibre-like speeds to support the forthcoming LTE mobile devices. High Speed Internet Coverage In the TV advertisement, DiGi is advert the Telco is expand to 95.8% of coverage in Malaysia. That means DiGi is covering all area to DiGi for access the Internet. Potency Innovation DiGi is innovation that becomes the first Telco set up LTE equipped network in Malaysia. And it is get ready for the upcoming technology LTE mobile devices. Reinforce DiGi is using TOMORROW NETWORK to promote their telco services is improvement high speed internet and expand the coverage DiGi network in Malaysia to attract more customer. Besides that, in the advertisement DiGi is using google map and social media to showing how helpful of internetandpromote with their internet network is 95.8% coverage in Malaysia. More than that, DiGi advert by using kids is because DiGi think that kids is represent new generation same as the new technology LTE equipped network. Last but not least, the advertisement provides more DiGi upgrade information in the Inform DiGi is advertises on the television at ntv7. It is because ntv7 is target audience in urban people and this advertisement is in English version. Besides that, the broadcast time of DiGi advertisement is showing at 2pm to4pm and 7pm to 10pm. This is because the 2pm-4pm younger customers are free after their school or tea break to watch TV. And the urban people are only free to sit and watch the TV at 7pm-9pm pacific time. Persuade The major customer need or want is getting a large coverage of telecommunication services and high connection speed in their busy life. Therefore, DiGi is trying to meet the customer satisfaction by using improve their services such as increase the internet speed and expand the coverage. Segmentation and Target Audience Demographic DiGi is using demographic segmentation to segment the market. It is divide the market as life stage segmentation variables. DiGi is segment life stage variable base on child, youth, collegiate, adult and senior. After segment the market, DiGi is found that the collegiate segment is the bigger usage of the internet. From the advertisement, we also found that DiGi is using the collegiate to advert in the advertisement. Socioeconomic DiGi is using socioeconomic segmentation to segment the market. It is divide the market as education segmentation variables. DiGi is segment education variables base on no educated, some high school, and professional graduate. It is because the advertisement is using English language to advertise. Therefore, the customer has some high school knowledge to understand the English and knowing to access internet. Target audience Primary Target Market The primary target market of DiGi is targeted collegiate. It is because the collegiate is the bigger usage of the internet and also received good education level in Malaysia. Besides that, collegiate is like to online search to do their assignment and using social media to communicate with their friend. And also from the advertisement, we also found that DiGi is using the collegiate to advert in the advertisement. Secondary Target Market The secondary target market of DiGi is targeted office worker. It is because the office worker has enough knowledge to access the internet and also able contact with the customer by using phone online sending e-mail or search the customer location.From the advertisement, access the internet to find the location for dinner with the customer. Inferences Using energetic music to present DiGi advertisement is using energetic background music to present the advertisement. It makes the audience feel that using DiGi telecommunication will be getting more energetic and young. Clear voice tone of speaking From the advertisement, we can hear the clear voice tone speaking in English and easy to understand and clear deliver the message to the audience. Target young people From the advertisement, we can see that DiGi is using the young people take part in the advertisement. It is because DiGiis targeting young people for future growth and for the introduction of new products such as LTE to the customer. High Speed Internet 95.8% for Malaysian In the TV advertisement, DiGi is advert that expands to 95.8% of coverage in Malaysia. Therefore, DiGi is allowed to access the internet all area in Malaysia to search information and social media. Provide website for information upgrade DiGi is using website to deliver more information about tomorrow networkto customer. Before end of the advertisement, DiGiis provides the website address for customer logon to search more updating information of DiGi tomorrow network. High technology DiGi is going to provides 1st LTE-equipped and ready to deliver fibre-like speeds to support the forthcoming LTE mobile devices. Therefore, DiGi is prepared in advance for coming new high technology LTE mobile devices. Always the smarter choice From end of the advertisement DiGi shown that they are always the smarter choice. DiGi wants the customer feel that by using the DiGi, will become make them also become a smarter consumer and making a smarter choice. Power of internet From the advertisement, DiGi is advert the power of internet can help the user to find the lost cat, friend, dinner location, and getting more idea at around the whole world. Using yellow colour represent DiGi From the advertisement, we can found the every there are a lot of yellow colour. It is because yellow is representing the DiGi telecommunication. Therefore, when customer sees the yellow colour and will make them think of the DiGi. Printing Advertisement Introduction The Magic Health is a shower system product by Panasonic that provides perfectly-timed hot and cold water to invigorate the customer. The objective Panasonic advertise on newspaper is notify to their loyalty customer Panasonic is launch new product call Magic Health shower and inform them about the benefit and features of the product. Product Features E-Cycle The Panasonic magic health shower system e-cycle is alternates between hot and cold water to enhance blood circulation. It can let customer without doing exercise to enhance blood circulation and provides comfortable feeling to customer who is taking a bath by using magic health show system. E-Hybrid The Panasonic magic health shower system e-hybrid is combines water and air bubbles infused with negative ions to create effect of a refreshing massage. It have the massaging effect to relaxes customer and reduce tired level from customer. Energy- saving performance The Panasonic magic health shower system provides 43% less electricity usage and 20% less water usage. This features can helps the customer to save more money from the long term usage by adding energy saving performance to the product. Appeal and Unique Selling Proposition Appeal Panasonic magic health is advertising that is home use shower product with hot and cold hydrotherapy. In advertisement, Panasonic is differentiating the shower product and provides the product image such as DH-3KD1, DH-3KE1, DH-3KP2, DH-3KP1, and DH-3KT1 to match the different segment customer needs. Besides that, Panasonic is using a beauty girl shower to present happy and comfortable feeling by using magic health shower product. In advertisement also show the benefit of the product and the product features to the customer. Moreover, it also provides the contact number, working period, website, and address to the customer who is interest to purchase the product. Last but not least, Panasonic also using the slogan idea provide product and services base on ideas that enrich lifestyles, assist the innovation of society, enhance lives, and broaden horizons. Differentiate (Benefit, Uniqueness and Potency) Benefit Energy- saving performance Panasonic magic health shower system provides 43% less electricity usage and 20% less water usage. This benefit can helps the customer to save more money with long term usage. High Technology Panasonic is bringing out new revolution shower system by using e-cycle and e-hybrid to bring new technology to meet the customer need. Customer can be adjusts temperature and enjoy the massage to feel energised and relaxed. Innovation Safety features Panasonic magic health shower system provides innovation safety that nine safety points for optimal protection. It can make customer feel safety by using this product. Uniqueness Nine Safety Protection From the advertisement, we can found that Panasonic is innovation and enhance the safety protection system on the product. It can make customer feel safe and confident to purchase the magic health shower system. Energy Saving From the advertisement, we can found that Panasonic is 43% less electricity usage and 20% less water usage. This features can helps the customer to save more money from the long term usage and also green the environment. Reinforce In the newspaper advertisement, Panasonic using their slogan ideas for life to represent the product and services base on ideas that enrich lifestyles, assist the innovation of society, making live more easily, and more comfortable. Besides that, Panasonic is reinforcing the consumers by using a model AyumiHamasaki to promote their product which at mid of advertisement to show the comfortable and happiness to the customer. Moreover, in the newspaper Panasonic advert the benefit and safety to customer. And also provides the product image to customer knowing the design and colour. Furthermore, it also provides the contact number, working period, website, and address to the customer who intends to purchase the product. Inform Panasonic is advertises on sinchew newspaper. It is because sinchew is target Chinese audience and the middle income category. In advertisement, it is using Chinese as delivery language. Panasonic posted this advertisement on sinchew newspaper rather than other newspaper because it wants to deliver the product information to middle income category. Persuade The major customers tend to enjoy their lifestyle after come back of work and saving their money. Therefore, Panasonic create the product that can control the temperature shower and massage function to the customer. Moreover, Panasonic also attract the price sensitive customer due to 43% less electricity usage and 20% less water usage. Segmentation and Target Audience Socioeconomic Panasonic is using socioeconomic segmentation to segment the market. It is divide the market as income segmentation variables. Panasonic is segment income variables base on low income, middle income, and high income. And Panasonic is targeted middle income to high income. It is because middle income to high come customer is afforded to use the product every day. Demographic Panasonic is using demographic segmentation to segment the market. It is divide the market as residence tenure segmentation variable. Panasonic is segment own new house or rent house. And Panasonic is targeted own new house segmentation variable. It is because the customer who are own new house need to purchase functional furniture. So, Panasonic is chosen them as target segmentation. Target audience Primary Target Market The primary target market of Panasonic magic health is targeted new own house. It is because Panasonic magic health is home use product and customer who are own new house need to purchase functional furniture. Therefore, Panasonic provides 2 different of colour and model product to give the new own house to select which model of product is suit new house design. Secondary Target Market The secondary target market of Panasonic magic health is targeted office worker. It is because the office worker is long period of sitting or busy with their work and not much free time to do exercise. Therefore, Panasonic is launch system e-cycle that alternates between hot and cold water to enhance blood circulation to make life healthier. Besides that, the office worker has to wake up early for their work and they need is a adjust shower system for the morning bath. Inferences Clear contact information At the bottom of the newspaper advertisement, Panasonic is provides the customer care centre number, working hours, address, and the company website. For the customer who intend purchase Panasonic magic health shower system back home. Layout of newspaper advertisement From the printing newspaper advertisement Panasonic is advert three quarter in a page. It is because, Panasonic want ensure the customer have seen the advertisement in newspaper. Headline of Panasonic Magic Health The inference of headline is that Immerse in wonders of Panasonic Magic Health. This headline in newspaper is message the customer enjoy the benefit provides by magic health shower system in their life. Panasonic Idea For Life The slogan Panasonic is ideas for life to represent the product and services base on ideas to enrich lifestyles, assist the innovation of society, making live more easily, and more comfortable. Energy- saving performance The Panasonic magic health shower system provides 43% less electricity usage and 20% less water usage. This features can helps the customer to save more money from the long term usage by adding energy saving performance to the product. Safety product From the advertisement, we can found that there Panasonic is innovation and enhance the safety protection system on the product. It can make customer feel safe and confident to purchase the magic health shower system. Innovation Panasonic magic health is combination e-cycle and e-hybrid to bring new technology to meet the customer need. Customer can be adjusts temperature and enjoy the massage to feel energised and relaxed. Visual element Panasonic used image as visual element to send the message to target audience. From the advertisement, we can found the different type of model of shower system to show the customer. Besides that, Panasonic is using black and white word explains the product features and benefit to give customer who are intend to purchase and know more detail of product.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Technology Transfers: Developing Renewable Energy Sources Essay
Technology Transfers: Putting Theory into Practice Climate change is an increasingly demanding issue as global population continues to grow, energy sources are being depleted and cooperation between actors to take action is often difficult to enforce. Renewable energy is a growing technology. With the depletion of fossil fuels as well as increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to fossil fuel burning, energy dependency will have to shift to renewable technologies such as solar photovoltaic, wind, hydroelectric and geothermal. Unfortunately, these technologies are expensive and building new or altering old plants to allow for their use is costly. Because developing countries are in transition and have a growing energy demand, their building of new energy facilities should logically incorporate and implement the new, cleaner technology. Most countries do not have the funds to support the new technology and so resort to purchasing old, inefficient parts from firms in developed countries that have already adjusted their technolog y. The Kyoto Protocol calls for increased energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources as well as limiting emissions of greenhouse gases (UNIDO, 3). Each Annex I country is expected to adhere to reduction commitments while developing countries are not obligated to specific commitments, they still must report their progress and are encouraged to begin reductions of emissions where possible (Cullet, 168). In order to encourage developed countries' emission reductions of greenhouse gases, flexible mechanisms were instituted under the Kyoto Protocol, such as the Cleaner Development Mechanism or Joint Implementation. Cleaner Development Mechanisms involve one country with commitments an... ...s 11: 3, 1-30. Cullet, Philippe. 1999. Equity and Flexibility Mechanisms in the Climate Change Regime: Conceptual and Practical Issues. Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 8:2, 168. Duic, Neven, Luis M. Alves and Maria da Graca Carvalho. 2001. Potential of Kyoto Protcol in Transfer of Energy Technologies to Insular Countries. Transactions of Famena 25: 2, 27-37. Lash III, William H. 2000. The Kyoto Climate Change Treaty. Society 37: 4, 43-49. Renewable Energy Technology and Kyoto Protocol Mechanisms. 2003. European Commission. European Commuities, Belgium, pp 6- 30. Service Module 6: Sustainable Energy and Climate Change Overview. Online. United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Available: HYPERLINK " Updated 2004" Updated 2004. [Accessed May 2004]. Technology Transfers: Developing Renewable Energy Sources Essay Technology Transfers: Putting Theory into Practice Climate change is an increasingly demanding issue as global population continues to grow, energy sources are being depleted and cooperation between actors to take action is often difficult to enforce. Renewable energy is a growing technology. With the depletion of fossil fuels as well as increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to fossil fuel burning, energy dependency will have to shift to renewable technologies such as solar photovoltaic, wind, hydroelectric and geothermal. Unfortunately, these technologies are expensive and building new or altering old plants to allow for their use is costly. Because developing countries are in transition and have a growing energy demand, their building of new energy facilities should logically incorporate and implement the new, cleaner technology. Most countries do not have the funds to support the new technology and so resort to purchasing old, inefficient parts from firms in developed countries that have already adjusted their technolog y. The Kyoto Protocol calls for increased energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources as well as limiting emissions of greenhouse gases (UNIDO, 3). Each Annex I country is expected to adhere to reduction commitments while developing countries are not obligated to specific commitments, they still must report their progress and are encouraged to begin reductions of emissions where possible (Cullet, 168). In order to encourage developed countries' emission reductions of greenhouse gases, flexible mechanisms were instituted under the Kyoto Protocol, such as the Cleaner Development Mechanism or Joint Implementation. Cleaner Development Mechanisms involve one country with commitments an... ...s 11: 3, 1-30. Cullet, Philippe. 1999. Equity and Flexibility Mechanisms in the Climate Change Regime: Conceptual and Practical Issues. Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 8:2, 168. Duic, Neven, Luis M. Alves and Maria da Graca Carvalho. 2001. Potential of Kyoto Protcol in Transfer of Energy Technologies to Insular Countries. Transactions of Famena 25: 2, 27-37. Lash III, William H. 2000. The Kyoto Climate Change Treaty. Society 37: 4, 43-49. Renewable Energy Technology and Kyoto Protocol Mechanisms. 2003. European Commission. European Commuities, Belgium, pp 6- 30. Service Module 6: Sustainable Energy and Climate Change Overview. Online. United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Available: HYPERLINK " Updated 2004" Updated 2004. [Accessed May 2004].
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Gwen Harwood Essay
Gwen Harwood’s poetry is steeped in Romantic traditions and is underpinned by humanist concerns. My personal interpretation is that Harwood’s poetry engages readers through its poetic treatment of loss and consolation as well as its exploration of universal themes about human existence and the processes of life. Harwood’s poetry validates the consoling influence of childhood experiences upon adult development evident in ‘At Mornington’ which explores one sense of loss and consolidation experienced in the cycle of life from birth to death. Harwood explores one transitory nature of life in her lyrical poem ‘The Violets’, revealing the way in which memory can illustrate past experiences that will resonate in the present offering consolation. Furthermore Harwood’s poetry is characterised by an over-arching existential quest for meaning and consolation as experienced through her exploration of love in ‘A Valediction.’ Whilst the notion that Harwood’s poetry engages readers through its poetic treatment of loss and consolation resonates with my own interpretation of her poems, readers are also engaged through Harwood’s exploration of universal truisms. A contemplation of human existence and one way in which one cycle of life is characterised by loss and consolation as a pervading theme throughout Harwood’s poetry. In ‘At Mornington’ past, present and future experiences are united through the poems fragmented structure and poetic treatment experiences of loss of naivety and consolation in order to encapsulate the cycle of life characteristic of one human experience. Furthermore, Harwood uses biblical allusions â€Å"secure in my father’s arms†to convey the universality of human existence, engaging the reader. The poem begins in the persona’s past with her childhood innocence and naivety, which is conveyed in her belief in her own invincibility. â€Å"I remember believing as a child I could walk on water.†Harwood’s use of biblical imagery evokes the idea of Jesus walking on water and the consoling effect this had on the speaker’s childhood self, to represent her naà ¯ve, childish outlook. This water imagery becomes a sustained motif. The speaker draws on the image of the â€Å"flood†on which â€Å"memories of early childhood are born†through a contemplative tone of spiritual replenishment as she â€Å"stands among avenues of the dead,†engaging the reader through the poetic treatment of both loss and consolation. In accordance with the Romantic tradition, the speaker acknowledges the restorative capabilities of the natural elements conveyed in the image of a â€Å"pitcher of water†which becomes a metaphor for replenishment and revitalisation. As the poem shifts to the present tense, the reader is further engaged as the persona finds herself in a graveyard and coming to terms with the death and loss of a loved one. The persona comes to a peaceful acceptance of life’s transience and her own mortality as she acknowledges the inevitable passage of time â€Å"that brings us to that time of our lives where our bones wear us†offering her a sense of consolation. The poem concludes with a projection into the future, with the existential tone â€Å"no hand will save me†evoking the realisation that death and loss is one inevitable end of the cycle. Harwood’s poem ‘At Mornington’ engages readers through its poetic treatment of loss and consolation and the way in which these themes recur throughout the cycle of life. Harwood’s poems elucidate themes of memory and recollection, highlighting the way these transcend time, death and loss and eventually offer consolation. In one nostalgic poem ‘The Violets’ the speaker revisits a seminal childhood experience that affirms adult perspectives and engages the reader by identifying the importance of memories of filial love in sustaining the adult self, providing consolation. The child’s naà ¯ve question â€Å"Where has morning gone?†emphasises the power of dreams to distort time and evokes the speaker’s sense of loss. The child’s loss is countered by the memory of her parents’ unconditional love. The use of enjambment creates a sense of continuity as the violets transport the speaker back to a time when she was lovingly comforted, thus continually engaging the reader. The maternal image of the mother who â€Å"dried my tearful face†and the visual image of â€Å"stroking, golden brown hair†conveys the tenderness of this memory. Through the recurring motif of the â€Å"violets in our loamy bed†Harwood shifts between past and present experiences of loss and consolation. Literary critic Elizabeth Lawson suggests â€Å"identifying its ability to control moment s in time by transforming consciousness of the present.’ The speaker realises that although memories are â€Å"ambiguous†and time can be â€Å"stolen†, ultimately, as is portrayed in the personification â€Å"Years cannot move the lamplit presences†of her childhood. The poem concludes with a final natural image of â€Å"the faint scent of violets drifts in the air†conveying the persona’s awareness that the memories of her parents’ love transcends the power of death. In ‘The Violets’ Harwood’s poetic treatment of loss and consolation through the motif of the violets engages the reader on an emotional level. The theme of love and its permanent, passionate nature resonates within Harwood’s poetry, engaging readers through its poetic treatment of the experiences of loss and consolation associated with love. Similar to ‘At Mornington’ which expresses one cycle of life and the acceptance of its inevitable processes, ‘A Valediction’ expresses the journey of maturation through reflection that leads the speaker from adolescent sentimentality to an appreciation of the enduring nature of love. The intertextual reference to John Donne in the poems title foreshadows the exploration and poetic treatment of the experience parting from a loved one and the emotional repercussions of this loss. The persona’s adolescent sentimentality is evoked through her ritual of seeking solace in her anthology of Donne’s poetry. The memories of her youth are metaphorically â€Å"inked in with aches from adolescence.†Harwood explores the nature of love in her representation of two significant female figures and it is from their contrasting reactions to their experiences of love that informs the persona’s more mature perception of love and loss. One the one hand, Harwood gives representation Salome, whose indifference to the grand passion of love is conveyed in the flippant tone of her comment â€Å"whether I kissed Nietzche on Monte Sacro I find I do not now remember.†On the other hand, Harwood depicts Saint Therese, a nun who dedicated her life to selfless love as conveyed in the sentimental tone of her comment â€Å"when I love it is forever.†Harwood’s juxtaposition of these women’s perspectives on love highlights the folly of both ideals and consolidates the persona’s understanding that it is rationalism and moderation that offer the most valued appreciation of love. The persona’s direct address â€Å"dear ladies shall we meet half way between sanctity and liberation?†conveys her awareness that there should be a balance between disinterest oversentimentality. The poem concludes with an idyllic scene that encapsulates the persona’s sense of contentment and maturity beyond her emotional angst. â€Å"let me walk at sunset in the pasture feeding my geese†engages the reader through the poetic treatment of loss and consolation as it is associated with the theme of love. Modernist poet Gwen Harwood adheres to the literary conventions of the Romantics in her anthology of poems, employing poetical devices and form to give expression to the themes of loss and consolation as well as other timeless themes. Harwood continues to engage readers through her exploration of universal themes of human existence evident in ‘At Mornington’, ‘The Violets’ and ‘A Valediction.’
Friday, November 8, 2019
Network Debate essays
Network Debate essays It was a brutal race. They interrupted our daily scheduled shows with boisterous promises they could never fulfill. They invaded our towns and cities with their advertisements; their faces defaced our buses and benches. And still, no one has emerged as the clean victor. Yes, the battle for network coverage of the Presidential race was fierce. It was an exciting race indeed. On CBS, Dan Rathers predictions rolled off his lips like sweat off a dancing bear; he was hotter than a Loredo parking lot. NBCs Tom Brokaw entertained us with fancy charts and sarcastic guests. Fox was all eye candy; 3-D charts superimposed over the Bush mansion glittered with incorrect predictions. ABC had the honor of being the first network to announce and retract Governor Bushs victory, while on CNN we heard too close to call more often than the vote in Florida has been counted. Comedy Centrals Indecision 2000 delighted us with irreverent commentary by John Stewart and analysis by Bob Dole. I did not vote. With my remote, I was indifferent; it was all too annoying. How I wished something exciting would replace these endless predictions and corrections. I prayed for a TiVo so I could pick what and when I wanted to watch. Bereft of TiVos brilliant technology, I did what any other upstanding, bored American citizen would have done: I rented a movie. ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Roman Empire And Han Empire
Roman Empire and Han Dynasty Comparison The Roman Empire and Han Dynasty sprang up at around the same time. The Roman Empire was essentially everything that touched the Mediterranean while the Han took over much of China. Obviously, differences in culture, tradition, and location caused them to be different in ways; but even though these empires did not really have contact with one another, there were many similarities. These similarities and differences will be discussed in religion and culture, economy and society, and government and military as well as the effect these areas had on how each was ruled. A person’s religion and traditions can have a lot to do with decisions they make, even when it comes to ruling an empire. In both Han China and Rome, the same values of respect, piety, duty, and honor were stressed. A powerful patriarch headed families. The main religion in Rome was Christianity. China’s largest religions were Confucianism and Buddhism. While picking in an emperor in Rome had little to do with faith, the Chinese believed in the Mandate of Heaven. In China, there were Confucian beliefs going around, but there still was not much thinking. In contrast, Rome had many famous philosophers. The philosophy easily blended in with Christianity. The economy of an empire can be very instrumental in whether it will survive. Both empires taxed their subjects to the point that the people’s loyalty fell onto the landowners. They also spent a lot of funds on the military to ward of invaders. So much was spent in this area that others became weak and the economy fell. Trade became common in Rome and China, aided by the building of roads. Socially, there were defined classes in both empires. Merchants in Rome had a much higher status than those in China. Also, Rome used slaves so they did not care for technological advances in agriculture as the Chinese did. They developed systems such as irrigation to make farming e... Free Essays on Roman Empire And Han Empire Free Essays on Roman Empire And Han Empire Roman Empire and Han Dynasty Comparison The Roman Empire and Han Dynasty sprang up at around the same time. The Roman Empire was essentially everything that touched the Mediterranean while the Han took over much of China. Obviously, differences in culture, tradition, and location caused them to be different in ways; but even though these empires did not really have contact with one another, there were many similarities. These similarities and differences will be discussed in religion and culture, economy and society, and government and military as well as the effect these areas had on how each was ruled. A person’s religion and traditions can have a lot to do with decisions they make, even when it comes to ruling an empire. In both Han China and Rome, the same values of respect, piety, duty, and honor were stressed. A powerful patriarch headed families. The main religion in Rome was Christianity. China’s largest religions were Confucianism and Buddhism. While picking in an emperor in Rome had little to do with faith, the Chinese believed in the Mandate of Heaven. In China, there were Confucian beliefs going around, but there still was not much thinking. In contrast, Rome had many famous philosophers. The philosophy easily blended in with Christianity. The economy of an empire can be very instrumental in whether it will survive. Both empires taxed their subjects to the point that the people’s loyalty fell onto the landowners. They also spent a lot of funds on the military to ward of invaders. So much was spent in this area that others became weak and the economy fell. Trade became common in Rome and China, aided by the building of roads. Socially, there were defined classes in both empires. Merchants in Rome had a much higher status than those in China. Also, Rome used slaves so they did not care for technological advances in agriculture as the Chinese did. They developed systems such as irrigation to make farming e...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Gerlach & Ely Model of ID Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Gerlach & Ely Model of ID - Essay Example The content of the course is often established through a standard curriculum thus needs no assessment. In addition, since the model was designed with teachers in mind, who are expected to know their students and the setting of learning process, no learner or context analyses are included (Orellena, Hudgins and Simonson, 2009). Instructional design, according to Gerlach and Ely, recognize teachers. Most teachers think about their courses first and foremost in terms of context, not the course objectives. The first step in Gerlach and Ely’s ID model is to describe an interactive process of examining content and generating objectives. In addition, the model also highlights the importance of assessing entry behaviors as its second step. The last step involves five interactive and simultaneous procedures: determine strategy, organize groups, allocate time, allocate space and finally, select resources. These steps are followed by a performance evaluation and a feedback analysis step. The following is a brief summary of the steps to be followed in the Gerlach and Ely ID model. The first step involves the specification of objectives. The teacher specifies behaviors in terms of what the learners should be able to do at specified points along the instructional continuum. The next steps to be followed include: specification of content, assessment of entry behaviors, determination of strategy and techniques and organization of groups (Bruce, Ledford and Sleeman, 2001). In the step of organizing the group, it is important to note that the objectives determine the group size. Several questions might be asked during this step, for instance, which objectives can be reached by the learners on their own? Which objectives can be achieved through interaction among learners? Which objectives can be achieved through formal presentation by the teacher and through interaction between the learner and the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Examining Representation Of Suburbs And Model Dwelling Essay
Examining Representation Of Suburbs And Model Dwelling - Essay Example The house is well fenced with a stone field. The painting shows that Pissarro had visited Bedford Park during the summer in 1987. First, mansion displayed on the other side of Lucien’s house is a modern building with special features. For instance, the entire building is made up of three buildings that are joined together. This design reveals that there is technological development in structural designs of model dwellings or mansions. Secondly, mansions or model dwellings in London are well connected by good transport systems like roads. Pissarro's painting "Bed road" displays the presence of a well-developed road passing between model dwellings. The colorful painting of the mansions in the "Bed road" displays the high quality of the building and the wise selection of colors by ancient house designers. In comparison to the recent picture of the Bed road, Bedford Park in 1995, there are similarities in the house design and the colorful painting on the walls. These similarities depict that Pissarro's ideas on his work would come true in the future. In conclusion, the two paintings discussed above reveal that the 19th century and 20th-century artists had unique skills and capabilities of representing different structures in different places using oil paintings. In his two paintings, Camille Pissarro was able to display the ancient structures developed using high technology. Structures like model dwelling in were characterized by colorful paintings and good transport system as displayed by Pissarro's paintwork.
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