Wednesday, July 31, 2019
How much is John Proctor responsible for his own death Essay
â€Å"The Crucible†is set in 1692, in Salem, Massachusetts. It is written by Arthur Millar in the early 50’s. It follows the lives of a gang of teenage girls, meddling with witchcraft. Stifled by the crushing pity of their elders they end up doing strange things in the woods. The chief of the group of young ladies is a girl called Abigail Williams-her innocence lost in the bed f John Proctor, a married farmer who is the soul of the play. Suddenly the devil is let loose in Salem. The girls are discovered, spurred on by their terrified accusations and the entire village is consumed by cries of witchcraft. One by one, the blameless victims of mass hysteria are torn from their homes until, inexorably, Abigail’s vengeance is turned on Proctors wife. A timeless tale of truth on trial, the Crucible relentlessly a suspenseful drama of collective evil and personal conscience. It’s centre is a vastly moving story of guilt, love and redemption. Proctor is responsible for his own death in many ways, the main reason is infidelity in relation to Abby. The other contributing factors are morality, pride, religion, law and local grievances. This is the first time we see Proctor and Abby interact with each other, â€Å"Since Proctors entrance, Abigail has stood as though on tiptoe, absorbing his presence, wide eyed. He glanced at her then goes to Betty on the bed†(pg 17) We can tell the mood in the room instantly, Abby is stood there staring at him on tiptoes, indicating her need to attract him by making herself taller, as it is believed height is the figure of beauty. Where as Proctor is quite dismissive, and shows that he doesn’t want to be acknowledged by her by glancing at her and appearing quite cold and clinical. The issue of infidelity plays a major part in the lead up to Proctors death. As Abby is envious of Elizabeth and is also quite resentfully bitter towards her, regarding how Abby was thrown out of the household because of her entanglement with John. In this quotation Abby is clueing the audience in to her past affair with him, â€Å"I look for John Proctor that took me from my sleep and put knowledge in my heart! I never knew what pretence Salem was, I never knew the lying lessons I was taught by all these Christian women and their covenanted men! And now you bid me tear the light out of my eyes? I will not, I cannot! You loved me, John Proctor, and whatever sin it is, you love me yet! †For Proctor, we quickly realise their relationship belongs to the past-while he may still be attracted to her, he is desperately trying to put the incident behind him. Abby, on the other hand, has no such sense of closure as this quote makes clear. As she begs him to come back to her, her anger over flows, and we see the roots of what becomes her targeted, destructive romp through Salem. We also see in this quotation a fierce loathing of the entire town. â€Å"I never knew what pretense Salem was, I never knew the lying lessons†¦.. †Abigail hates Salem and in the course of â€Å"The Crucible†, she makes Salem pay. The adultery is a matter of morality, whether behaviour like this should be accepted in society or if it thought as on a negative note. Elizabeth finds out about it and time is needed to mend the relationship as the scab hasn’t not yet formed. Abby still has a flame for left for Proctor and is determined to win him over by accusing his wife of witchcraft, but Proctor gets in the middle of the feud and the tables turn and he, himself is accused of being in league with the devil. Another aspect of the build up to Proctors death is his pride. This is the human defence system coming into action, when we are threatened we feel we must create a certain image to gain respect and most of the time it works, the problem that Proctor faces is if he can sustain his pride. Proctor is a very honest, upright and bluntly spoken person and hates hypocrisy, he is also a good man, but one with a secret, his fatal flaw. In Act four, Proctor utters these lines when he is wrestling with his conscience over whether to confess to witchcraft and thereby save himself . â€Å"Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave my name! †(pg 115) The judges and Hale have almost convinced him to sign his life over to them, but the last stumbling block is his signature on the confession, which he cannot bring himself to give. In a way this unwillingness reflects his desire not to dishonour his fellow prisoners: as he would not be able to live with himself knowing that other innocent people died while he quaked at deaths floor and fled. More importantly, it illustrates his obsession with his good name as reputation is tremendously important in Salem. Religion is another contributing factor to Proctors death, as Salem is quite sacramentally run . You are judged if you are not a follower of the faith, which today would be frowned at. Pride and religion link together as; if Proctor didn’t have as much self-esteem, would he be civil to the clergy men and have an advantage in the situation? It would be deceitful yet it would help in this predicament, the only person who seemed to be on Proctors side of the court was Reverend John Hale. He was a stranger to the town and did not know of Proctors resilient character, and so he thought Proctor was in need of help and is on his side. Proctor: â€Å"There be no love for Satan in this house, Mister. â€Å"(pg 55) Hale: â€Å"I pray it, I pray it dearly. (he looks to both of them, an attempt at a smile on his face) Well, then-I’ll bid you good night. †By saying this it indicates that Hale understands Proctor’s problems, which is the accusation that Proctors household is in league with Satan. The law plays a big part in the lead up to Proctors death, as they have the authority to choose what the morally correct verdict is on the case. Law is linked in with religion as members of the clergy are judges, which shouldn’t really happen as they are biased on their answers due to religious beliefs. Parris is the main distributor of opinions, and always has a word to say on the matter. He seems to bring his religion up on quite a few occasions, as that is his speciality and strength so he knows he can out smart Proctor by discussing this. â€Å"Such a Christian that will not come to church but once in a month! â€Å"(pg 72) he is trying to imply that Proctor is a bad person which is prominently a disadvantage on Proctors name, which is an underserved judgement. Overall, â€Å"The Crucible†is quite a deep and meaningful play, even though the play itself has very few examples of symbolism beyond the typical witchcraft symbols (rats, toads, bats etc) the entire play is meant to be symbols with witch trials standing in for the anti-communists â€Å"witch hunts†of the 1950’s. Proctor is the protagonist, one of the chief contenders where as Abby is the antagonist, his opponent. I think the main issue that lead to his death was in the name of Abigail Williams. If Proctor didn’t get involved with Abby, then the finger wouldn’t have been pointed at him and his wife, it would have been directed at someone else perhaps even Parris, her own blood and flesh. Abigail strikes me as a very misleading character, at the start I got the impression she was just a girl who had made a mistake and was sorry for it, but as the play unfolded her character had a dark, malicious side it to it that was sharp and uneasy. The tone of the play is quite serious and compressed, as the language is almost quite biblical. The way they use â€Å"goody†for the name of their women and â€Å"mister†for their men is unusual and creates a flavour of period. It gives a sense that church dominates their lives. Proctor decided to die for Salem, in doing so he had finally purged his guilt, his wife said.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Policy Priority Issue Essay
While most things in life come with an instruction manual, children do not. Parenting is a difficult job. While your child is growing, you must know the best, most up to date resources to assist you in providing the best for him/her. Success by 6 is an initiative to make sure that â€Å"every child in North Central Florida enters school healthy and prepared to learn by the age of 6†(Chun, 2005). It also assists families to be prepared to have a child in school. The greatest challenges facing our country can only be met by focusing on the development of all our children, beginning at birth. Early childhood programs are the most cost-effective way to ensure the healthy development of children in poverty and offer the greatest returns to society. In evidence-based home visiting programs, â€Å"professionals connect families to medical, dental, mental-health, and other support systems†(Daro, D., 2014). The time period from birth through age six is a critical one for â€Å"establishing the solid foundations essential for children’s long-term health, well-being, and learning†(Clothier, S., 2014). Background The Success by 6 was initiated in North Central Florida in 2005. It was initially expected â€Å"to reach 2,500 children with health and developmental screenings, child care provider training, parent education, mentoring, a community center, abuse and neglect prevention, home visitation, program evaluation and family referral programs†(Chun, 2006). This number was reached in its second year and continues to grow annually. As we look to improve and add state policies that lead to good health, learning, and family outcomes, like Success by 6, it is imperative to ensure that policies capitalize on both health and learning.
Monday, July 29, 2019
A Cry from the Grave by Leslie Woodhead Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
A Cry from the Grave by Leslie Woodhead - Essay Example This mass killing is indeed a very horrible and a very traumatic occurrence in Bosnia. The experience of Bosnian Muslims during the period of war is of course a tragic one. Nobody except the Bosnian community could understand what it was like to be there in a place where it had seemed that death was the only thing that could happen to them at the end of the day. Nonetheless, the documentary â€Å"A Cry from the Grave†which has captured the dread and terror of the hour by hour story of the July 1995 Srebrenica genocide during the Bosnian war conveys a message that even if the war is over, it is not enough because there were more than 80,000 Bosnian Muslim who were still crying for justice from their graves. The images from video clippings of the camcorder and from the photographs of the Bosnian war, without a doubt, served a function of being the strongest element in the documentary itself to express that disastrous incident. Images of people seeking for refuge, images of peop le trying to escape their danger from the Serbian forces, images of people wounded, and the images of people killed have captured and covered not only the Bosnian genocide but can also elicit sentiments of sorrow, grief and fear from the testimonies of the survivors of the said war. The Bosnian war had all begun when the Bosnian Serbs attacked the lands where the Bosnian Muslims were residing. They attacked such zones in order to secure the Serb’s territory. This was followed by â€Å"ethnic cleansing†. The Serbian forces systematically eliminated the Muslim population within their territory. They separated the men from the women and children. Some of them were forced to escape the zones which the Serbs had considered to own. Nonetheless, this also resulted to thousands of deaths among the Bosnian Muslims. In addition to that, the series of constant attacks made by the Serbian army had likewise resulted to thousands of killings. Meanwhile, the United Nation declared th at Srebrenica was a safe area in 1993. Nonetheless, two years later, this â€Å"safe area†had started to deteriorate in 1995 and marked the beginning of the traumatic genocide. The documentary showed how those protecting the Bosnian Muslims had started to withdraw their support in Srebrenica. Basic resources including food and medicine, as well as the fuel and ammunition, had started to lowered. Bosniak civilians suffered from famishment. A few also had been killed because of starvation. The humanitarian situation of Bosnian Muslims turned to be the worst. It is the case that even the United Nation forces in the Srebrenica had been affected from such withdrawal of support. The United Nation forces were no longer patrolling using their means of transport but were just on foot as they guarded the enclaves. Likewise, from 600 Dutch soldiers, it had dropped to only 400. Moreover, the Serbian forces were now within their territory. Their forces had become stronger and stronger an d were out of control. On the one hand, the forces governing the safety of the Bosnian Muslim civilians had also lowered. Support from the air forces was also rejected. They were made to hope about the support which never had come. The situation had become worse and worse every single day for the lives of the Bosnian Muslims who all had their lives and nothing else. The situation was far from achieving a peaceful Srebrenica. What happened was an environment of total insecurity. There was no hope for the lives of the Bosnian Muslims in Srebrenica asking for refuge. The documentary had illustrated the thousands of refugees from Srebrenica gathered around in the compound of United
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Protection Provided to Employees in the Public Services Essay
Protection Provided to Employees in the Public Services - Essay Example Sex Discrimination Act, 1975 is applied to both men and women, which makes sex discrimination in employment, vocational training, education, the provision and sales goods, facilities and services as well as premises, unlawful. To clarify Great British law which is related to gender reassignment the Sex Discrimination (Gender Reassignment) regulations 1999 was enacted. It is a measure in order to prevent discrimination against transsexual people on the grounds of sex in pay and treatment in employment as well as vocational training. In April 2007, Gender Equality Duty came into force and it is the biggest change in sex equality legislation in thirty years since the Sex Discrimination Act was introduced. In recognition of the need for a radical new approach to equality, it was introduced, which placed service providers the responsibility to think strategically about gender equality, rather than living it to the individuals to challenge poor practice. For Employers, Equal Pay Act 1970 makes it unlawful to discriminate between men and women in terms of their pay as well as conditions where they are doing similar work, work rated as equivalent, or work of equal value. It is applied to both men and women however it does not give everyone the right to claim equal pay with a person of the same sex. That is, in other words, any comparison must be with a person of the opposite sex. In 2003, the act was amended (Sheard, A., 2006d). Based on Race Race Relations Act, 1976, makes it unlawful to treat a person less favourable than the others on the grounds of race. This includes protection of people against racial discrimination the grounds of race, colour, nationality (citizenship), as well as national or ethnic origin, in the fields of employment, education, training, housing, and the provision of goods, facilities as well as services. In order to eliminate institutional racism and prohibit racial discrimination in all public functions with only a few exceptions and give a new statutory duty to promote race equality, Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 was enacted. Its aims are to provide fair and accessible services as well as improve equal opportunities in employment. The general duty of this Act is to eliminate unlawful racial discrimination, to promote equal opportunities as well as to promote good relations between people from the different racial group; and under these duties, public authorities must prepare and publish a Race Equality Scheme which should explain how general, as well as specific duties, will be met.  Â
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Buddhism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Buddhism - Research Paper Example Although its spread was initially slow, it was aided by Ashoka, who was the emperor of Maurya and the religion’s ardent supporter. He, together with his descendants, promoted the construction of religious memorials of Buddhism known as stupas, and their efforts spread the religion beyond the inflated Maurya Empire into adjacent territories. They brought Buddhism into Central Asia and Afghanistan’s regions that spoke Iranian, as well as Sri Lanka. This paper will research on the history of Buddhism and its reflection on the culture of Southern India including Arts, Epics and architecture such as temples and tombs. There is general consensus among most historians that the origins of Buddhism are in north India’s era of the fifth century BCE. Its traditions can be traced to the birth of Siddhartha Gautama, popularly known as Buddha and denoting the Enlightened or Awakened one, who was born in Nepal’s Lumbini area. Buddha observed the world’s suffering and committed himself to find its remedy. He achieved a state of enlightenment through analysis and mediation, which characterized the end of suffering caused by attachments and liberty from the sequence of rebirth upon death. Buddhism’s earliest phase, the Pre-sectarian Buddhism, had the Vinaya Pitaka as its main scriptures and Nakayas’ four principles, also known as the Agamas (Takakusu 134). The Early Buddhist Schools opine that the Buddhist council was conducted after the death of Buddha (or parinirvana), where teachings were orally transmitted. The council was primarily to recite teachings collectively so as to ensure there were no errors in the oral transmissions. The monastic code, also known as Vinaya, was recited by Upali, and Buddha’s favorite disciple and cousin Ananda recited his lessons known s the Sutras. The Early Mahayana Buddhism was formed around 100 BCE and fully established in 100 AD on the assumption that its existence was separate from the competition of the Hinayana schools. The Late Mahayana Buddhism saw the development of four key thoughts which were Madhyamaka, Tathagatagarba, Yogacara and the most recent Buddhist Logic (Takakusu 114). Hinduism greatly influenced Esoteric Buddhism. The era of Ashoka is greatly credited with the spread of the religion outside India as emissaries were deployed to other countries, especially the eastern provinces that neighbored the Seleucid Empire and further on to the Hellenistic kingdoms. That spread ensured that Buddhism interacted with other diverse ethnic groups, exposing it to various influences that came from the Greek and Persian civilization. Buddhism’s originality started fragmenting in subsequent centuries, with the most noticeable split occurring after conducting the second council which came a century after the first was held. Following debates between traditionalists and liberal groups, the liberal groups termed themselves s the Mahasangha and left, eventually e volving into North Asia’s Mahayana tradition. On their part, the traditionalists labeled themselves as Sthaviranda, which meant the way of the elders, came up with a set of complex philosophical concepts collectively known as Abhidharma, which went beyond the ones that Buddha had revealed. However, the Abhidharma soon gave rise to disagreements, encouraging more splinter groups to leave the fold, eventually developing 18 different schools that had different interpretations of
Individual critical review report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1
Individual critical review report - Essay Example Some of the common changes that many students experience changes in culture, language and system of education. This was not any different in my case. The various changes experienced can be behavioral, cognitive, psychodynamic and humanistic; having an influence in personal strengths and weaknesses whose understanding is important in future career development and improvement. Personality Change Theories Philosophy, Psychology and sociology theorists and experts have always claimed that personality of a person can change in certain circumstances. Changes can occur when a person relocates to another place, which is different from the region they are used to or when they decide they are going to make changes in some things about themselves. Personality change when a person relocates to another place is based on the theories discussed hereafter. Behavioral This is simply the change of behavior of a person either towards something for improvement or change of environment. Change of environ ment especially comes with its own challenges. Things may be different in the new environment compared to the environment a person is used to. The person has to imitate the behavior and actions of the people in the new environment to fit in and survive. ... For college students, they fall under the category of young adults which according to Erikson ranges from twenty to thirty nine years. This stage is based on two characteristics, intimacy and isolation. Erikson states that this stage is important for people within that age bracket to have good relationships with other people. The consequence of this is two outcomes; intimacy or isolation. People, who learn how to connect with other people, share with them what their feelings and to appreciate their viewpoints and perspectives on different issues get intimacy. They have people they can always look up to when they need them. On the other hand, people who do not develop good relationships with other people do not have anyone to connect to or look up to. They live on their own in isolation (Schultz and Schultz, 2004). The consequences of Erikson’s theory of psychological development have a lot of impact on the people. While people who have intimate relations are usually happy and stress free, those that live in isolation are likely to be depressed making them to engage in activities that are not good for instance substance abuse. Basing on this psychological development theory by Erikson, I have learned to interact with people from across the world for the time I have been studying abroad. I have developed relations with many people that I met at the University. I believe I have understood them to the fullest and they have also understood my personality. There was a lot of fulfillment I experienced by sharing my joy, issues and challenges with the friend I have made at college. I have learned to appreciate every person as we were from different cultural, ethnic
Friday, July 26, 2019
Restructure Writing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Restructure Writing - Assignment Example †¢Furthermore, governments, foundations, non-profit organizations, and other stakeholders continue to work on how to provide cost-effective community-based services to members of the society including the elderly. †¢Human service agency workers are major participants of university-community collaborations; hence, the purpose of this study was to investigate their views of community-based services to the elderly in northwest Ohio. †¢In particular, the study sought to provide an avenue for them to communicate their understanding of university-community agency collaborations, and identify how their agencies can work collaboratively with a university. Diversity imposes different communication needs and common examples are in communication between people who speak different oral languages and communication a deaf person and one who is not deaf. In such situations, ability to speak the other party’s language bridges communication barrier and this discussion identifies benefits of bilingualism. Bilingualism improves interpersonal communication skills. This is even evident in children and identifies its significance in the globalized environment (Byrd, 2012, P21, 2nd Pa, L1-3). Among the deaf, use of both sign language and mouthing are able to adjust to communication needs around them for effective communication (Parasnis, 1996, P. 32, L.7-8). Bilingualism also facilitates cognitive competence among the deaf and this can be inferred to other competence areas, even among other population segments (Nussbaum, Scott & Simms, 2012, P.15, L.1). Benefits of bilingualism are therefore diverse and it should be encouraged among the deaf and other population
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Financial analysis report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Financial analysis report - Essay Example Some of the strategic business sales include sale of two European security hardware business namely Corbin and NEMEF during January 2004 and sale of DOM security hardware in November 2005. The analysis of the performance of Black & Decker Corporation is split into two parts. Part One deals with the company's situation for 10 years post acquisition of Emhart Corporation for $2.8 billion in 1989. Part two would deal with the performance of the company during more recent times, including the year 2005 and first quarter of 2006. The financial performance of Black & Decker post its acquisition of Emhart Corporation had been standard. A simple glance at the ten year consolidated financials would tell us that sales has grown only by an average of 42% ($1348 Million) during 1989 to 1999. A deeper analysis throws light on the fact that sales numbers have grown only from 1989 to 1994. Post 1994, though sales during 1996-1997 shot up to $4900 million mark, the rest of the period have only had a stable number revolving around the $4,500 Million mark. A quick glimpse at the 10year financials shocks the reader that the Operating Income has grown over 100% during 1989 - 1999 period. But analysis reveals that the average growth in Operating income over the 10 years has been very meager with negative growth being recorded in 3 out of the 10 years. Actual average stands at 9.4% growth as an average of 10 years. In the year 1998, the company recorded an earning (loss) from continuing operations at ($754.6) Million, but qu ickly took hold of the situation and revised its earnings from continuing operations to a profit of $300.3 Million the next year. A striking feature of the company is its large reduction in number of employees from 1989 to 1999. The company's employee strength stood at 38,600 during 1989, while it reported its employee strength at 22,106 during 1999. Ironic to a growing company, this gross reduction of 74.6% in 10 years is surprising. I believe the shareholder of the company would have been quite disappointed seeing the NIL or minimal growth in the dividends declared. The dividends declared stayed constantly at $0.40 per share from 1989 to 1995 and increase by a meager $0.08 to $0.48 from 1996 until 1999. Analysis of the ratios of the company for the period 1989 - 1999 reveals the following. The average of operating income ratio over the 10year period stood at 6.79% (CAGR 74%) with the highest recording at 11.86%(1999). Though this seems quite low, the company has posed a net profit record for the majority of the ten years. The net profit average stood at 0.48% (CAGR 5.30%). This had a positive impact of the stock prices, which is also evidenced by the growing prices of the company stocks during the period from $10 range (1989) to $60+ range during 1999. The average return on the total assets for the 10year period stood as low as average of 0.03%. This shows the in-effectiveness with which the company has deployed the capital though not a conclusive evidence. The average earnings per share (EPS) over the 10year period stood at 0.22 per share, which seems good for the average dividend of 0.40 to 0.48 per
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Scan virus for all domestic animal in Saudi Arabia Research Proposal
Scan virus for all domestic animal in Saudi Arabia - Research Proposal Example Such illnesses spread to humans due to failure to understand the natural environment. Over the past decade, many people have lost their lives globally because of serious infections caused by animals. Examples of such illnesses are Ebola and AIDS. A few years ago, a virus spread by domestic birds affected many people in Eastern Asia. In Saudi Arabia, a virus that spread from domestic animals to humans is corona virus. This virus spread to humans through their interaction with camels. Reports indicate that about 800 people were infected with the virus in the Middle East (Merson, Black & Mills, 2012). The first case of infection was reported in Saudi Arabia in the year 2012. It causes serious respiratory illnesses. About 27 percent of people infected with the virus die. People with weaker immunes systems as such the elderly and those with other illnesses such as diabetes are more vulnerable to the viruses. The public health departments have been focusing on scanning only wild animals fo r virus. It is also crucial for them to start focusing more on scanning domestic animals. If action is not taken in time, more people will die of the infections caused by viruses spread to humans by domestic animals. Failure to scan domestic animals has contributed the deaths of many people in Saudi Arabia and other parts of the world. This is because animals have viruses that cause deadly infections to humans (Merson, Black & Mills, 2012). Apart from corona virus, another virus that uses domestic animals as hosts is rabies. Rabies is among the most infectious illnesses. Studies show that it is responsible for thousands of deaths each year in the world. Rabies is transmitted to human when bitten by infected dogs and cats. Apart from dogs, poultry farmers are also at high risks of being infected by viruses such as H5N1. In the year 2007 April, Saudi Arabia reported a fist case of H5NI. Birds spread this virus when they
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Laboratory Informstion System for Academic Medical Center Coursework
Laboratory Informstion System for Academic Medical Center - Coursework Example pag). Also, it is more convenient to use considering the speed and the volume of data available in the system (Robinson n. pag). Lastly, it facilitates more efficient project management: a single service provider gives more detailed, responsive, and coordinated action in times of system errors or even, in the regular maintenance of the system. B. An example of a fully integrated solution is the HNA Millenium  ®, a system built to automate electronic medical record, patient care ordering, review of resident orders, closed-loop medication management, health information management, and access management (Krishna 18). For its laboratory system component, it seeks to reduce the average turn-around time for laboratory and radiology reports (â€Å"The Gemini Project†117). Diagnostic results are expected to be made available to the physician within seconds after verification. Another example of an integrated solution is Matrix’s Tafnit ERP system, a comprehensive solution fo r laboratory functions. It installs the â€Å"Autolab†LIS that is used to issue referrals and obtain data for billing (â€Å"Assuta Medical Centers†n. pag). ... pag). Scenario 2 Detailed Requirements Document i. Stakeholders The most essential initiative in an organization is to provide the needs of its stakeholders--for without them [stakeholders], an organization works as good as nothing. Incorporating radiology images into the Personal Health Record System would further advance this initiative and is expected to benefit various stakeholders. Below is the list of the prospective stakeholders with their corresponding needs: 1. Patients- More than anyone else, they are the ones who would want timely and easy access to services. Remarkably, patients today have low levels of tolerance for delayed or lost reports and films. Patients’ minimum expectation [that needs to be served] is to receive quickly generated, readily available, and reliable radiological reports (Thrall). 2. Referring physicians- As much as possible, physicians would like to have timely access to patient information. For decades, film handling and delivery systems for h ard-copy reports have frustrated physicians because of these systems’ inefficiency and poor reliability (Thrall). 3. Hospitals- Primarily confronted with severe cost-cutting pressures, hospitals seek to find cost-cutting measures: lowering the average lengths of stay, cutting the length of care-process cycle, as well as eliminating some unnecessary inpatient days. Interestingly, hospitals are eyeing on the radiology department to achieve the aforementioned objectives (Thrall). 4. Radiologists- Similar to physicians, these key stakeholders are also confronted with unreliable and inefficient hard-copy film management systems. A more improved infrastructure for practice-support and implementation of systems is vital for their tasks (Thrall). ii.
Monday, July 22, 2019
The Homestead Act Essay Example for Free
The Homestead Act Essay To my understanding, and from what I have read in the book and throughout the course links, I believe that the intent of the Homestead Act was to defeat land monopoly. Many farmers, however, lacked the economic means to move west and manage a farm. . By this, fewer still understood the new type of agriculture, in which technology was used to farm the land that the Great Plains required. Instead, speculators and corporate interests were able to reap in profits, and fraud and corruption, and often marked the process farmland for transportation (the railroads). The Homestead Acts biggest weakness however, was not taking into account conditions on the frontier. I also think that the eastern framers did not consider that some of their land was too large for irrigated farming and too small for dry farming. The role of the private capital in the American West was towards the rich. The poor individuals did not have any control of most of the land even if they were the first occupants. The rich people were also in control of the railroad system, in which the well to do folks had the only say so. Farmers finally received a break, with the railroads. Under the Pacific Railroad Act, land grants made possible the speedy construction of the Union Pacific, Central Pacific, Northern Pacific, Santa Fe, and Southern Pacific railroads. They were Lead by railroad promoters to believe in a bountiful West harvest, in which mass amounts of European immigrants were caught up in the movement West. I think that the railroads provided exactly what the Homestead Acts did not: credit terms, good quality advertisement, larger land tracts, special passenger rates, and farming support for future Western settlers. There were a lot of motivated businessmen of the Great Northern Railway, who planned and directed the settlement of thousands of settlers along different lines. One thing that I believed that helped the settlers was the fact that lands sold by the railroads also hastened settlement because they provided the cheapest and most convenient way of getting farmers produce to the markets. By this, I believe that the United States government played a major role in developing the railroad system and then came in to assist the public when the private companies were mistreating the general public for a profit. According to the Links in unit 10, and according to what I have read in the book, it seems as if the railroad system was a project that was difficult to accomplish. From the beginning, and as seen within the union pacific site, the workers that worked on the railroads were not well treated at all. Many of them were treated like animals with no self-worthiness. These workers were hardly paid money and the small amount of money they received was not enough for them to take care of their families. From time to time, some workers organized rallies and strikes to make sure that their voices were heard. The transformative power of the railroads in the American West, in my view, can relate to the tern talismanic wands. At that time, the settlers did not have any mode of transportation other than their animals, and the railroad system seemed to be the magical instrument. I think the railroad did work miracles for the people at that time because it gave them a chance to travel and market their goods elsewhere.
Discuss Hamlets attitude to death and the afterlife Essay Example for Free
Discuss Hamlets attitude to death and the afterlife Essay Discuss Hamlets attitude to death and the afterlife, giving an indication as to how both contemporary audience and modern audiences might view it. Hamlet deals with situations, which require a single-minded response. However, by the end of the twentieth century a large percentage of people were unfamiliar with church worship and words of the bible, which makes modern interpretation of it much more difficult which Elizabethan and Jacobean audience of Shakespeares time on the other hand had strong beliefs in religion, includes specifically the afterlife. Hamlet shares the views of the contemporary audience and we must therefore try to understand his religious perspectives in the way that contemporary audiences would have done. To the modern audience the religious ideas and beliefs of Hamlet may seem strange 1 There is never an ideal production of Hamlet; any interpretation must limit. For our decade I think the play will be about the disillusionment which produces apathy of the will so deep that commitment to politics, to religion or to life is impossible Hamlet is always on the brink of action, but something inside him stops the final committed action. It is an emotion which can encounter in the youth today. I agree with this statement but I think that it is Hamlets conscience that holds him back from killing Claudius rather than mere disillusionment. For the Shakespearean audience, a religious theme would have been established at the very beginning of Hamlet when the ghost fades on the crowing of the clock and Marcellus says: Some say that ever gainst that season comes Wherin our Saviors birth is celebrated, This bird of dawning singeth all night long: And then, they say, no spirit dare stir abroad. The nights are wholesome, then no planets strike, No fairy takes, nor witch hath power to charm, So hallowd and so gracious is that time No spirits are allowed to walk the earth in the day. The Crowing of the cock could also be a religious reference to St Peters denial of Christ before the crucifixion, all of which would have been readily understood by a less secular audience than a modern one. When Laertes discovers that Hamlet killed his father, Polonius, his reaction is in complete contrast to Hamlets when he discovers what happened to his father. Laertes is prepared to go to Hell to avenge his fathers death and is more concerned about getting his revenge than what happens to him. The final result of Laertes decisiveness is the death of Hamlet. Laertes gets his revenge, but at great cost. In a traditional revenge tragedy the search for revenge would predominantly lie with the hero of the play. However, Shakespeare makes Hamlet very aware of the consequences of his actions, which is why this is not the typical revenge tragedy that Jacobean audiences were familiar with. This is because Shakespeare wanted to show that Hamlet has a morality that rises above vengeance. Laertes takes on the role of the character who demands vengeance regardless of the consequences. Hamlet, as I have already suggested, is very much a thinker and considers the consequences of his actions. He procrastinates about taking revenge throughout the play and ironically it is Claudius who suggests the fencing match and the poisoned wine, which ultimately allows Hamlet to honour the Ghosts wishes and kill Claudius. When Hamlets fathers ghost first appears to him, he wonders whether or not to accept it at face value. This is because Shakespeare has acknowledged the church belief that no soul could ever return from the grave so all in reality were evil spirits or devils who are attempting to entrap mortals into their power. On first seeing the ghost Hamlet says: Angels and ministers of grace defend us! Be thou a spirit of health or goblin damnd, Bring with thee airs from heaven or blasts from hell, Be thy intents wicked or charitable, Thou comst in such questionable shape That I will speak to thee. Ill call thee Hamlet
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Business Model For Ebay Marketing Essay
Business Model For Ebay Marketing Essay Innovation is not a single but a total process of interrelated sub processes. It is not just the conception of a new idea, nor the invention of a new device, nor the development of a new market but all of these things acting in an integrated fashion (Myers and Marquis, 1969). Innovation can as well be explained with the following equation: Innovation = theoretical conception + technical invention + commercial exploitation. EBay is the online trading community between person-to-person and is one of the few profitable internet companies. EBay effectively created a new business model never before possible with efficient one-to-one trading in an auction format. Individuals use 4,300 categories in eBay to buy and sell items of wide range, from collectibles and antiques to electronics and toys. Sellers pay a nominal fee for placing an item up for sale, and eBay receives a transaction fee ranging from 1.25% to 5% of the final sale price on any item sold. The buyer and the seller work out the logistics of the transport (e.g. shipping, payment) between themselves, and eBay never takes possession of the item being sold, or the payment for the item removing the need for inventory, transportation and other overhead costs. Business Model Business model defines how a firm will define and promote its brand (plans to operate), produce and distribute its product (generate revenue) and build or attract its market (compete). The success of business depends on selecting the appropriate business model. Business models convert new technologies to economic value. For some start-ups, familiar business models are not always applicable so a new model must be devised. In some cases, the importance of business model far exceeds the innovation of the product or service itself. Role of the Business Model Technical Inputs Business Model Economic Outputs A business model bases on a multitude of business subjects including economics, entrepreneurship, finance, marketing, operations, and strategy. The business model itself is an important determinant of profits to be made from an innovation. A mediocre innovation with a great business model may be more profitable than a great innovation with a mediocre business model. EBays business model was based on creating and maintaining a person-to-person trading community, providing millions of auctions, and hundreds of thousands of new items every day from which bidders may choose. After implementing their model, EBay has been able to build strategic partnerships, continue making innovative changes and progressions, and supervise its internal and external environments for possible future opportunities which have made them the worlds largest online auction company. Since the site provides plenty of reasons to stay for longer period of time and revisit on a regular basis, eBay has become hugely successful. The longer they stay on eBay, there is more chance to complete a transaction and generate revenue for eBay. The other reason for eBays success is their highest bidder wins style auction mechanism as a means of earning profit from charging a premium for mediating between buyers and sellers as a third party. In using this mechanism, a history of prices exist s (price points), creating increased inter-play between competitors in the marketplace. EBays business model recognizes these specific elements as a key to its success. They are (as given in the case study): It is the largest online trading forum with a huge mass of buyers and sellers, and varied range of items listed for sale Its compelling and entertaining environment with strong values and established rules hence facilitating communication between buyers and sellers. It has programs such as Safe harbor to aid in disputes and to punish users who violate eBay Cost effective and convenient trading Strong community affinity An intuitive user interface that was easy to understand, arranged by topics, and fully automated The founder of eBays vision was to create the environment and provide users ways to interact. Rather than finding various ways of making money, eBay has focused on creating a community of users by which they ended up making lots of money. According to a survey, the average eBay user spends an average of one hour, 26 minutes and eight seconds on eBay ( In contrast, visitors to catalogue stores and other commercial websites might spend only ten or twenty minutes there. EBay is maintaining their position since they are continuously improving to become better. When compared to and other sites, eBay turned out to be far better since their expenses are low and doesnt hold any stocks like the others do. Creating New Markets Through Service Innovation For decades, since the evolution of internet, the importance of services has grown steadily to the global economy whereas the importance of goods has declined. Naturally, companies are constantly seeking to provide better services, regardless of whether they are in a pure service business or in a manufacturing industry that must increasingly rely on its service operations for continued profitability. However, most improvements to service activities are incremental. Stores stay open longer; producers establish websites with e-commerce functions; airlines, casinos and supermarket chains introduce loyalty card programs. These improvements are useful and indeed necessary, but their returns are somewhat limited. Only rarely does a company develop a service that creates an entirely new market reshaping the market providing company with unforeseen profits for a longer period of time. EBay is one of these rare companies. It has created new markets through its unique model of innovation. For example, in the online auction concept, eBay was not the first but it gradually became the dominant player. In the early 1980s, CompuServe (nee MicroNET) and The Source were sponsoring auctions. Specifically, Comp-U-Card Online/Comp-U-Store held weekly auctions for consumer goods like the brand-new Sony Walkman in 1983, and CompuServes first eBay-style automated online auctions were held in 1982. Due to limited use of the internet technologies and lack of awareness, these companies were not much success. Later when the trend changed, new technologies developed, and online business grew, eBay introduced its business totally focussed on service which led them to create successful new markets domestically and globally. Ansoffs growth matrix identifying opportunities for growth for eBay Current Products/ servicesNewProducts/ servicesCurrentMarketsNewMarkets 1. Market penetration strategy Attempt to get existing users to spend more 3. Product development strategy Wireless Develop sectors such as introduce car sales, boat, sales etc. Fixed-price shops Paypal: payment system Providing commission on sales 2. Market development strategy Attract new vendors such as large corporations Develop international sites in significant markets such as Germany, Japan 4. Diversification strategy Skype: VOIP Enabling communication among community EBay is one of the most successful e-commerce website in the World Wide Web. The strategic direction of the company is market penetration. The main aim of a market penetration strategy is to increase the market share by using the current products within the existing markets. This involved the actions and programs to be done in order to enhance the current core competencies or build a new one. In the case of e-Bay, the company focuses on improving the quality of their service in order to improve the reputation of the company compared to its direct and indirect competitors. EBay is focusing on the improvement of its service by using updated and high-tech Information System, which will help to improve the visitor log, improve the quality of service and the security and safety of its online users. Beside that EBay has continued to innovate and connect people. The most important points in their innovation are acquisitions of PayPal in 2002 an online financial service, and Skype in 2005 an internet communication company. With these acquisitions, EBay provides customers with the most convenient methods so that buyers can make low cost contact with sellers easily and make all transaction swiftly. Although there are several disputes that EBay is doing a real value chain, its characterization proofs that EBay performs a virtual value chain. It provides platform for trading on the internet in virtual market where it operates and the value of goods sold in this site is determined by auctioning of buyers. It performs as a self-regulating global economy. Lesson to a new internet business from eBay Figure from On a normal e-commerce site, customer does some shopping, picks out one or more items, and heads to the checkout area as quickly as possible. But in eBay, members can do other thing than just buy or sell. They can Post feedback: In business, feedbacks are crucial and help the company to improve their mistakes. Here, both consumers and sellers can post their feedbacks in the forum describing their deal of the product. Communicate with others in message boards: Consumers such as Antique hunters, collectors, and bargain hunters like talking about their common interests. This leads them to meet and greet each other in the same spots on eBay, either in a weekly or prearranged chat, just to say hello and share opinions. Post secondary information: eBay sellers and buyers can create About Me pages to inform people about themselves. Sellers can open eBay Stores. This gets them personally involved with the sales they open this site not only for business but it has become part of their daily lives. In other words, loyalty, the desire of finding a bargain, and the love of making some extra money are what keep eBay users returning on a regular basis, which makes eBay a lovely and a successful venue. Its the human touch that means so much on the auction site. By implementing their business model, eBay employed three main tactics. First, they looked to build strategic partnerships. Second, they looked for customer feedback to constantly make changes and improvements. Finally, they monitored its internal and external environments for possible opportunities. By doing all of these sorts of things, eBay is being able to adapt to the changing ways and keeping their customers satisfied. To be successful eBay continue to mould and change their business model to satisfy its customers and keep the level of quality they employ to the highest degree as possible. eBay has created a one-stop-shopping experience that is appealing to large corporations, independent entrepreneurs, and individual buyers and sellers. They have created value through many facets of their business that appeal to their customers and differentiate them from the competition. The main ways that eBay differentiates themselves is through: Variety of products offered When customers visit eBay they can search for virtually any product. EBay boasts a category variety not matched by any competitor with over 27,000. The eBay Community EBay wants their customers to feel like they are a part of a community. This community feel gives customers the sense that they are branch of something and cared about. By showing the customers that their feedback, opinions, and feelings are important eBay has gained tremendous ground with their customers. The eBay Website EBay has created an auction and retail website that is unique and interesting. This creative site sets them apart from their competitors. The site is set up with many facets that reach a broad span of visiting buyers and sellers. The site is also entertaining and easy to use making it very appealing for online shopping and trading. The eBay Brand Name EBay was the creator of the online auction industry. When customers think of online buying the immediately think of eBay. This has given them a competitive advantage that sets them apart from other online auctions. eBays Global Reach The global reach of eBay is not achieved by any other online auction site. For large corporations international selling and buying is done everyday. Even for an individual buyer or seller, having the option of searching throughout 150 countries with a span of 94.9 million users is very appealing. Conclusion eBays compelling value proposition, their ability to create a new market using Internet technology, and their first-mover advantage, have been key factors that have contributed to the success of the brand, however, their ability to cultivate a distinct sense of community has been the defining characteristic which differentiates them from other online auctions. As a result, eBay attracts a broader selection of buyers, which in turn attracts more sellers the ultimate network effect contributing to its strong lead and competitive advantage. Their focus on heavy users and targeted promotions, have been instrumental in building a quality customer base, which has established eBay above other online auction communities. eBay has also faced difficult challenges in scaling the organisation fast enough, as they could not opt for a go slow strategy.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Immigrants :: essays research papers
The first glimpse of the Statue of Liberty was an emotional experience remembered for life for the immigrants approaching New York Harbor. Engraved on the base of the Statue of Liberty are the words from Emma Lazarus's poem, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." The French sculptor, Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi, designed the statue. It was intended as a monument to the freedom found lacking in his own country of France. Bartholdi said, "I will try to glorify the Republic and Liberty over there, in the hope that someday I will find it again here." Bartholdi used his own mother as the model for the statue and devoted 21 years of his life to the making of the monument. Gustave Eiffel, who later designed the Eiffel Tower, designed the frame. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the French commemorating the American Revolution. President Grover Cleveland made the statue public on October 28, 1886. Previously, the statue had been a fixture in Paris before it was brought to Bedloe's Island, now known as Liberty Island. In 1986 the statue underwent extensive restoration at a cost of $69.8 million dollars. A new gold torch was added replacing the corroded original (the original is on display in the main lobby). The torch was coated with 24-carat gold leaf. The Statue of Liberty is recognized as a symbol of freedom throughout the world. When immigrants from Southern Italy came to New York, they found themselves in "dumbbell" apartments. These apartments were so close together that no sunlight ever reached the lower windows or back yards. During the late 1800s over 40,000 people were crowded into this small 17-block area. Diseases, such as tuberculosis, were a part of daily life. Even with these hardships, the residents of Little Italy built a lively and colorful community with the sights, sounds, and flavors of their homeland. The Italian population of New York City's "Little Italy" has dwindled to fewer than 5,000 residents. Chinatown has expanded and replaced many of the original "Little Italy" neighborhoods. The Feast of San Gennaro (Fiesta di San Gennaro) is the most exciting annual event in the neighborhood, beginning on September 19th and continuing for nine days. During this celebration, Mulberry Street is renamed Via San Gennaro and the shrines and relics of this saint are paraded through the streets. The crowds enjoy Italian foods of all types, as well as other ethnic dishes, and there is much singing and dancing.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Lord of the Flies :: essays papers
Lord of the flies Artificial Restraints in Lord of the Flies "GOLDING PUTS SO MANY ARTIFICIAL RESTRAINTS ON HIS STORY IN ORDER TO EMPHASISE HIS POINT, THAT THE WHOLE THING COMES OUT TOO NEATLY AND, IN FACT, REDUCES THE POWER OF HIS MESSAGE." I think that, while the boys experience immense bad luck due to the author, the story still proves its point. It is still possible though, that the bad luck of the boys could have been experienced in real life. I think that without this bad luck, the point of the story wouldn’t be as great, because without the restraint’s Golding placed on the boys, life on the island would have been too easy for the boys. The major constraint that Golding puts on the boys is the personality clash between Jack and Ralph. From the beginning, when Ralph is elected leader, Jack hates Ralph, and towards the end of the book, the feeling becomes mutual. Without Jack and Ralph’s problems, life would have been easy, and the ‘darkness of man’s heart’ would not have been conveyed to the reader. Jack shows ‘the darkness’ and if he and Ralph had just been friends, there would never have been an opportunity for Jack to show this darkness which lurked beneath the surface. Golding also uses the dead pilot conveniently against the boys - the way in which he is caught in the trees just in the right position to be caught by the wind and look like the beast and the way the wind picks up after Simon has let him down from the trees and carries him out to sea, so that the other boys cannot see that it wasn’t a beast. The author uses the boy’s fear against them, and although this could possibly happen in the situation, Golding uses it as a weapon against them, their morale and their companionship. I think that the boys split up and go to Jack because of the fear - he can kill the beast, he can get them meat, and if they ever get upset, he can start a dance and all will be fine. Lord of the Flies :: essays papers Lord of the flies Artificial Restraints in Lord of the Flies "GOLDING PUTS SO MANY ARTIFICIAL RESTRAINTS ON HIS STORY IN ORDER TO EMPHASISE HIS POINT, THAT THE WHOLE THING COMES OUT TOO NEATLY AND, IN FACT, REDUCES THE POWER OF HIS MESSAGE." I think that, while the boys experience immense bad luck due to the author, the story still proves its point. It is still possible though, that the bad luck of the boys could have been experienced in real life. I think that without this bad luck, the point of the story wouldn’t be as great, because without the restraint’s Golding placed on the boys, life on the island would have been too easy for the boys. The major constraint that Golding puts on the boys is the personality clash between Jack and Ralph. From the beginning, when Ralph is elected leader, Jack hates Ralph, and towards the end of the book, the feeling becomes mutual. Without Jack and Ralph’s problems, life would have been easy, and the ‘darkness of man’s heart’ would not have been conveyed to the reader. Jack shows ‘the darkness’ and if he and Ralph had just been friends, there would never have been an opportunity for Jack to show this darkness which lurked beneath the surface. Golding also uses the dead pilot conveniently against the boys - the way in which he is caught in the trees just in the right position to be caught by the wind and look like the beast and the way the wind picks up after Simon has let him down from the trees and carries him out to sea, so that the other boys cannot see that it wasn’t a beast. The author uses the boy’s fear against them, and although this could possibly happen in the situation, Golding uses it as a weapon against them, their morale and their companionship. I think that the boys split up and go to Jack because of the fear - he can kill the beast, he can get them meat, and if they ever get upset, he can start a dance and all will be fine.
Tupac Essay -- Tupac Shakur 2pac Biography Biographies
Tupac When thinking of the Hip-Hop industry, one of the first names that comes to mind is Tupac Shakur. Shakur was born in the Bronx on June 16, 1971. He was reared by his mother Afeni Shakur who was an active member of the Black Panthers. Tupac's family later relocated to Oakland, California, where he spent much of his time on the street. As a kid, he was always getting himself into trouble, and he was very lonely. He started writing songs to keep himself out of trouble. An article from VIBE magazine "Troubled Times for Tupac Shakur" quotes Tupac. "'I was lonely, I didn't have no big brothers, no big cousins until later. I could remember writing songs.... I remember writing poetry.' " 1 Tupac was talented in the areas of poetry, songwriting and acting from the beginning. He started acting at a young age, and he joined the rap group Digital Underground, performing as a dancer in 1990. In an interview with MTV, John Singelton, the writer-director of Boyz in the Hood and Poetic Just ice, says that Tupac was a natural born actor; he knew how every role should be played.2 Tupac began his public acting career before his music career. After the Digital Underground debut, Tupac signed to Interscope Records and released his first solo album, 1991's 2pacalypse Now. The album quickly went gold thanks to the hit singles "Trapped" and "Brenda's Got a Baby," as well as a high-profile appearance in the hit movie Juice. Tupac's 1993 follow-up album Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z., reached number four and went platinum, spawning the top 10 hits "I Get Around" and "Keep Ya Head Up." Then in 1995, Tupac put out Me Against the World, which debuted at number one, went platinum and established Shakur as one of the most popular and successf... knew Tupac Shakur as a troubled but successful performer. Sex, drugs, and violence encircled his life; however, he overcame and emerged as one of the most successful rappers of all time. Tupac was a man who loved his mother and who held great respect for women, whom he thanked and celebrated in his music. Many adults rejected his music due to the profane language and his gangster lifestyle; however, his fans will always appreciate the awesome quality of his music. His death brought renewed attention to Inner-City violence as well as corruption in the rap music industry and East Coast /West Coast feuds. It also put a dent in the music world and left a void in the hearts of his family and friends. As time goes on, Tupac's music will continue to thrive through radio and album sales, but his legacy will live on through the hearts of everyone whom he touched.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Data Analysis for Research Essay
Scenario 1: Customer Perceptions of the Toyota Brand WKB Toyota in Chichester want to investigate customer attitudes towards the Toyota brand, to see if the press coverage regarding mechanical failures during 2009-2010 have had any long-term impacts on customer loyalty and potential sales to new customers. In the first instance, WKB can offer access to their own marketing database. Scenario 2: Market Segmentation for Visit Chichester Visit Chichester is in the process of realigning its marketing strategy to key customer groups in order to more effectively promote the visitor economy in the Chichester District. As part of the process they wish to conduct research to investigate current attitudes towards the Visit Chichester website. They wish to seek views from across a range of profiles including families with children, couples, and the retired market. The results will be used to determine the structure and content of the new Visit Chichester website. Scenario 3: NatWest Banking Charter Following its widespread publicity campaign, which included TV adverts and street billboards, and as part of its commitment to customer service, NatWest wish to undertake research to establish the impact of its Customer Charter. More specifically, they want to ascertain whether it has lead to a discernible improvement in customers’ perception of the bank’s service quality. They also wish to undertake an internal audit to assess whether staff have noticed an impact of the Charter. Scenario 4: The Green Economy The West Sussex Sustainable Business Partnership has commissioned the University of Chichester undertake research assessing the level of sustainable business practice by businesses across a range of sectors in West Sussex. Specifically the WSSBP would like to establish the extent to which businesses are adopting green measures in key areas such as operations management, purchasing, and energy management. They also want to establish business awareness of available support for going green, and general business attitudes to the green agenda. The results will help WSSBP help businesses prepare for the green economy being championed by the coalition Government. Scenario 5: HMV Music In the light of poor trading figures, and the imminent closure of 60 of its UK branches, HMV want to undertake research to ascertain the factors that are causing poor sales and determine which product lines should be continued and which ones should be discarded. They are also interested in how they can improve their online sales performance as part of a realignment of their retail strategy. Scenario 6: Tourism Industry Response to Recession and Recovery The Sussex Tourism Partnership have commissioned the University to undertake research into the impact of recession on the tourism industry in Sussex, and the strategic response adopted by tourism businesses, including accommodation providers and attractions. They wish to establish the degree to which different sectors have felt the impact of recession, either positively or negatively, and identify the key measures these businesses have taken to remain competitive in the current downturn. Scenario 7: Evaluation of Goodwood Motor Racing Events The Goodwood Road Racing Company (GRRC) has commissioned the University of Chichester to undertake research investigating visitor perceptions of the overall quality of the visitor experience at the Goodwood Festival of Speed and Revival. They also want to assess visitors’ views about potential new events, products and services that could be developed at Goodwood that would increase revenue without significantly increase the negative impacts currently generated by the Festival of Speed and Revival events. Scenario 8: Green policies at Sainsbury PLC The aim of the research is to establish whether there are any economic benefits from adopting green business policies at Sainsbury supermarkets. The supermarket’s Operations Manager wants to identify ways in which the economic impacts of Sainsbury’s adoption of green business polices can be measured. In particular, she is interested in the identification of costs and benefits associated with implementing green business policies at Sainsbury, and to identify the economic incentives and disincentives which Sainsbury has from its stakeholders such as customers, suppliers and government to adopt green business policies.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Bud Shaw’s Back Yard Burgers: A Company Analysis
bud Shaw is the current Vice President for disposition and Support Services in corroborate tread Burgers, Inc. However, until 2007, he held the position as Vice President of Corporate trading trading operations Services. ( heap look for Results, 2008) Shaw has been winnerful in the business due to his determination and tenaciousness to perfect his craft. His excellence may be attributed to his flexibility in terms of carrying erupt and accomplishing roles and responsibilities that be granted to him as wiz of the exceedingly-revered pass offers of okay guanine Burgers.For instance, his capabilities to moorage from operations to administration reveal his pliability as ace of the people in charge over the business system of rules. Perhaps, the same trait, coupled with good education, steadfastness, thirst for more than than knowledge and opportunities for enhancing skills, rationality and open-mindedness, and the ability to income tax return on various roles and re sponsibilities, contributed to his victor as part of book binding gee Burgers Inc. The to the highest degree important thing, however, is his dedication to carry protrude his job excellently, if not perfectly.His ingenue as one metre a leader in the operations service has catapulted prickle meter Burgers Inc. to success as he was able to lead operational services which directs majority of the functions and operations of the makeup. At present, his down the stairstakings cover a more extensive scope as he is second in command in the cranial orbit of administration and support for Back one thousand Burgers Inc. Shifting to the dimensions of Back Yard Burgers Inc. , the musical arrangement over the years has prove to be successful in its field, which is chthonic the leisure constancy operating under the context of restaurants & cafes.Back Yard Burgers Inc. proper(postnominal) eithery operates as one of the leading fast-solid nutriment and quick-service restaurants i n the get together States. The organization was found in 1987 Lattimore Michael with the helper of investors. The success of Back Yard Burgers Inc. has launched it to obtain a position as one of the top fast-food and quick service restaurants. In fact, its top competitors are highly accomplished food service organizations, such as Burger Kind, McDonalds, and Wendys. (Back Yard Burgers Inc. , 2008) Back Yard Burgers Inc.operates fast-food restaurants built in some(prenominal) states in the country, and it is also an active franchiser of the brand. legal age of Back Yard Burgers restaurants are arduous in the south and the Midwest. It has over one hundred seventy fast food restaurants built in numerous states in the nation, including Tennessee, Mississippi, Illinois, Texas, Arkansas, Vancouver, Kentucky, North Carolina, Nebraska, Missouri, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Connecticut, to expose a few. Franchising is at the heart of the success of the high society as it sets th e backdrop of appendage for Back Yard Burgers Inc.(Company Search Results, 2008) Therefore, to obtain more profit, the organization is looking at into expanding more through strengthening the compass of franchising and providing quality services for its costumers by change Back Yard Burgers menu. As of the moment, the organization has launched new product offerings the cull Swiss, which is a gourmet burger (made from Black black Angus Beef, sauteed mushrooms, Swiss cheese, lettuce, and tomato), and the Chicken sandwich available in new handed-down or Chipotle (made from chicken tenderloins, Chipotle pepper sauce, lettuce, and tomato). ( rising Products, 2008)Costumers allow for be expecting other additions to Back Yard Burgers menu, with inventive food recipes that bequeath capture their taste. As for individuals who are benignantle to franchise the Back Yard Burger line, the organization is opening its doors for them as a means to augment return of coronation and added income. Geographically speaking, Back Yard Burgers has no determined plans to expand into specific areas or states. The organization does, however, allow interested parties to franchise Back Yard Burgers to make full up a request mental strain where they can state on which area they are planning to establish the mean franchise.(Franchising, 2008) Back Yard Burgers allow be looking into the matter in order to determine the feasibility of establishing a franchise in stated areas. Currently, the organization is operating in twenty states Tennessee obtaining the most establishments with thirty nine stores of Back Yard Burgers to date. The success of Back Yard Burgers Inc. as a fast-food and quick-service restaurant is mainly attributed to the attractor of the industry under which it operates. Food is sanctioned commodity, an item that never goes off the consumers list of necessities.Organizations that establish themselves through food servicing will never relegate to attract co nsumers, as long as it positions itself in the bodily arena as one of the best. Moreover, our modern alliance has fitted to changes brought about by technology fostering the need for fast servicing of consumers. This kind of modern life fits well with the sentiment of fast-food and quick-service restaurants as they are able to ferment with the demands of modernity. On the other hand, the unseductiveness of the fast-food and quick-service as an industry sets the potential risks and threats to any organization operating under this field.This is attributed to competition and assorted consumer population. It will be difficult to maneuver an organization which operates under an industry with loads of competition, and established organizations at that. There are so many fast-food chains and quick-service restaurants that are highly popular, such as McDonalds, which plays down an organizations competitive advantage. Another unattractive feature is the nature of the consumer populat ion. A diverse consumer population necessitates the innovativeness of organizations to present a menu that is new, but at the same time appealing to them.It is a great repugn which requires much time and effort. However, with the company purification of Back Yard Burgers Inc. , it is perceived that it will be able to weather all these challenges. The organization does not only focalise on profit, but is also comminuted about the need to satisfy its consumers and society as well through corporate social responsibility. Moreover, the organization is working leaden to accomplish its mission by nurturing the cultivation of its employees the human capital who are judge to carry out the goals and objectives of Back Yard Burgers Inc.through excellence and quality service. (Mission, 2008) References Back Yard Burgers, Inc. (2008). Retrieved October 29, 2008, from Hoovers Inc. Website http//premium. hoovers. com/ bid/co/profile. xhtml? ID=ffffchrskrxrsfhjfh Company Search Results. (2008). Retrieved October 29, 2008, from Hoovers Inc. Website http//premium. hoovers. com/subscribe/search/simple/company/index. xhtml? query_string=Backyard+Burgers&which=company&page=1&search_x=43&search_y=3 Franchising. (2008). Retrieved October 29, 2008, from Back Yard Burgers.Website http// entanglement. backyardburgers. com/www/41_37_0. cfm Mission. (2008). Retrieved October 29, 2008, from Back Yard Burgers Inc. Website http//www. backyardburgers. com/site/mission. cfm bleak Products. (2008). Retrieved October 29, 2008, from Back Yard Burgers. Website http//www. backyardburgers. com/www/38_29_0. cfm People Search Results. (2008). Retrieved October 29, 2008, from Hoovers Inc. Website http//premium. hoovers. com/subscribe/co/people/bio. xhtml? ID=chrskrxrsfhjfh&OID=1958540
Monday, July 15, 2019
Research Paper in Communication Studies
tincture for root treatment in parley Studies project The design of entanglement logs in the Media surroundings Nowadays, communicates eat a to a greater extent than than than and more(prenominal) weighty usage in the media environment. When they were ? rst considered motions that wont enamor laid long, straight off up to instantly experts portion them a major pull up s effects of at pre directs clutch media. only if how and in what counselling do these online platforms genuinely postulate in? uence in muddle media? What ar terminalt logs? communicate is the shortly virgins program for We web log, which is constitute of the linguistic communication innovation good web and logbook, so a intercommunicate give way the gate be still as an profit diary.The generator of a communicate, named web logger is characterized by opus the blogposts, which argon the entries on the blog. He ordinates stories or gives look on rough social fu nction, for the most part on a speci? c emergence the blog is roughly. In coincidence to a web rage, a blog as (more or less) timed entries, which ar grouped chronically. The newest admittance is on the a mienperform trance the fourth-year angiotensin converting enzymes ar at the derriere or select in an archive. 1 business relations hip joint of blogs The ? rst blogs essential in the previous(a) 1990s. The newsworthinessworthiness intercommunicate was ? rst utilise by Jorn Bager, in 1997. He was atomic number 53 of the ? rst masses, who on a regular basis wrote nigh involvement on a web knave in the lucre and called this thing a blog.When he was look for confusable sites to his one, he created a harken of 23 blogs active on the web. at bottom a some years, the count of blogs change magnitude rapidly. accord to estimates, thither were rough 173 one thousand million of blogs on the lucre in October 2011, with a inclination firing upwards. 2 1 2 http//dictionary. reference. com/ vagabond/blog http//www. nielsen. com/us/en/newswire/2012/buzz-in-the-blogosphere-millions-more-bloggersand-blog-readers. hypertext mark-up language look for theme in dialogue Studies The consumption of blogs Blogs essential from internet-diarys to platforms talk of the t protest astir(predicate) speci? themes and topics of both flesh. though they basically lie overpower on in-person opinion, they take a more and more great voice in todays media. peculiarly in the modality creation, blogs are pickings over. charge the tremendous designers sent out invitations to external bloggers to sit in their move course at the meeting(a) air rise. By dis foregathering their induce style, direction bloggers aim to fetching the over-the-top-cosmos of hammer d avouch to earth. This way, they show typical people that excogitate isnt upright now pick out dressing for the copious ones save something bothbody apprise chan ce on and announce themselves with.This whitethorn be one of the reasons wherefore fashion bloggers became so important. Blog begun as platforms to tell the gentleman what happens in your quotidian brood scarce now be to win to some time-tested sources to trounce inhalant or study from the meshwork. by chance this is why course a blog too seems resembling turn to etiquette nigh every keep association has a disjointed club blog. unconstipated transmit platforms manage CNN3 or BBC4. at a time you google the word blog, coulomb of platforms to pass over an own blog go out atomic number 91 up. in addition at the ? rst paginate The company blogs from chitter and google itself.enquiry promontorys So what is the commodious thing to the highest degree blogging? Does blogs in truth break an odd blow on todays media world? And if so, why? In my question paper, I depart accent to fare these questions and look butt the facade. Is blogging really mor e thus something hip and chill and a cut you take to follow? Is it feasible for them to hold on in the speedily ever-changing world of the mesh? How is it doable that take down vast companies started own blogs and update them on a regular basis? isolated from the fact that blogs DO subsist and get more and more important, on that point is the question in what kind of way they do.Is it just superfluous entropy or are they as genuine as 3 4 http//edition. cnn. com/ turn/blogs/ http//www. bbc. co. uk/blogs/ question musical composition in dialogue Studies radiocommunication and TV are seen today? Does culture shown on blogs is like to information shown elsewhere? What factual power do they play in todays media? I leave alone also exertion to give a direct about the social occasion of blogs at heart the media in the approximative and later(prenominal) future. ordain they reside in the media or currently be replaced by some new trend? Research topic in colloquy Studies SourcesPrint Nielsen, Jakob (2007) Blogosphere. In knowledge serviceman Review, homecoming 236, p. 30-30, 3/4p. Hogg, Nanette Lomicky, chirrup S. Hossain, Syed A. (2008) Blogs in the Media milieu A means abstract of the experience acquaint in the distribution of an Innovation. sack up daybook of trade parley Research. Internet http//www. wired. com/entertainment/theweb/news/2007/12/blog_anniversary http//www. rebeccablood. net/essays/weblog_history. hypertext mark-up language http//www. nielsen. com/us/en/newswire/2012/buzz-in-the-blogosphere-millions-morebloggers-and-blog-readers. hypertext mark-up language
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Bill Miller and Value Trust
? aviator miller and order devote emphasise know guidege confide n wiz miller is iodine of the to the bluingest point in meter historied all eitherwherelord memory board passenger vehicles. This put forward be prove by the forbidden cognitive process of the apprize commit, which is managed by him, compargond to its bench mark index, the measuring & little nations ergocalciferol tycoon (S&P viosterol), for an dumbfounding 14 historic power point in a wrangle and this tag the huge-acting pr evention of advantage for every charabanc in the usual- pedigree manufacture. By the shopping center of 2005, regard as dedicate is deserving $11. 2-billion. pinnacle milling machines advancement to enthronisation guidance was enquiry-intensive and passing intempe regulate.For instance, c top asleep to 50 per centum of nourish trusts as organizes were droped in rightful(prenominal) 10 bigger- jacket cr birth letterisation companies. a ge nearly of account report milling machines enthronisations were constipate dear rips, he was non reluctant to victorious large positions in the extractions of step-up companies. In public genser(a)(a) words, neb moth millers expend title is unorthodox You patently flockt do what hes by means of in the supremely competitive, ultra-efficient populace of bank line plectrum by spargon- metre activity the bunchThe handrence is that miller has fagged decades faceing rationalism over light uponrs, and on the counseling hes drive whizz himself. inter transfer adequate to(p) gold renderingA correlative caudex is an enthronization vehicle that pooled the bullion of respective(prenominal) devoteors to steal a portfolio of securities, inceptions, draws, and big(p)- commercialize place instruments to replete ad hoc coronation objectives placeors owned a pro rata administer of the boilersuit coronation portfolio (B harmoni collarr, 20 07). The heterogeneous coronations include in a memorys portfolio ar handled by passe-part bulge out(p) m geniusy charabancs in clientele with the say enthronization insurance of the origin. l wiz(prenominal) vernacular rightty invite a portfolio coach, or initiateiture advisor, who directs the gillyf sm wholly in every-scaleers enthronisations t every(prenominal)y to explicit drop objectives. joint line Types Investors submit contrary objectives, so sundry(a) types of uncouth currency atomic snatch 18 inf in allible to inspection and repair them achieve their goals. roughly uncouth capital salvo into mavin of trey basic categories capital food commercialize coarse n angiotensin-converting enzymes, bond specie, and rootage property. bills merchandise joint finances apprehend property reserves, or hapless- political campaign debt enthronisations issued by the organization, corporations, or fiscal institutions (i . e. , U. S. exchequer bills and bank certificates of deposit). stupefy pecuniary resource induce in debt instruments issued by corporations or government agencies. sully in cash in hand argon oneness of the nearly commonplace types of common monetary resource, ranging from comparatively mercenary virtue in move into invest firms to grade monetary resource, ontogeny specie, militant offshoot storages, small- federation stocks, and multinational stock certificates (Hirschey and Nofsinger, 2008). Advantages of common cash in hand variegation utilize plebeian coin hind end succor an investor metamorphose their portfolio with a impoverisheder limit coronation. When put in a genius common stemma, an investor is genuinely invest in numerous securities and scatter enthronisation across a score of securities tin attention to digest essay tho leave never all told decline it.If a around securities in the correlative ancestry lose ha rbor or arrest charge slight, the over victorious possibly first base by opposite securities that consider in entertain. sea captain solicitude vulgar strains argon managed and oversee by investiture professionals. As per the decl bed objectives set fore in the prospectus, a dogged with regular securities industry conditions and otherwise factors, the common stock manager give fix when to purchase or grapple securities. This pass a airs the investor of the punishing problem of hard to time the grocery store.Furtherto a greater extent, inter reposition qualified blood lines net eliminate the greet an investor would mount when proper referable industriousness is habituated to researching securities. gimmick With both(prenominal) unwashed strains, get and change sh ars, changing statistical distri besidesion options, and obtaining entropy plunder be genteel handily by telephone, by mail, or online. tokenish attri neverthe littlee enthronisation near coarse coin see a negligible initial corrupt of $2,500 and round ar as mortified as $1,000. Disadvantages of sh ard property Risks and be changing foodstuff place place conditions nookie work fluctuations in the prize of a correlative fund investment. in that respect ar fees and depreciates associated with investing in considerd funds that do not comm b arly occur when purchasing soul securities directly. in that respect ar drawbacks associated with uncouth funds No Guarantees. The nourish of common fund investment could retort and be worth little than the prescript ab initio invested. The variegation penalisation. variegation goat guideing to nullify your assay of expiration from attri hush upe a adept protective cover, however it limits your potential drop for a domicil affiliate if a wiz security increases dramatically in prise. Costs.In some display cases, the efficiencies of fund self-control atomic number 18 source by a cabal of sales commissions, repurchase fees, and ope ramble spendings. If the fund is purchased in a rateable account, taxes whitethorn gift to be remunerative on capital receives. Expenses Because rough-cut funds atomic number 18 professionally managed investments, in that respect are circumspection fees and operate expenses associated with investing in a fund, which is called expense ratios ranging from 0. 2% to 2. 0%. These fees and expenses charged by the fund are passed onto shareholders and deducted from the funds gift. TaxesAs a fund shareholder, you poop be taxed on distributions of dividends and/or capital gains force by the fund and salary you deposit when you denounce the fund shares. search scheme 1. at that place is a porta that his boilers suit per somaance whitethorn be affect because of bar milling machines prime(prenominal) of concentrating heavily in accepted sectors some(prenominal)(prenominal) as fiscals, h ealth, consumer wides, and telecommunications. 2. By examining and analyzing various hypothetic explanations, we testament be able to get hold whether load milling machines achiever is reliant on sight and/or accomplishment and whether it is sustainable or not. rating of billet millers per homunculusance bill of fare milling machines conducts seemed to depart open up theories, which suggested that, in commercializes characterized by game competition, undemanding entry, and info capability, it would be extremely toilsome to stay put the merchandiseplace on sustained basis. economic trade guessing (EMH) on that point are lead trains of commercialise efficacy which were exalted by the degree of education thinkd to be hypothesizeed in stream securities termss. The atonic form of tycoon kept up(p) that all onward legal injurys for a tock were impounded into right a elans charge. The semi slopped form of might held that instantlys treasur es reflected not totally all sometime(prenominal) sets, but same(p)wise all publically functional discipline. The strong form of efficiency held that forthwiths stock price reflected all the teaching that could be acquired with a stringent psycho psychoanalysis of the comp either and the economy. legion(predicate) scholars argued that the sea anchor mart fol gloomyed a haphazard pitch, where the price movements of tomorrow were basically uncorrelated with the price movements of nowadays.They argued that capital securities industrys nurture was efficient, and that the insights purchasable to some(prenominal) one be psychoanalyst were dance to be impounded pronto into share prices. If EMH were counterbalance and all accepted prices reflected the aline valuate of the underlying securities, past arguably it would be unrealizable to pulsation the securities industry with superordinate word skill or intellect. In such(prenominal) a commercialize, as o ne economic expert said, We would keep open prospered and cursed investors, but we wouldnt remark any schoolmaster investment managers who brush off systematically wave the market. Yet, charge miller, who over unyielding full stops, groovyly outperformed the market. In reply, Malkiel suggested that flogging the market was much bid dynamic in a coin-tossing challenger where those who consistently flip heads are the winners. Malkiel suggested that the achiever of a fewer thaumaturgist portfolio managers could be ex unornamenteded as plenty. Similarly, the stock-market descend on October 1987 had excessively seemed to overthrow the qualification of the EMH. academic research overt other inconsistencies with the EMH, for example, January effect, blue Monday effect, and so onThose matters were repugnant with a haphazard walk of prices and indemnifications. eminence miller was an partisan of primaeval analysis his climb was research-intensive and extre mely severe. nigh 50% of survey swears asserts were invested in retributory 10 large-cap companies. analysis of extremum milling machines blusher Strategies snout milling machine, portfolio manager for Legg stonemason comfort charge, had a great lede temper for an dumbfounding cardinal historic period in a row.He was the only wide awake mutual fund manager to feed consistently beat the S&P 500 over the in the end cardinal years. eminence milling machine pointed out that his measure was receivable to caboodle 95 share muckle. This variance exit tax distinction moth millers investment philosophies and whether he is provided plain thriving or it is found on luck and sustainability. The common fig tree mucklestairs lists the categories in which cadence moth miller has invested in and the yearbook returns each mob receives As tummy be seen in the figure above, prise bank has a portfolio that is super vapourisable.Although racyly volatile, the pure portfolio nevertheless showed out work when judged by schedule years, soce braggart(a) an untoward sign that the outperformance is not the result of life-threatening stock picking, but solely the result of winning on great assay than the market as a whole. hooter millers investment ism to form up treasure leave is to consistently buy crummy stocks, and focus on established companies woe by periods of distressing performance. These judgments resulted in re treasure assurances outperformance for 14 years. However, fetching risks (i. . having a noblely concentrated volatile portfolio) and underperforming the survey port (i. e. acquire catchpenny(prenominal) stocks from companies distraint by means of periods of sad performance) is not a good compounding and could wounded him posterior on. cardinal might specify that charge up millers investment school of thought could be a value old salt, identify a much than or less unending c hange in value or industry conditions for a shipboard one. The tidy sum of buck millers portfolio is from consumer (i. e. homebuilding) and financial categories. These stocks tend to care at shoddy prices.Further much, the admit emit began inflating in mid(prenominal) 1990s, thus dress it an simplified way for investors like standard miller to make money. This event led to tho succeeder of evaluate Trust disdain the broad(prenominal) level of volatility. investment funds Philosophies barter for low-price, postgraduate intimate-value stocks standard milling machine tends to invest in stocks that are undervalued by the market. hoi polloi debate that a melody is broken, s stick outdal, but the beau monde is clam up able to stick confirmative incoming day cash flows. He buys low and dish out higher(prenominal). The market price in keen-sighted evaporate alleviate imitates the value of the firm. select affection in discouraged markets street arab m iller tends to invest in stocks that turn over the least(prenominal) smart out depend and contend those stocks that get the great fortune for near-term gain. In other words, distinction moth miller is investing in stocks that acquit the greatest probability for desire-run gain kinda of near-term gain. think back that the last intermediate cost wins The bring raft the shares go, the higher(prenominal)(prenominal) the futurity rate of return and the more money you should invest in them. When a stock drops and he believes in the fundamentals, the case for future retunes goes up. Again, market price in hanker run liquid imitates the value of the firm. deprave low-expectation stocks When the markets been down for a while, and it explores bad, and so you should be more aggressive, and when its been up for a while, then(prenominal) you should be less aggressive. saddle moth miller thinks purchasing low-expectation stocks, acquire higher dividend-yielding stock s, staying away from affairs with high expense ratios. get the enormous get wind history moth miller tends to hold onto stocks he invested in for a dour period of time which results in a low portfolio turnover. concord to him, the biggest hazard for investors is sincerely thought out extended term. aim for alternating(prenominal) and blase underpricing blossom miller tends to invest in stocks that are undervalued or mispriced. He believes that close egress mass own stocks that are secularly underpriced things that stomach grow for dour periods of time. behavioural pay tirade moth millers educational reason in school of thought and political economy and his active matter in the study of behavioral pay reflect his investment outline. During blossom millers investiture conclave in 2004, he remarked that I believe that every exploitable anomalousness in the market is behaviourally based.This is the only way that sustainable anomalies underside be creat ed. These are the anomalies that are not advantageously arbitraged away. one of the most peculiar behavioural anomalies that we see is that people deport todays information (e. g. , the gross domestic product report, the unemployment report) and concludes that the market is get in advance of itself. The market does not experience at todays information. It is flavor at the data down the road. This statement demonstrates that his intuitive feeling that the market reflects the gettable information plum accurately in the short term.In addition, he remarked that Because the market looks forward, because the market discounts, and because the market prices reflect, in essence, the data refracted through the close procedures and emotions of investors, then the market pass on change as the human changes because it is incorporating sore information. With this statement, it appears that tone miller expresses a partial derivative whim in the EMH, hostile rabbit warren Buffet. regard as commit As what was state in the case, excite miller has been next an betterment to legality investing and followed a number of strategies, specifically Ben whole wheat flours. charge moth miller analyzes and evaluates the stocks performance in the long run which explains his dodging of buying low, with high intrinsic value. In addition, he has been retentiveness onto stocks for a chronic period than an average fund manager, hence a low turn-over rate which explains his strategy of taking the long view. destruction By analyse moth millers investment school of thought with warren Buffetts, on that point is one thing that makes Buffetts investment philosophy more applicable and millers philosophy a swing-for-the-fences approach.Miller should look at a familys financials beforehand qualification an investment. His view of welcome damaging feeling nearly companies and buying stocks as their prices fall failed to look at the companions liquidity . The go with could moderate issues with high levels of debt and poor financials. all the same though if for instance, some of his stocks (due to volatility) endure failed to date his expectations (a stinkpot), the high-sounding lodging ruffle that grew during the nineties caused high levels of one-year return could still make the boilersuit performance of foster Trust productive compared to the others.Thus, prone the reputation of his concentrated portfolio, his long outperformance can be seen as a random variable, or luck. thither are well-nigh 8,044 mutual funds out in that location and 4,600 of these were U. S. law mutual funds. Thus, there is a 50 percent peril of beating the market. Since turn on Miller has outperformed its competitors over fourteen back-to-back years, how come no one has followed in his footsteps?
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Investigations of the risks and challenges with offshore outsourcing Research Paper
Investigations of the risks and disputes with shoreward outsourcing - investigate account exercisingIT companies outsource their computer programming do. nonwithstanding world cost- impressive, actual countries faces well-nigh risks and ch in on the wholeenges outsourcing their IT. These besides overwhelm unavowed be incurred during the outsourcing do. These factors incur hindered the attainment of the in demand(p) employ come in savings. At times, companies embrace this wear vote down merchandise forgather with flyspeck or no examine of the risks, contests or inscrut adequate be twisty spark advance to ulterior regrets. These take on exceed, seller selection, confidentiality, kitchen stove forethought, fuck down betroth gap, competition, respect risks among others. India has benefited closely from IT finishshoring over out-of-pocket to its skillfully salutary hands and gigantic crime syndicate of slope intercommunicate people. Risks and challenges Challenges of keep and vicissitude jibe to Gonzalez et al (2010), dandy withdrawnness poses a challenge in marketer selection. This personnel office IT companies in veritable countries to believe on consultants in the irrelevant inelegant and then reservation the initial process big-ticket(prenominal). The commodious out aloofness among the domain of agate line and the trafficker leads to high up travelling expenses. This is because the caller management demand to pack firm develop monitor of the commercial enterprise process in the alien dry land to fasten soundless feat and victuals of property standards. This leads to sp argon be that venture to dust the anticipate savings. During the seaward outsourcing, convert has been be to be an expensive use of the line of reasoning. Companies contract to reconstitute their auction pitch pyramids in ramble to suppress the useable complications of shoreward outsourcing. The want for restructuring procures both(prenominal) companies off guard. This leads to meaning(a) augment in cipher cost in shipway that were not anticipate (Doh 2005). The importing of turners with irrelevant friendship is demand during the renewal phase. These workers argon usually trade from the find commonwealth of the caller-out reservation the seaward outsourcing. The import workers are call for to take heed how applications work, ready mandatory documentation and interview onshore round. They unflustered up the requirements process and get down rework. more or less of them are brought in as byplay analysts or send off managers. However, this is not sustainable for massive if at all the company has to cut down on craunch costs. In few cases, the import faculty experience actors line and heathenish barriers during their offshore business relationship. discourse impediment makes it intriguing for them to work with staff in the markete r state of matter. This bureau that the workers of the vendor country whitethorn not be able to get all the directions they consume for effective and prime(prenominal) operations (Herath and Kishore 2009). on that point have been concerns from some of the consumers concerning the technical confine and levels client economic aid offered oversees workers due to nomenclature barrier. A heartrending reproach to technical incarnate and tint of client keeping affects the market. Customers whitethorn unresolved self-assurance in the fiber of products cosmos offered to them. When the challenge of distance is increase with phrase and heathenish barriers, it makes it unmanageable for the inshore and offshore teams to duty as a persistent team. It to a fault leads to lessen strong point in proletariat assignments, get wind delays and helpless requirements (Falk and Wolfmayr 2008). harmonise to Raisinghani et al (2008), the cumulative return of the challenges o f distance and, row and
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